hello all, went for regular check up 9/1/22 and doctor said my global filtration was down some and to drink more water. asked if i should be concerned and he said no not at this time. i am 67 yrs old, male, white. previous 6 months it was 47, 6 months before that was 75. got home same day and pulled up email from doctors office and it gave my lab test and his notes from that day, in his notes he dx me of stage 3a ckd. he did not mention that while i discussed if it was a probem the same day. just not sure if i should most likely start o cut down on sodium and potassium foods at this point. don't want it to get worse.
stage 3a ckd: hello all, went for regular... - Kidney Disease
stage 3a ckd

Here are 2 links from National Kidney Foundation that may be of help to you in discussing Chronic Kidney Disease with your Doctor. kidney.org/nutrition/Kidney...
Re protein intake for ckd3, most websites indicate ~0.8g/kg although the one below indicates only ~0.6 which seems low to me. For 1st site youve provided, 2nd protein link (1st one access denied!) does not provide a figure but seems to imply <0.8. Which fig. do you think?
I realise only RDAs indicated and that it is largely individual eg depends on body muscle etc.
.6 per kilo is what my Renal Nutritionist advises for stage 3

Thanks but I presume you mean 0.6 as 0.06g/kg would be miniscule?
most doctors are idiots. Yes, take control if your diet.
Please be exceptionally careful about putting yourself on a "renal diet" without your doctor's advice and without looking at your lab reports. Taking sodium and potassium (as you mentioned) out of your diet if your lab reports say they're in the normal range can have profound health consequences. Sodium, potassium, magnesium, chloride, iron, etc, are electrolytes - essential for optimum heart and other organ performance. Many don't realize that when things are too low, that this can lead to sudden death. I followed my hubby's renal diet and eliminated salt - my heart went into bradycardia, my blood pressure dropped, and then I passed out three times in a restaurant. (I have since run across people who have permanently lost kidney function due to low blood pressure and more.) Since his transplant (eGFR 50), he has been told to resume a normal diet including the use of sodium. In my view, the renal diet should only be followed if prescribed by a registered dietician or physician.
thanks, not really considering renal diet. My potassium and sodium levels r ok. Some high blood sugar. I am on 2 blood pressure meds and that is only meds I take. My blood pressure is staying normal. He did not say to cut down on sodium or potassium but to try and limit diet sodas by drinking more water. My next appt is march next year. Also the creatinine level is ok too.
i will add, there is no true renal diet or CKD diet, only a diet tailored just for you.
Thank you for that. I was wondering if I should be reducing those things even though my numbers are normal. It seemed risky and I see you agree.
Do you track your food through something like myfitnesspal or chronometer? I think that should be a first step before limiting anything. See what the break downs are. I track water intake through waterllama and it's based on my size and activity level.