I was just diagnosed with FSGS and they favored secondary they don’t know the cause because it seemed very old. Anyway igG, IgA, IgM, C3, C1q are all negative. I can show u my test if you’d be willing to help. I’m sharing this because I’m an overthinker I can’t stop thinking about my condition.
Renal biopsy test. : I was just diagnosed... - Kidney Disease
Renal biopsy test.

Ok please share


I also was diagnosed with FSGS. That was in 1992. Mine was traced back to a case of strep throat I had when I was 9. 2-3 months later I was in the hospital with nephritis - an inflammation of my kidneys. Doctors said it would reoccur later in life. It was 30 years later when I was diagnosed with CKD.
Back then they didn't know how a change in diet could make a difference and stabilize your eGFR. Learn everything you can about CKD, makes it all less scary. Take a look at the NKF webite kidney.org Also davita.com has a free kidney class on line. Stay hydrated, don't take NSAIDS, and start a kidney friendly diet. See a dietician.
Take care.
FSGS is an umbrella term for a pattern of injury (scarring). Some patients respond to steroids, some are steroid-resistant. Some are genetics and generally progress slowly (my FSGS is genetic), some are due to circulating blood factors and can progress fairly fast.
nephcure.org/ is an organization dedicated to FSGS and other rare kidney disease.
I am happy to hear that all of those tests came back negative!
It depends on what tests, but usually that means good! Ask your doctor to be sure. Never be afraid to ask your doctor questions!