its been a tough few days.: Hello - the last... - Kidney Disease

Kidney Disease

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its been a tough few days.

fartikins profile image
28 Replies

Hello - the last few days have really been quite scary. I have been having trouble controlling my BP and the highest it went was 180/100 but perhaps half of that was extreme anxiety and taking it every 5 minutes. I ended up at my GP and I have had 2 readings of 150/70 but I am now scared to take it again in case it ends up where it was before. I am the worlds most anxious person anyway. How often do other readers take their blood pressure and does it cause anxiety. I had my blood checked and he said my gfr had gone up to 18.5 and I want to get it looking better. The other problem is constipation again - I think I have tried everything available to man. I am still having my 7 prunes and 2 apricots with flax and chia for my breakfast. I was thinking of introducing a small helping of cooked frozen spinach for lunch because that was my go to before my diagnosis. I have the occasional 100ml of prune juice as well. I know people will say about the potassium levels but I am trying to keep them as low as possible. In the evening I have my Biona bread with cheese. Does anyone know of any wraps I can buy in the uk that would suit me so I can have them with some chicken. I am still waiting for a dietician appointment this why I have so many questions. I am going to try and get hold of the nephrologist this afternoon about the losartan bp medication - the GP wouldn't change it but it doesn't seem to be holding it at a safe level - any advice would be much appreciated - thanks for reading.

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fartikins profile image
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28 Replies
Bassetmommer profile image
BassetmommerNKF Ambassador

Oh Fartikins, you are having more issues.... let me help you here. Two things. Do not repeat BP reading multiple times. It is going to keep going up and then you are going to get anxious and make it go up. Take it once in the am and once in the evening unless the doctor wants it more often. Sit down and breathe for a few minutes before you take it. Also, take a pee before you do your reading. My BP goes up 20 points at the doctors office, without fail. I have them take it again at the end of the appointment and it usually goes down. I also insist on them doing it manually as the machines that take BP are not as accurate.

Also, having constipation will raise your BP because you are also retaining water. May not show, but trust me, you are.

Once you see the dietician, they can help you with the constipation as well. Have you talked with your doctors about it. They may recommend something more healthy than loading up on prunes, like stool softeners and mild laxatives.

BTW, chicken, bread with cheese are all..... wait for it..... constipating. Better to eat a high fiber meal at night because we are less active and so that food is sitting in our gut overnight. We also do not drink water so we then are creating a blockage. Salad, veggies and some oils like olive oil and real butter are good to help with not making a plug. ( sorry so graphic)

fartikins profile image
fartikins in reply to Bassetmommer

Hello - thanks so much for your kind reply. Do you think I should have porridge in the morning with seeds and leave the fruit for the evening to have with vegetables like some peas and sweetcorn. I still have couple of rice cakes for lunch with some peanut butter. I usually have a cup of very weak tea at night otherwise I can't pass water. I have just had a word with my nephrologist who has nearly had a fit when I told him how high my BP had got to so he has increased the losartan to 100mg to take in the morning. I hope it brings it down a bit. So I will collect this from the pharmacy tomorrow. Thanks once again for your invaluable assistance.

Bassetmommer profile image
BassetmommerNKF Ambassador in reply to fartikins

not a dietician... but you are eating the worse foods for constipation.... cheese, PEANUTButter... "If by any chance there is trans-fat in the butter, there is a big risk of peanut butter constipation. So, if someone’s already a patient, it can make their chronic constipation worse." I thought because of the fiber it would help.... but ooohhh nooo ...

"Theophylline a chemical in the tea can lead to a dehydrating effect during digestion, causing constipation. Many believe that taking tea in the morning helps us to have a clear bowel movement, while drinking excess amounts of tea can cause constipation."

Good news, losartan may help you get moving...

fartikins profile image
fartikins in reply to Bassetmommer

Thanks so much for that information. You have been a great help.

TaffyTwoshoes27 profile image
TaffyTwoshoes27 in reply to Bassetmommer

Oh, I forgot, my PCP (who is a female from India) said the best thing to drink first thing in the morning for constipation is a cup of plain warm water.

nellie237 profile image
nellie237 in reply to fartikins

Hello fartikins,

What was your losartan dose before this increase to 100mg?

TaffyTwoshoes27 profile image
TaffyTwoshoes27 in reply to fartikins

One thing we are forbidden to drink after transplant is tea -- except good ole Black Tea. No flavored teas and especially no green tea.

