How does one distinguish tiredness due to CKD (stage 4) from other sources? The best I can describe it as is brain fog. Is it supposed to be physical as well? I feel as if I'm never sure if what I'm feeling is due to CKD or not.
CKD stage 4 - tiredness : How does one... - Kidney Disease
CKD stage 4 - tiredness
I too experienced tiredness and some brain fog ( some expected for my age). After I was diagnosed at CKD 3b and put on appropriate diet my tiredness/exhaustion and some brain fog lessened. Have you been put on a CKD diet. Attached is link to a National Kidney Foundation aticle on information on CKD and nutrition.
I’ve definitely had tiredness and brain fog too.
Please advise as to what your hemoglobin is & iron panel values & ferritin. What iron pills? Auryxia? What dose of iron & how many times a day? What stage kidney disease? Finally your age & do you have any heart problems or shortness if breath? Thank you.
Cbc, iron panel, ferritin, mpc will help narrow it down. Don’t ignore anemia.
I have the tiredness too. My iron, B12 and folate levels are all within range and my anemia is mild so I'm not sure what to attribute it too. I do take a beta blocker and my nephr thought that might be it so we've reduced it to only once a day. I get so frustrated cause I just can't do the things I used to.
Name of beta blocker? Dose? Frequency? What is your resting heart rate? Blood pressure?
I too have anemia and it isn't bad enough for infusion. I too take iron pill supplement .
Being tired just simply comes with age!!But anemia is a serious issue. Iron infusions at different times, during last 7 years has been a blessing. Many doctors want iron levels bottoming out(patient literally passing out, before being willing to order infusion. This kind of doctor should be replaced. We worry too, too. Much about doctors anger for pushing them for certain things. We pay them. Blessings.
H Nightsky, I am 75 and stage 5, not on dialysis, and I am not tired, unless i do too much later in the day. My hemoglobin and hematocrit are a little low, but other readings are good. Do you have other underlying health problems?
I felt it whilst working a manual labour job, my arms would feel tired like I had been lifting weights the day before and u would be shattered after doing just a little work bit that could be due to the anemia
yeah i get that brain fog as well. Stage 4, but nothing to indicate it is kidney related. Im not convinced though. I think ckd touches on all kinds of changes in your body but that aspect hasnt been well researched. Just my opinion as I can think of no other reason for it