Hi, FIrst post on here, so hello to you all.
The reason I'm posting on here is that I had blood tests done as a result of being refered for Urgent cancer screening as I have lost nearly 2 stone over 4 months (16st to 14st 4lb) It's a red flag apparently. The kidney function blood results came back with a eGFR of 49 so was flagged as borderline kidney issues.
I originally saw the GP over 2 months ago (first time in 5 years!) about red eye and cloudy vision in the mornings which turned out to be due to high occular pressure. So I'm taking Fixapost eye drops now to manage that. The GP obviously picked up on the weight loss.
I did have some anxiety before I was referred but it really ramped up when he refered me. Since then my main problem has been lack of sleep. I can get off to sleep OK most of the time but now wake up a lot during the night.
To throw another thing into the pot, another blood test showed I have folic acid deficiency. I've been taking tablets for that now for the last week but understand it may take a few weeks for them to kick in.
So to get to the point, I have overlapping symptoms which can be related to anxiety, folic acid deficiency and Stage 3a kidney disease e.g lack of energy, feeling down, sleeping issues but not sure how much of it could be due to CKD?
I appreciate it's early days and I'm hoping that if cancer is ruled out and/or the folic acid tablets kick in, the anxiety will settle down.
In my previous life I have had 3 bouts of anxiety which all turned out to have no physical cause, just life issues and the last one 12 years ago tinnitus. So I know I'm very prone to anxiety which may well be the main cause of sleep problems (and weeing a lot at nightime).
Any thoughts? Anyone relate to this? Do I need to be more patient with the tests? Any suggestions on dealing with the sleep?
BTW, I had another renal function blood test 2 weeks after the first and that showed exactly the same eGFR of 49, so hopefully this is not an acute kidney issue. I'm not sure at which point I'll get refered to a kidney specialist, I have asked the GP that question but it sounds like there is no rush from them!