What symptoms do you experience along with this disease? Does anyone with stage 3b CKD experience extreme tingling and numbness in the legs and arms due to the imbalance of minerals and vitamins?
Stage 3b kidney disease symptoms - Kidney Disease
Stage 3b kidney disease symptoms

ive gotten the tingling in arms and legs and hands before but not often.my main things are swelling and leg cramps.
I am end stage on dialysis but I don’t recall having any symptoms at 3b CKD point in the disease . I think it is different for everyone and how you are managing your lifestyle. If you are having symptoms that are bothersome I would check with your nephrologist or PCP.
I checked with every doctor and specialist, It might be the fibromyalgia then.
That sounds like a good possibility. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia many years ago with similar symptoms. Fortunately the symptoms have been in remission for quite some time. My rheumatologist who specializes in fibromyalgia always said exercise, whatever you can do is the best thing for it.
But fibromyalgia caused post exertion malaise, how can someone exercise and not feel the pain afterwords?

Usually when you are at Stage 3 there are no symptoms. That is what is so dangerous with CKD - you don't know you have it until you are in later stages. I started having high BP episodes and discovered my kidney function was at 50%. I had swelling in my feet and ankles when I was Stage 4 & 5.
You also have to remember that we are all different. Chances are that it is not CKD, but something else.
Take care.
I wanted to rule out these symptoms, because I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia which causes a lot of symptoms. So I wanted to know it’s just that or it’s my kidneys. Thank you 🙏🏻
I am 3b CKD. I got Dengue 5 days ago. Fever was at 104⁰ for 2 days but it has gone now. There is extreme weakness.
The limbs had started getting pain on touching. Arms got redness and both legs got red patches above the ankles.
But by sleeping 18-20 hours a day, things have started improving.
other then high blood pressure I felt fine in stage 3 I didn’t have any problems now in stage 5 trying to hold on. Hope you find a remedy.
What self-care did you take to improve your condition?
I walk ever day for a mile or more. I really think excercise has help and my husband health isn’t good so knowing I’m his caretaker pushes me to make sure I excercise.
you may want to check your magnesium level on your latest lab report. I'm low on it and was researching magnesium and noticed tingling in limbs can be one of many signs of a magnesium deficiency. I've never had any tingling, but I do get cramps and have insomnia problems which are other magnesium deficiency signs. I'm hover between stage 4 and 3b and have no major symptoms.
So, this may account for the tingling that you inquired about. Its amazing the conditions that some of us have. I never knew about all these electrolytes and other chemicals in our bodies until I started to get labs. Thanks for your reply.
Thanks for your reply. Odd, but my electrolytes and minerals are always in the normal range except sodium runs a tiny bit low and magnesium is just on the tail end of the low range. Once one starts checking on these things, you realize just how complicated our bodies are and how different we are from one another.
My electrolytes are normal whenever I do a blood test too but the only thing is out of range is my magnesium. But I feel the imbalance in my electrolytes even when it shows it’s normal. The blood tries to keep everything normal by making it up from the bones and other places.
Hi Serlo. My CKD was caused by an autoimmune disease GPA. In the months before I was diagnosed, I had severe joint pain, muscular weakness, swollen and tingling feet. Ask your doc to request a blood test for C-Anca and P-Anca just to rule that out. It's a very destructive disease and you want to catch it as early as possible. Be safe!

Thank you for your reply. I do have an autoimmune disease it’s hashimoto’s, but my thyroid function is still normal. I’m not sure if my body aches and weakness is from that or not. Sending you healing vibes 🙏🏻
if not had done get parathyroid, calcium and vit d samples all taken in same blood draw to rule out hyperparathyroidism, not same as thyroid. Also get magnesium checked.
I took all three supplements because they were low but the symptoms never went away. I think it’s the Fibromyalgia
it was blood tests I mentioned not supplements as parathyroid issues are commonly misdiagnosed as fibromyalgia as as symptoms are so similar sadly.
When I treated my parathyroid and lowered the levels, I still had all the symptoms
Sorry to read that, how many glands were removed and were all checked during operation?
I actually didn’t do any surgery for my glands thankfully. I refused to because my glands were fine it was just the pth level that was high. So I searched and searched until I found out that calcitriol (active vitamin D) is what I was looking for. When your kidneys don’t activate vitamin D from foods lets says, this causes a drop in calcium in your blood, so what the body does is that our pth levels go up and pull the calcium you need from your bones and drops it to your blood. And we end up having issues with our bones. My nephrologist was shocked when he knew it was the vitamin D that lowered my pth levels
I see that this question about tingling was posted 5 months ago, and being new on this site, I still will give you my response.
I was just diagnosed with Stage 3a, and at the time my legs were constantly burning and aching (not cramping) It started with my toes a couple of years ago and slowly worked its way up to my hips.
Since my diagnosis, I've been drinking lots of water, eating sensibly, wearing compression socks at times, elevating my feet a few times a day and exercising about 30-40 minutes a day. I almost hesitate saying this, but I seem to have far fewer problems now. That did not take long at all.
Also, I've just read that blood pressure medicine can cause those symptoms. I know this is true, because I saw a cardiologist about this a few years ago, and he spotted the problem right away and solved it for the time being. Worked till my b/p meds were upped again.
I'm firmly convinced that meds have caused some of my problems.
Long-term severe CKD (stage 3-5) can cause peripheral neuropathy especially in the extremities. For example, I have been stage 4 since 1996. I first started experiencing symptoms of PN in 2018. By the time I was formally tested and diagnosed I had stage 5 severe PN with numbness, tingling and shooting pains from about mid-thigh down to my feet. My best description of what it feels like to try to walk is “imagine the bottom of your feet are shaped like a Round-Bottom Hulled boat or like standing on a ball trying to walk.” As such I am almost completely confined to a wheelchair.
Link: CKD and PN
I don’t understand the belief that stage 3 CKD is asymptomatic. It CAN be but symptoms of stage 3 CKD include:
Symptoms of Stage 3 CKD may include:
Feeling weak and tired
Swelling in your hands or feet
Skin that feels dry or itchy
Pain in your lower back
Muscle cramps
Trouble sleeping
Restless leg syndrome (an uncomfortable feeling in your legs that makes it hard to sit still or fall asleep)
Urinating more or less often than normal
Urine that is foamy or darker in color than usual
Link: kidneyfund.org/all-about-ki...
Additionally PTH hyperthyroidism is an additional complication of CKD.
Secondary hyperparathyroidism is an almost universal phenomenon of CKD that worsens as CKD progresses. It affects 40% of individuals with stage 3 CKD and 82% of individuals with stage 4 CKD (1). Early management and treatment of secondary hyperparathyroidism are imperative to preserve bone health and decrease soft tissue and vascular calcifications.
Link: journals.lww.com/cjasn/page...
High levels of PTH can cause :
muscle cramps and bone pain
perioral tingling or paresthesia in fingers or toes
Chvostek sign
Trousseau sign
Link: bestpractice.bmj.com/topics...
I provided this information for educational purposes and to perhaps help the OP understand more about CKD in general. My recommendation is to see your TRUSTED doctor and share your issues along with this education if needed to properly diagnose your specific complaint. CKD and it’s affects on all parts and systems of the body is a personal illness. Whereas, we may both be the same stage with the same underlying causes for our CKD yet it will manifest differently in me than you, so see a trusted medical professional as PTH is deadly long-term untreated and PN if caught early enough can be managed and progression slowed. These are just a couple of ideas, I cannot and should not provide any specific medical advice as I am not a medical professional. Best of luck in your CKD journey!