For those of you on BP meds......what do you take. I have read that ace and arbs are great for kidney protection....but tend to lower your gfr....has it done that to you,??? How ois that confused.
Blood pressure meds: For those of you on BP... - Kidney Disease
Blood pressure meds

This is one of those things that you have to trust your physicians. Be sure that all of your specialists know about all of your health issues. When my doctors want to prescribe a new medication I look it up on and find out what it says regarding my other medications and my other health issues. There are times when the best choice for one health issue is detrimental to another health issue. That's where you have to decide. For example, When I found out I had CKD, I had been on an aspirin regimen for a long time per my cardiologist. I had to make a decision. Because my blood pressure was not well-regulated I decided to stick with the aspirin but switch to Tylenol for all other aches and pains. My reasoning was that if my kidneys deteriorated I could always go on dialysis, but if my heart failed, I was a goner. My new cardiologist had to stop the aspirin due to my surgery last month and when I see him later today with really great blood pressure numbers, we will probably decide that I no longer need the aspirin. It's an informed choice.
Based on each person's health issues and the degree of the problem what works for one person may not work for another. Other factors also come into play. Race, gender, age, body mass, and activity level are other factors.
I'm on three different blood pressure meds. They are to be taken at various times throughout the day. Hydralazine, Carvedilol and Amlodipine work for me but with some of my other meds they are spread throughout the day and I avoid any possible interactions, even minor ones.
Your best bet is to set up a free account at and list all of your medications and get up-to-date information on any possible interactions. You can also sign up for newsletters providing you with medical alerts, new drugs and recalls.
I hope this helps.

Well...he put me on toprol xl ...a beda blocker, until I see the cardiologist....ordered more blood work and a kidney ultrasound....we will go from there
Who is "he?" Is your PCP prescribing blood pressure meds? I know some folks have to due to insurance issues. Other than general health issues I prefer to see a specialist who knows the specific area I'm having an issue with. To me, and I know this doesn't apply to everyone, it's like going to get my eyes checked and seeing a podiatrist. I think it's got to do with me being older and wanting someone who specializes in the area I'm having an issue with. Best of luck. general doc.....until I can get in with the cardiologist nd also a kidney doc.....those are not appt
You get in a bp was 186/118
And my heart beat is high.... I had a choice...and I chose to do this until other tests are done and specialist are avail
The GOOD ONES take a while to get in to see. My doc is trying to push them along....I WILL be seeing them as soon as possible
That makes sense. It's difficult, but try not to get too down at this point. You are being proactive, and that's a good thing. When you do see a specialist they may just tweak your meds or switch you to something else. Hang in there until then.
I've been there as well. I'd still be with my former cardiologist if this new group hadn't opened an office near where I live.

Thank you...I am trying.....its hard...the kidney issue scares me maybe heart.....and also found a nodule on my thyroid that needs checked......when it rains... it pours. I do good for awhile..then I get all wond and scared again....cant figure how anyone would not be going nuts...
We've all been in the same place you are in. In my case, it was due to the fact that when I was told I had CKD, I obtained copies of previous medical records and discovered I had it for months and wasn't told sooner. Remember that the two leading causes of CKD are diabetes and high blood pressure. I have all three, plus AMD. There's a profound feeling of numbness that takes over and I began feeling that I was going to lose everything. It took about 4 days for me to realize that I had to snap out of it and do something. I started by using the Google machine to find out what my life was going to be like. What I found out was that while there was no cure, there were things that I could do to slow the progression. Then the realization that I had already gotten control of my diabetes and was no longer taking medications to control it. I did something to fight that. It's only been since this past May when I switched cardiologists and he put together different meds and we found the right dosages that I finally was able to control my high blood pressure.
Learn all you can about your health issues and you'll soon realize that knowledge is power.
I too was scared and surprised at the diagnosis. Looking back at previous years of blood work, my kidneys were declining. Previous Doctor did not mention it and even prescribed a daily prescription NSAID for arthritis. This forum has helped me greatly. Agree Mr K, being proactive for ones health is important.

