BP meds: 1. What BP meds do you folks take... - Kidney Disease

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BP meds

BillB2008 profile image
9 Replies

1. What BP meds do you folks take and times a day?

2. And what stage are you at?

3. Give a small description of how your current BP meds have helped or not helped?

4. Where's your BP at right now?

5. And doe's anyone currently or in the past experienced joint pain, if so, what did you do/take to help relieve your symptoms? ie; supplements, BP meds, diet, fluid intake, etc etc?

I currently take/using Telmisartan 20mg, was taking 40mg, but ran out and Furosemide 20mg.

Although I can keep my BP under control I experience really painful joints which I attribute to CKD not filtering the toxins from my body............ as a result the toxins get's into my joints and causes inflammation of the cartilage and surrounding tendons.

My hamstrings have become really stiff making bending over a painful experience. 😔😖

I haven't ever been diagnosed as having any type of arthritis and this all came about in the last 2-3 months. Arthritis builds up over time. But it feels like a bad case of arthritis. 😔😖

I was using Acetaminophen 325mg two tabs when needed, but I stopped taking it because I didn't notice any difference in my pain levels?

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BillB2008 profile image
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9 Replies
Bassetmommer profile image
BassetmommerNKF Ambassador

To Bill, In answer to your questions

1. What BP meds do you folks take and times a day? I take Irbesartan 150mg (cut down from 300) , and now carvedilol, 25 mg split into two doses, and 5 mg of amlodipine. The carvedilol is new in the last two months and took a LOT to get used to. My BP was hovering around 140 to 130 but over 70. My neph wanted it lower and now it is 120/130 always over 60. I do feel tired at night when I take the last dose of carvedilol and amlodipine. I take it with dinner and I sleep much better

2. And what stage are you at? Stage 5

3. Give a small description of how your current BP meds have helped or not helped? They have lowered consistently my BP and it is help take the stress of my kidneys. I am trying to stay off dialysis as long as possible.

4. Where's your BP at right now? See above answer also my heart rate is nice and low hovering around54. I also take an aerobic class twice a week and try to walk two miles a day.

5. And does anyone currently or in the past experienced joint pain, if so, what did you do/take to help relieve your symptoms? ie; supplements, BP meds, diet, fluid intake, etc etc?

To this, please have yourself checked for gout. People think it is only in the toes. Nope, It can be everywhere. The test is for uric acid levels. I have a huge issue with it because I have psoriatic arthritis PsA and yes, that can come on suddenly. PsA changes your blood acid levels so I fight it with medications. There are many forms of arthritis and gout.

So have a CPR test along with a SED rate for inflammation. Don't let the doctor talk you out of it. With CKD, uric acid levels are an issue. Pain in not fun but there usually is a real cause.

S_dillow profile image

imm on 4 different bp meds including carvedilol and amilodpine.i also take furosemide.they keep my bp at a decent roar but i have arthritis which makes it rough .i am 3b .yes it affects everyone in different ways

Chimama profile image

Hello I take metoprolol and Cardiologist raised my dose Wed. Pressures running in high 150/80. I used to take 50 mg but after being in ICU with septicemia and small bowel blockage they’ve gradually increased it in small increments. Beta blocker helps with my palpitations too. Hope you stay well .

userotc profile image

By adopting a personalised Nutritional Therapy protocol, my mum:

(i) weaned off her only medication (a bisoporol) a few years ago, and her BP is typically 115/75.

(ii) with an egfr of ~60 (from 36 post-nephrectomy 5.5y ago), she possibly would now be stage 2 except she has some proteinuria, albeit at level not of concern to nephro (up to 0.44g/24h).

(iii) she does have spasmodic aches/pains which are undiagnosed eg recent arthritic-like wrist.

Blackknight1989 profile image

1. Lisinopril

2. CKD stage 4. EGFR 17-21

3/4. Normally keeps BP sub 130/85. Without 165/100.

5. Poly-osteoarthritis. 2 knee replacements, 2 hip replacements, 2 ankle arthrodesis (fusions) and 20 plus surgeries since ‘98. Need both shoulders replaced, need lower back surgery and cervical disk fusions but no more surgeries unless life-threatening, I am sick of the hospital and I’ve had some anesthesia problems in the later surgeries. Plus, not sure the kidneys can take it again as eGFR usually falls to sub -15 and creatinine jumps to 6/7. So all that “extra” information to say yes, I am familiar with joint pain. I take only Tylenol, Omega 3, and use A LOT of ice and heat. My last surgery I got hooked on the narcotic pain meds and stayed on them about 3 years. By that time they had stopped working and I was taking a scary amount. Quit cold-turkey and it was perhaps the worst physical withdrawal ever. I didn’t crave or want the meds but my body sure did. Like having the worst flu and anxiety ever, for about 3 weeks. Plus about a month of the inability to think clearly. So, no more ever. Of course, NO NSAIDS as those are kidney killers! Sorry, TMI, and I’m always too long-winded. Hope this helped you some. Best wishes on your CKD journey and I hope you find some relief for your pain!

Silkdog profile image

I am currently taking Metoprolol (25mg) and Amlodipine (10mg). I have a minor side effect (dizzy) the first week I took Metoprolol, it quickly went away. My current BP is mid-130s over mid-70s (it's regarded as normal with my age). I test my BP every morning and also take EKG test (with Kardia) every morning and result is mid-60s. I take the BP medications after breakfast and AFTER I do those tests so they won't have any interference.

I am currently at Stage 3a. No pain and no CKD symptoms.

Reese4 profile image

Atenolol for many years. In the beginning for PVC's but it also keeps my BP under control in the high 120's/60's to the 130's/70's. When other bp meds have been added they either lowered bp too much or in the case of amlodipine shot way up. I do best on just the atenolol.

I'm stage 3a and have been since 2004 at least.

My joints are fine but I do have arthritis in my thoracic spine for which I find liquid turmeric to work well in alleviating the pain. Must be cautious though as it can increase urinary oxalates. I use it rarely but choose it over nsaids when really necessary.

chicablue profile image

Hi Bill, I took Losartan for years once a day, but a couple years after I entered stage 5, my potassium was too high. My Neph gave me a new script, dont recall the name, but it caused my heart to race and I couldnt tolerate it. My b/p at subsequent ofc visit was only 130 so she said maybe I dont need to take a b/p med. Try without. My next lab work showed a GFR a point down. So next they gave me amlodipine, which just didnt work and caused mouth and throat problems. Next b/p med was Clonidine. Well this works good, but just too good. I experimented and found it works for me best if I take it at night and only every other night.

If I take it in the daytime I cannot stay awake! It also caused dry eye and dry mouth.

Without medication my bp was running 146/70. Now the way I take clonidine averages 130/63

Yes I have arthritis and bursitis. I am 76, developed bursitis in my 30's, probably from taking ballet for 3 years. They called it dancer's hip. I have hip and shoulder joint pain. I also have the tendon problem and if I bend over to pick up anything off the floor I pull my right hamstring every single time, and Tylenol is not much help, I agree! But I cant say my b/p meds have increased my joint pain or arthritis any. My old Neph who retired suggested I try tonic water for the leg cramps. I try to remember to drink a little every night before bed.

renegade70 profile image

i take 25mg. metopropol 1 x per day por hbp. 5 mg. lisinopril 1x per day for proteinuria. 150 mg. allopurinol per day for uric acid have had attacks of gout before taking this med. vitamin d3 1x per day. 2 mg. lorazepam 1x per day at night for sleep.by the way lorazepam is processed through the liver.occasionally a tylenol.

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