Im stage 4 ckd and please help me to lower my creatinine and help me boost up my gfr. Thanks
Stage 4 ckd: Im stage 4 ckd and please help... - Kidney Disease
Stage 4 ckd

Hi Emelisse!
I don't know how to help you boost your gfr, but are you currently on a renal diet? A renal diet is lower protein and is considered a "clean" diet, due to the push towards wholesome foods that aren't processed. This diet is low in phosphorus, sodium and potentially potassium if your labs require it. Generally speaking, you would restrict food groups high in phosphorus, such as dairy products, nuts/beans, and processed goods. It's also worth noting that this diet is highly individualized and can often be in flux depending on what your labs say. Exercising regularly is also encouraged, since it helps with circulation and overall health.
If you aren't already, eliminating NSAIDs like ibprofen, aleve, aspirin, salonpas patches and other anti-inflamatories (basically anything besides tylenol/acetaminophen) will protect your kidney as well.
Lastly, and most importantly, drink plenty of water! If you don't have a fluid restriction, drinking plenty of water is essential to flush out the kidneys and lower creatine levels. Caffeinated and alcoholic beverages shouldn't count towards your daily fluid intake, as they are dehydrating.
I don't know what all you are doing already and what your medical team is like, so hopefully this helps. Getting in touch with nephrology and being checked more frequently given your stage of CKD can help with preventive care. Also, talking with a renal dietitian (if you haven't already) can give you a better understanding of what your specific needs are.
Good luck!

HI Emelisse,
Welcome to the group. Ladybug's reply was great with lots of good information. Diet is key in preserving kidney function and slowing the progression down. Everyone is different in their needs, but this seems to be key. If you can, see a renal dietician to sculpt a diet specifically for your needs. At stage 4, potassium and phosphorous might be an issue and it makes a kidney diet tricky. There is a lot of information out there and we have a lot of posts here on this site if you look under Topics --------->
If you would like to speak with someone who is trained as a Mentor, please sign up for this service. It is free and very beneficial. National Kidney Foundation Peers.
Bassetmommer (assume you own a Basset Hound), thanks for this link. I am a mentor for BCAN (Bladder Cancer Advocacy Network). I've only telephone mentored 4-5 people in the past 2 years. It helps both the mentor and mentee.
Hi, I can tell you about my experience. I tried and tried to lower creatinine but nothing seemed to do it. I had been taking Chitosan with not much change so I decided to increase my dosage and bam, it went down. Just had labs done Friday so I’ll see if it continues. It also raised my GFR a point. May not seem like much but when you’re stage 5, it’s HUGE! Prayers for you. God can do anything
I'm CKD4 with an eGFR of 27-29. Based on DaVita's "Kidney Smart" seminar (with take-home literature), I do not believe eGFR's can be reversed … BUT, they can be held steady (or slowed down) with proper diet and exercise. I've participated in "Kidney Smart" 3 times. If DaVita dialysis centers are operating in your area, I highly recommend this 2-hour seminar. I learn something new each time.