Hello. I was wondering does anyone know why Jardiance helps CKD, how does it work? Especially for people who don’t have diabetes.
Jardiance : Hello. I was wondering does... - Kidney Disease

I don't think they fully understand why, but it has been clinically proven. Originally the drug was targeted at people with diabetes but some of the control groups did not have it and still showed efficacy. Eventually a clinical trial showed it directly (I think DAPA-CKD is the trial). I see you are doing some reading! Reduced glomerular pressure is one theory.
Thank you bumblebee. Are you taking one? Any side effects?
I took it for 2 months and it actually lowered my gfr from 20 to 14. But I had no side effects.
oh that’s low, did the doctor say it would go back up after a while?
As of this week it went back up to 16, but they don’t think it will go back up to 20.
I’ve been off it for 2.5 months now.
My last eGFR was 18. I was getting out of breath going upstairs. And breathless walking, also falling asleep at work. Two weeks ago I saw my Cardiologist. He was concerned as my BNP was up well over 5000. He put me on Jardiance 10mg daily saying there were three reasons it would be good for me: 1. It was indicated for heart failure, 2. It would lower blood pressure slightly, 3. It would have a mild diuretic effect. I have been on it for ten days now and feel great. After about four days on it my breathlessness going upstairs was gone. I was not breathless walking, I was not as sleepy at work, although still a bit. I did lose 4kg after the first four days. I saw my Nephrologist last week. He did not seem to think much of Jardiance. He said a bit withering that it was a diuretic. He said no wonder I felt better as it had removed four litres of fluid. He would not have given it to me as he said it was ineffective at eGFRs of under 30. He said it would work for a while. I have read that it can cause eGFR to drop, Am getting bloods again in two weeks and will know then. But in summary as far I as am concerned up to now it is a miracle drug as I am no longer breathless and much less tired. But probably too early to tell until I have the next bloods.
Pontios, thank you for replying, because I actually have a BNP of 500. I know it’s less than yours but that is the other reason I’m wondering about Jardiance, hoping it could help both problems. I have some shortness of breath and coughing. Have you had any side effects? My eGFR is about 45, so I wonder if Jardiance could help me for both.
Hi Sarah_402, I have had no side effects from Jardiance. The only effects I have had are feeling better, more awake, more diuresis effect, less or no shortness of breath. Only on it now ten days. I will post any significant change in eGFR when I get repeat bloods in a few weeks
I've been on Jardiance since January, so far, no bad side effects. Check it out on Drugs.com to find them all. The one I'm worried about more than any others is the perineal infection it might cause. That could lead to some major side effects. It hasn't done much for my diabetes #s but since I've been on it my eGFR has stayed the same, 30 but my proteinuria has gone down quite a bit. As an aside it was my neph who put me on it.
My bloods 6 months ago had me at 51 eGFR, and because I'm not diabetic and in good shape, my neph didn't want to put me on Jardiance.