urinating more frequently at nite with kidney disease
kidney disease stage 3A. dies anymore have ... - Kidney Disease
kidney disease stage 3A. dies anymore have this ?

im 3b and i do go more often at night but im on a water pill and four bp meds .it usually nails me about midnight.

Very common to have more urination, especially if you are drinking a lot of water during the day as you should. Stop taking in any liquids at least 4 hours before bed and that might help. Also check your sugar levels.
Hi I have stage 3a and can go a few times at night I tend to stop having water by about 8pm.at night I found that helps .trouble is as everyone knows with ckd you have to drink more so extra wees will occur unfortunately .hope you are ok 👌
My GP swears that CKD does not cause more frequent urination??!
yes, you really start to notice it in stages 3b and 4, but absolutely.
I am currently stage 3a. I usually get up to urinate once or twice during the night. I go a lot during the day! When I asked my nephrologist about it he said it was normal if I was drinking the amount of water I should be.
Bruisegirl69, good advise to back away from fluids a few hours before bed. I found increasing thiamine and magnesium helped me with "sleep walking" because the vagus nerve is connected to the bladder and it along with the brain need activated thiamine, magnesium is needed to activate it, to control bladder urgency. Using vitamin C in the form of ascorbic acid increases urgency whereas whole vitamin C complex from food or supplements does not. Vitamin B6 from supplements can cause overactive bladder whereas B6 in foods does not. Low vitamin D also contributes to bladder urgency too. Always consult with your health care professional before using any supplement.
The answer is yes. During the day, only a few times. But after 6 pm at night, I have to urinate plenty of times including 3 AM.
I am in stage 3b. I found out I have Lipoedema. A very smart Cardiologist diagnosed it. After treatment started, my labs looked better. Sometimes, it isn't just being overweight.
I would say be very happy that you are able to urinate. I never stopped being able to but when I was going to the hemodialysis center, there were quite a few people in there that couldn't produce urine. I got a chuckle when they gave one of those red plastic urine containers to some man and asked he do a 24 urine catch. He said, you can take that back and give me a cup cause that's all you'll get. Personally, I don't think CKD causes more frequent urination.