Hello - has anyone taken cranberry tablets for constant uti,s. I have 2 in the last six weeks and I can't work out if its from the higher dose of Losartan (100mg) or just this kidney thing in general. Is it alright to take cranberry tablets with ckd - thanks
medication for UTI,s: Hello - has anyone... - Kidney Disease
medication for UTI,s

Hello, Im sorry I can't answer your direct question but I'm sure your local pharmacist could. I have kidney disease cause by medication. From what my doctor said cranberry juice is good for urinary infections. I hadn't heard of cranberry tablets before now so will be making enquiries. I hope you get some answers to your problem.
I have mistakenly replied to myself below.
You should see your doctor, if it is an actual UTI, you need antibiotics and not just cranberry juice or supplements. UTIs can go south very quickly; I had what I thought was a mild one turn quite serious and spread to my kidneys. It took several months to resolve. Be careful.

Hello - thanks for your reply - I now have a course of anti biotic but the annoying part was I had just finished another anti biotic 2 weeks before this latest one. I was hoping cranberry might help with this problem.
Cranberry is not a cure for a bladder infection; at best will keep bacteria from clinging to the walls of your bladder. It will also increase the acidity of your urine. It's most useful as a preventive rather than a cure for an existing UTI. You can also try probiotics, I found those to be helpful. I would look into why you are getting them so frequently, when I figured that out, I fixed my problems. Good luck!
My nephrologist told me it was ok to take cranberry pills but that my doctor for me it won’t help a uti that already started it may help with preventing one note the word may . I do know that I have had some very bad uti that has put me in the hospital so best to get antibiotics cause it could be from staph or ecoli different antibiotics treat different things I know there a product out over the counter that treat uti call ugora but my doctor said that only treat if is from ecoli not staph and upon reading there literature it does say it will help ecoli bacteria . Personally when I got a uti the antibiotics are what help me. I do think with kidney disease we are more prone to uti drink water water water.
Hello, the exact cause of the UTI is difficult to determine without further assessment - sometimes it could be anatomical changes such as obstruction that causes urinary retention (inability to fully empty bladder) or simply bacterial exposure.
As for the cranberry supplements, I do administer those in my father’s protocol as he has ongoing UTI due to chronic catheterization since June 2021 and yes they seem to be safe with CKD (he is stage 4). I also give him D mannose supplements which I’d suggest you look into as those are known to help with urinary bacteria as well.
I recommend being on alert if you are symptomatic of a UTI - must use antibiotics. Request that your doctor does a culture and sensitivity urinalysis which will include the specific bacteria that will be susceptible. Hope that helps, best of luck with your healing!
I had a bladder infection recently and in addition to antibiotics I also took cranberry supplement pills. I continued to take the supplement for awhile but did read that if you are prone to kidney stones cranberry juice or supplements can cause them. So I’m not taking them everyday now. I’ve never had kidney stones but from what I’ve read I don’t want to go through that. I’m at stage 3 ckd. I pray that you recover quickly from your infection and don’t have another. 🙏🏻
I have a max dosage cranberry capsules I have taken for 3 days straight to get rid of a bladder problem I had, with no ill consequences. Dont know if i had an infection or not, but it was very uncomfortable. I also drank cranberry juice. it worked. Since antibiotics are hard on the kidneys, i thought it best to try cranberry first, am glad I did.
I don't know if you are male/female, but my nephrologist prescribed an estrogen vaginal suppository once a week to help with uti's. There is some data to suggest that it helps...google it...also, my doc prefers I drink 8 oz of cranberry juice a day. I asked about the pills but she said she didn't have enough info on the supplements. Honestly, I take the pills...my stomach can't handle the acid in the juice...
I take Cranberry/d-Mannose capsules, 1 in am and 1 at bed, that are great at preventing UTI's for me. They were prescribed for me by a integrative medicine doctor a few years ago and they work great. All I can do it tell you what works for me, I can not prescribe for you. Hope this helps. These capsules are found online by ordering from Pure Formulas. BB
My kidney disease is also from UTI medication. I was recently ridiculed by someone on here for what I do to guard against the endless UTIs, but so far my method works for me, and it beats repeated infections and further risks to my kidneys.
I secure a wad of toilet paper on, and a bit in, my vagina, every time I urinate, and at the same time, a wad of toilet paper covering that other place. Every time. IF I feel anything has shifted its position, I re-do the process. I also wipe with wipes, and sometimes, altho it stings, I wipe with alcohol wipes.
I am diligent. I am pristinely careful about not having any chance of contamination.
Annoying and tiresome, yes, but so far, after years of UTIs, my method works for me.
OH MY GOSH! I DO THE SAME THING! I have chronic uti's but with NO symptoms...my CKD is also from antibiotics (cipro/bactrim) that were over prescribed...it's never ending !
My CKD also from Bactrim! Also overprescribed. Cured my UTIs, gave me Kidney disease.
Same! I'm at Stage 4 now...creatinine is 2.35 and GFR is 21...doing everything I can to slow the progression.
Have you changed your diet? No meat, no salt, things like that?
oh yes...for the past 3 years...I have been stage 4 for that long...had a uti and developed sepsis 3 years ago and lost my left kidney. Only eat veggies/fruits. I drink mostly water...I do splurge every 2-3 months on a glass of sweet iced tea...I am from the south so I miss that more than meat! LOL
Like others have commented, I also take cranberry pills to help prevent UTIs. My doctor started me on this after I had a few UTIs.
Hi fartikins! Honestly, cranberries themselves are actually kidney-friendly (most berries are) according to some research I’ve done online in the past, but if you want to know for certain, you should ask a pharmacist as RoadRunner44 suggested, or ask a renal dietician. They should have an answer for that question. Good luck! 😊👍