OMG.........all of the recent labs I brought up were from 11/1 when I spent the night with a racing heart and very high bp in the emergency that time my creatinine was 1.34 with a egfr of 40........ now it's been 50 for the last two years. And between 50 and 60 for around 14 years.... my GP wanted a retest that I got today...same hospital..........results blew me away.... creatinine was 1.00 with a EGFR of 55. Why I'm not sure...I do remember having some discomfort down near the bladder area for a couple days...gone now...but I told them about it in ER and they ignored me.....I did get alot of fluid in IV there.....I wonder if I had a kidney stone that is now gone.....either way....I am happy with this......I still plan to see a specialist....for kidney...heart...and the nodule on my thyroid....but am way relieved with this....Kidney ultrasound is tomorrow...
I'm pleased that your numbers went up. I don't want to put a damper on your high but just realize that the numbers that matter regarding GFR is the average over time. As you have seen, your GFR will fluctuate. Don't get too high or too low with each set of labs. High numbers are always better than low numbers but the average is what you need to focus on. FYI, a bladder infection can easily affect your numbers. Given the option if, in the future, you ae expected to do labs and have any type of infection tell the ordering physician and see if you can't delay the labs until it has been treated. The physician should agree but if he still wants to have you do the labs s/he may be looking for something else. Once treated, your numbers should rebound to where they are minus the infection and the medications used to treat it.
I have such vivid memories of that same panic. I walked around in a daze for a few days. But I was raised by a father who had chronic kidney disease. He lived well with it for over 40 years. I found myself thinking a lot about him during those first few days. He is no longer living. However, I know that if he was still alive he’d have encouraged me to get focused on my medical condition. He’d tell me to work with my medical team; to do what they tell me; to become informed; and then to hope for the best even as I prepare for the worst.
He really was an incredible example. So I picked myself up and began. That was the first week of January 2011. I battled stress and anxiety related to all of this on and off for about 2 years. I’m quite the over-achiever. So every time there was a change for the worse with my labs, I’d drive myself nearly nuts trying to figure out what I was doing wrong. In retrospect I have come to the realization that I wasn’t doing anything wrong. I certainly pulled what I could into check as quickly as possible. And I did exactly what my medical team required. I also have become a “student” who has studied my medical issues. (And I must say, I am an A+ student at that🐶) (I’m a university professor; so, a little educational humor there...)
I realized I was finally much more my “old” self about 2 years into this situation. My sense of humor had returned. I had learned how to effectively work with my medical team. They had me up and running fairly effectively. Life had certainly changed. But life was good. I could still do the things I truly enjoy—just with some modifications.
I’m now in renal failure. I have been since early January of 2017. I’m still not on dialysis. And I’m still fighting to preserve the remaining renal function I’ve got. (Creatinine 2.8-3.0, eGFR 15-17). I’m also awaiting a decision from a kidney transplant center as to whether I will qualify for a transplant. I think I’m ready to hear their decision either way... and I’ll start with PD dialysis when the time comes. If that isn’t working well for me I’ll advocate for solo home hemodialysis. (That’s a newer option that was FDA approved in August of 2017. So people who live alone, such as myself, now have an in home HD dialysis treatment option.
You can do this. I think you’ll feel less stress as you learn more and really take control of your medical care. I now see myself as a person with CKD who will live a good life. And, don’t underestimate the benefits of a positive attitude on all of this!!
I have taken the cimbo pill of Lisinopril with Hydrochlorothiazide (diuretic) for several years until my new doctor switched me to just the Lisinopril. Her thoughts are I may be dehydrated and that could be why my numbers range from 44-48. Waiting a couple weeks then doing a 24 hr urine test to see if it makes a difference .

The most important thing is to get your BP under control. High BP is not only causing more damage to your kidneys, but could also be damaging your heart.
What one medication works for me, may not for you - or vice versa. I am a 20 year transplant recipient and I take Toprol XL and Cardura.
Due to high BP in my early stages of CKD, I have a lot of scarring in my heart. I have an ECHO every year to make sure it has not gotten worse.