Hi, I saw the nephrologist for the first time yesterday. He told me I have Stage 4 as my diagnosis. My GFR was 29 a couple months ago but it was 35 just 5 months ago. The Dr. said at this point it drops fast and can't be stopped from progressing downward. Not encouraging news but he was very nice and forthright.
I have my kidney disease from my Autoimmune Disease called Scleroderma where the body attacks various organs such as heart, lungs, and of course kidneys. That makes me ineligible for a transplant when that time would have come.
I also now have CHF and have pulmonary scarring as well. I guess I have several organs not functioning well.
Seeing the Nephrologist yesterday kind of hit me hard today with a major reality check after all the info is sinking in. Today I had to try on over 10 pairs of sandals to find one pair of flip flops that finally would fit. It seems odd but not being able to slip on a pair of cute sandals with my shorts to go run an errand has made me more upset than being diagnosed with any of my illnesses over the past 30 years.
Maybe it's sinking in that things have changed and will never be the same again. I live alone with my kitty whom I love dearly. I used to be concerned about what would happen to him if anything happened to me. Now with my kidneys failing I'm actually worried for myself. Sorry I guess I needed to vent.
The Nephrologist changed my Furosemide to HTZ (hydrochlorthyazide). He also started me on Prednisone low dose of 5mg to help with the inflammation in my kidneys from my autoimmune disease, and is going to check with a Rheumatologist about putting me on CellCept which is an anti-rejection med for transplants but also works for autoimmune diseases. His theory is that the CellCept might slow down my immune system's destruction of my kidneys.
I wondered if anyone else takes CellCept, and what do you all do about shoes? Do you buy some medium width and some wide width? So many things to learn.
At least I've be a vegetarian the past 30 years so I don't have to do any dietary changes, I know that is hard to do.
This is my first new post, but I have answered in a few threads lately.