One of my jobs was as a Pet Food Nutritionist. I was taught that corn is not necessary in the diets of dogs, cats & humans. We really don't forget it (that's why we see it in the toilet the next day).

Are you on dialysis? What kind? I was on PD 6 yrs. It really caused a problem with constipation.

The transplant hospital gave me Miralax. The 3 GI docs I have seen recommended Miralax.

If you do have diverticulosis or "itis", seeds are a no-no. Go to a GI or ask your GP for a CT of pelvic area. My diverticulosis (precursor to diverticulitis) was detected by CT during examination by Transplant Hospital to stay on Waitlist. Oddly enough, my Transplant Nurse never told me about the diverticulosis -- I saw it in the results of the test myself. I was pissed b/c the diet of someone with that problem is the only thing that can thwart a flair up or inflammation from eating the wrong things.

For example, Friday night I ate a bunch of cocktail peanuts, and the next 2 days I had diarrhea and even vomited a could times.

Actually, too much fiber or grains can be a problem if you have diverticulitis.

My Cardiologist said that too much water on your system can cause a higher diastolic reading -- esp. in those on PD dialysis.

Hope you feel better. Yes, I get anxious just before taking my BP. I agree with Bassetmommer: Deep breaths and relaxing/meditation can help before taking BP.

Watch the salt too!!

fartikins profile image
fartikins in reply to TaffyTwoshoes27

Thank you for all that wonderful information.

Charles21 profile image

Include an apple and carrot a day in your diet.They have fibre to relieve you from constipation and pectin which helps in lowering creatinine.Not an expert but that is what the Nephro suggested my husband who is in CKD stage 4.

fartikins profile image
fartikins in reply to Charles21

Thank you so much - that is really useful information.

OKShakespeare profile image

My husband's BP was 204 over 90 or so when we panicked and went to the ER. They just gave him some meds which didn't lower it much, said they don't do anything radical unless it went higher than that and sent him on his way. He figured out on his own how much med to take by checking his BP several times daily. After years of constipation and the prunes , and other remedies, he tried probiotics and they worked. You can try different strains until you find the right bacterial combo for you. Sometimes you have to DIY because you are not going to find the answer in a dr.'s office.

Darlenia profile image
Darlenia in reply to OKShakespeare

Yes! Probiotics as well as other natural remedies such as slippery elm or marshmallow work well for those with sluggish bowels - check with a professional as to preferences. In my opinion, I suspect that meds and other chemicals that we ingest are the culprits that can lock down or freeze our digestion. As for high blood pressure, it truly is best to keep it in the normal range. But as far as kidney failure occurs, that seems to happen around the 240/120s level and is accompanied by rising creatinine. That's our experience - that's when my hubby was placed on dialysis. I believe he was on 3 or 4 blood pressure meds at the time and nothing would bring it down. Not even heavy blood thinning while hospitalized. Outcomes are generally good...until that happens.

fartikins profile image
fartikins in reply to OKShakespeare

Thanks for your reply. I have developed real anxiety now about taking my blood pressure in case I get those really high readings again. How many times in a day are you supposed to check it? Everything was reading really well until I caught covid from hubby and took a course of anti virals because of my kidney issues. Since then the readings have been really high and the nephrologist has upped my losartan to 100mg - except I now cannot get it until next week as there is no pharmacist to dispense it and no gp to sign it. I am in the uk and everything is really going down the pan now. What do readers think.

OKShakespeare profile image
OKShakespeare in reply to fartikins

Have you tried the 5 minute breathing workout for high BP?

Galations220 profile image

Hi fartikins, I am new to all this as of February, 2022, Stage 3a. I have no answers for you. I just wanted you to know I read your post. I have had IBS diarrhea type, daily, my entire life, which suddenly turned to constipation in February. I will incorporate prune juice into my diet to help. Thanks for the tip.

fartikins profile image

thanks for your kind reply - I am going to research probiotics.

RoxanneKidney profile image

Hang in there. I saw myself in your post regarding the multiple time taking the BP. Now maybe once a month. We certainly can drive ourselves crazy.

Folklady profile image

Have you tried lactose, which is a sugar syrup. The other thing is magnesium citrate but I don't know if you can take at your stage of CKD. I only take my blood pressure once a week as a rule. I have a personal trainer who comes once a week and I have to take my BP as he logs my stats. By I am at stage 3a and my BP seems well controlled on medication.

