Are soft drinks Pop like Coke zero not allowed on a renal diet. I have not yet seen a dietitian? It will be hard to give it up. Thanks!
what can I drink in CKD stage 3: Are soft... - Kidney Disease
what can I drink in CKD stage 3

Soda or Pop is just junk for your body. Even the zero kind. The connection with colas and CKD has to do with the phosphorous content more than anything but the additives, and fake sugar are terrible for you. Try alternating with water every other drink to cut down on it and eventually get off of it. I know it is hard to change a habit but this one you will be glad you did. If you need the bubbles, try carbonated water with flavors, but check to see if there is additives like fake sugar and salt in there first. That stuff is not good for you either.
You can probably drink whatever you want, your diet is most likely not what's damaging your kidneys. If you are diabetic, pre-diabetic or suffer from metabolic syndrome then yes cleaning up your diet will help with your primary condition and that will also help your kidneys to recover. I agree with @Bassetmommer, that stuff is poison and better avoided.
Dear Chilly59,
I'm going to 'disagree', with bumblebee_tuna, in so much as I don't necessarily think that Coffee is 'That Good' for Kidney Patients. I would Limit your intake to, maybe 2 cups a day.
I'm going to recommend, based on my own experience(s) that you try 'Plain Water, With a Slice- Or Two- Of Citrus Fruit Added. Let me explain....... Buy yourself some Good Quality Citrus Fruit AND A Resealable Drinking/ Storage Bottle. (you will also need a Strong container, for the fruit too)
Carefully Wash The Fruit, before cutting a 'Good Couple Of Slices' (they don't have to be the same fruit, try say Orange & Lemon/ Lime & Grape and so on). Add these to your Storage Container/ Drinking Bottle, give it a Good Shake and the let it Stand- in the fridge, if you want. It will be Ready To Use, by the time you are out- at the Cinema, At College, At The Skate Park, Even the Shops!
You can add 'other' flavours too, but Be Careful.... A Mouth Full, Of Ginger- with your Salmon might NOT be exactly right😬. Ditto Cinnamon, with your Chicken Roll🤢. On the 'other hand' a Piece Of Apple may, very well, Complement your Ham On The Bone well😀.
I am Away, for the Week, now Chilly BUT, if you Do want, any more ideas then please Do ask, I'll reply on my return. In The Mean Time
Take Care, Of Yourself
ive given up sodas completely.i drink just plan water or add a flavor packet...sugar free.and two cups coffee with splenda.
You might try Spindrift sparklin water. It has 15% real juice and no sugar. The Pineapple flavor is super. It might help replacing the soda
yes drinking soda is an addiction and it is hard I was a bad Diet Coke and Coke Zero drinker but I knew my kidney were getting worse and both of those have phourous in them I was like you I thought it would be hard but when I did it I just did it cold turkey and switch to water and before long it was one month two moth a year and so forth since I had one I didn’t know I was so addicted to it nutty will see changes if you give it up. Good luck to you .
My Nephrologist said "No" to any colored sodas (cola, rootbeer, etc...) and limit of 1/day of "clear" sodas (7-up, Mt. Dew, etc...). And no diet or sugar free anything - what they put in those to replace the sugar flavor is worse for everyone than sugar! I believe it's even banned in Europe (just like margarine is).
I ate a lot of sugar, drank a lot of zero drinks. When I decided to give them up to protect my kidney function, it was really hard for the first few days, then it became less of a problem, then a few months later, I felt so much better, not even slightly tempted. Its the first few days that are hardest, use whatever works for you, drink so much fruited water that you are not thirsty, get support from people.
Thanks I am only one to support me but I will try that. Kind of weaning first before cold turkey!
Hint water has saved the day for me. I also drink plain old water but Hint is fruit infused water, no sugar no anything else at all. It comes in lots of different flavors, with no sketchy additives. Just a little light flavor. Very safe!! I'm on a 64 ounce per day fluid intake per my dietician (stage 4 ckd) and I'm cautiously optimistic that these dietary changes are improving my numbers.Educate yourself, be mindful! Best of luck! I know that the soft drink/soda addiction can be powerful. You can do it!!