I went to my nephrologist two weeks ago. They took my BP and it was absolutely perfect - 118/62 which is hard to believe because my BP is usually high in the doctor's office. At the time, I was taking 10 mg of Amlodipine (maximum dose) and 100 mg of Metoprolol. I was SOOOOO happy!
So the nephrologist looks at my ankles and he clearly doesn't like what he sees because they are puffy (from the Amlodipine - a known side effect). He decides it's time to change my BP medication so he tells me to keep the metoprolol and add 50 mg of losartan which I do.
I made the change in medication and suddenly my BP shoots up into the 170/90 range! I call to tell him and they said to take an additional 50 mg of losartan which I do. My BP is still up there in the 160s even with the additional dose. I called my primary care doctor who is on vacation but her substitute says to keep taking it and monitor BP because it takes time to take affect. I agree to this.
I am totally flummoxed as to what to do because I just don't feel right. Who has control over my medication - my Primary or my nephrologist? Which doctor is the blood pressure expert? - I'm not sure. Before I did have puffy ankles to the point where my shoes didn't fit but at least my BP was controlled! Now...who knows? Mary