S_dillow profile image

I am on four different BP meds with 3b.i only take my BP in the am .I've found for me that two cups of coffee works as an effective laxative for me.

chicablue profile image

What are your potassium levels? If high, it's a no for the spinach. I had spinach twice in a week and my blood test results had the drs ofc calling me pronto for another test. Also, the Losartan is a form of potassium. They had to take me off that because my potassium was too high.

Sophiebun11 profile image

Hi fartikins,

Please don't keep taking your BP over and over right away. Get in a routine of taking it once in the AM and once in the PM at the same time daily. BP will fluctuate during the day at different times but anxiety will always raise it even in someone like myself with extremely low BP. When I'm stressed or angry enough I can almost get my BP up to normal so if it were normal to start with I can only imagine how high it would go. Your BP is high but not so high that you need to worry about a stroke or anything if that is your concern.

Have you seen your PCP recently about adjusting meds. I keep a BP diary and bring to each visit. My PCP is concerned about my low BP, but either way it helps to record the date and time of the reading and bring the list to each Dr. appt.

Only 2 reading per day. No more than that. Only one is fine as well. See when your BP is lowest and use that time to check your BP so you aren't as stressed about it. Try relaxing before hand, read, take a bath, listen to music, or anything that will relax you. Try meditation.

Best of luck.

sparkie88 profile image

You need to relax although your BP isn't very high till you might die. So it is good to keep BP down but if you are always worried you will make things even worse. So talk to your Dr ask them what is good for you because what is generally good for others might hurt you more. I went from a 240/136 yes can be fatal to 140/90 went from 3 BP meds down to 1 and increased egfr from 42 to 60+. First you really need to relax try exercising meditation yoga or breathing exercises. 2. Cut down on prune juice or anything with added sugar or fruits with high sugar. 3. Eat low carbohydrate fruits and vegetables. 4 avoid grains. 5 fiber water ratio chia seed is good but don't eat too much fiber without drinking enough water it will make your constipation worse so much that your colon will rupture ask Dr how much you should drink and avoid eating too much fiber 6. Include anti inflamatory foods such as berries. 7 sleep well avoid sleep supplements or CBD 8. Try fasting for part of the day this helps my BP to drop significantly although ask your Dr especially if you have diabetes.

Finally get some sun

Remember to always talk to your Dr first before trying anything even if it can be beneficial to you.

Take care

fartikins profile image
fartikins in reply to sparkie88

Thank you all for your reassurances. It really is a balancing act. I can't get over the fact that just a week ago everything was reading normal - it has all changed in the blink of an eye. I willl take note of the spinach and other potassium laden items because that is what is in the medication at the end of the day.

renegade70 profile image
renegade70 in reply to fartikins

I can relate to everything you are saying regarding blood pressure and related anxiety. You can literally drive yourself into a panic attack and that eventually led to me being given a prescription for lorazepam which helps when I get to the point of no return. You can definitely push your blood pressure up taking it too often. I have hypertensive chronic kidney disease and take 3 different bp meds per day. I am now in stage3a but started in 3b at diagnosis , 4 years ago. I also have severe anxiety waiting for lab and test results. I think all you can do try as hard as it may be to keep it in perspective and if you just cannot do it on your own speak to your doctor there are options for help out there. Please take care.

GBear profile image

I've been taking a tablespoon of activated charcoal powder - well mixed with water (otherwise choking is possible) and spaced apart from my medication (as it interferes with medication) - to help control my BP spikes.

The idea is it 'adsorbs' toxins in the gut.

fartikins profile image
fartikins in reply to GBear

thank you for that idea.

TaffyTwoshoes27 profile image

How old are you?

My Neph said not to take BP on same arm too many times in a row. I'd wait about an hour. The vessels are affected by the band getting tight and can skew the reading ... usually toward higher reading.

I was wondering about your age (esp with constipation) b/c I know how I have to strain for a BM sometimes. It can cause diverticulitis or diverticulosis and I read a good article after doing a Google search yesterday about what you can and cannot eat with diverticulitis (i.e., no nuts, seeds, whole grains, prunes.....the list went on and on). Both diverticulitis and "osis" are common in elder ppl. (I'm 66 and just got transplanted w/ kidney in Jan 2022).

If you have either diverticulitis or the diverticulosis, you'd want to see a GI doctor and a GI nutritionist.

Hope this helps. Don't forget not to cross your feet at ankles when taking BP. My Neph tells me to relax my arm too.

fartikins profile image
fartikins in reply to TaffyTwoshoes27

Thanks for your help with this.

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