Thank you all for talking to me about soda, now I have another question. I've looked through various websites about CKD diets, looked at various recipes and the whys and why nots of what you should and shouldn't eat. For those of you who live with other family members, how do you balance your special CKD diet with their diet. For example, my daughter has a health condition that requires her to eat a high sodium diet, and my wife, who has cancer, has to be on a high calorie diet or the weight just melts off of her. The thought of trying to follow the renal diet is very stressful on me. Up till now, I've been able to just eat less of what everyone else is eating to try and keep my weight down (have not done the best on that, but trying). How do you guys do this? I can see myself preparing 3 different meals for each meal, it's really becoming overwhelming.
Another Diet Question: Thank you all for... - Kidney Disease
Another Diet Question

It is tricky and you might just have to make three different meals. The sodium for your daughter could be added at the table. Try making foods that have what I call add-ins. For example, pasta. Great for weight gain especially with a high fat topping such as cheese and butter. For you: pasta with veggies, no sauce, but try spray butter or a hint of olive oil and lots of garlic. For your daughter, have her add salt and use jar sauce. I know that is just one suggestion. I make up salad, when I can find good lettuce, and keep it is a container in the refrigerator. When I make dinner, my is heavy on salad, and sometime only salad, and I use lo cal dressing. He gets salad with high calorie dressing, meat and a couple of sides. Is it a pain..... yup. But worth having the meal together. Hope you wife gets better.

When you eat normal foods, you can track it on a web site such as Davita. I assume you have a prescribed CKD diet that tells you how much you can have for protein, sodium, potassium, and/ or phosphorus for the day.
All you can do is exactly what you are doing, eat what is best for you. Figuring out the best way to eat to save our kidneys are challenging. I signed on with a renal dietician but have other health issues that complicate things. You are doing your best and that's just fine.
most meals, you can add salt after. You can make a lot of meals with a few adjustments.
When my sister cooks and I am visiting, she makes it kidney friendly version for me and portions out what’s for me, and then makes a bigger batch of all the rest with any fixings she wants.
so even like chicken legs, she puts no sodium seasongs like garlic, onion, black pepper, and maybe even low sodium rub for me. Mrs. Dash has great seasonings. Then uses a regular bbq sauce or whatever to flavor the chicken legs for everyone else.
It’s not necessarily about making 3 different meals, it’s about small modifications you can make.
I'd like to add my voice to those advising you not to modify your diet without first looking at your labs and consulting with your doctor. The renal diet manipulates electrolytes necessary for the proper function of a large number of organs including your heart, brain, motor skills, etc. So driving numbers out of the normal range (for anyone in your family) can be very harmful. Also, depending on the underlying reason for your kidney issue, the renal diet can actually be at odds with another diet, such as the diabetes diet. So, simply be careful and methodical about working it out for yourself and others in your family - which probably comes easily to you, TheSQLGuy! Wishing you and your family a great outcome!

I agree not all CKD diets are for everyone with kidney disease.
i live alone and hate cookly nightly. What works for me, i found a few easy recipies that were close to a renal diet and looked like easy to freeze. (Lateri sent links to a renal dietician who helped me adjust them.)
Twice a month i do a big cook of 2-3 of the protein dishes and always cook a veggie rice dish. I portion all the foods using silicone cube trays (on amazon) and flash freeze, and then wrap the blocks in parchment and put in freezer bags.
Then i just rotate what i eat for variety, and supplement with more veggies. I also make LOTS of refrigerator pickles just to get more veggies.
I'm new to here, i we allowed to post links to recipies or add pics?