I have end stage renal disease. My gfr was 11 last March. Through changes I made, I was able to raise GFR to 14-17 through the end of last year. Generally, my renal panels have been in range the whole time. What have struggled with is albumin which has been below 3.4. Most recently, it has been around 3.2. Doctor told me to aim for 0.85 g/kg body weight. At my last appointment 6 weeks ago, my doctor also put me on torsemide to help control BP, which would rise during the day. BP now routinely 100/70.
Around Christmas, my dad died, and we had some family issues. I lost my appetite. I just did blood work (last blood work was 6 weeks ago). I should also mention I have a urinary tract infection and a cold. At the time of my blood work I was not on antibiotics.
Results as follows:
GFR=11. Alb =3.0, renal panel all good, but my glucose, which had been in the 60-80 range. This time it was 176.
What would cause such a spike?
NOTE: In the spirit of full transparency, I had a cup of Frosted Cheerios and a cup of milk about 30-45 minutes before my blood draw (though it had never bothered results before).