I had been waiting patiently for the results of my kidney ultrasound. Thought I would phone surgery again and they had them! Receptionist read out letter which seemed to say I had two kidneys same size and no sign of decease. So why is my gfr at 29? Why am I having bloods every other week? What am I missing here? I need to talk to g.p. Next week.
More confused than ever!: I had been waiting... - Kidney Disease
More confused than ever!

Actually, you need to speak to a nephrologist. Is that possible under your insurance? Start collecting hard copies of your previous lab reports, including any diagnostic tests, like this ultrasound. That will give you a much better look into when your GFR started to drop and can help a nephrologist determine the cause, and then determine the meal plan to help you slow the progression.

Good that the ultra sound showed both kidneys same size and no signs of other problems. I agree with Mr Kidney, your nephrologist and /or Primary Doctor should be able to give you information. There may be different conditions that can contribute to Chronic Kidney Disease, if that is what you are diagnosed with. Also there is appropriate diets, based on blood work for sodium, phosphorus and/or potassium levels. Keep us posted

I totally agree with both Mr._ Kidney and Orange City!
I would ask your GP for a referral to a nephrology consultant as they are best trained to deal with kidney issues and will be better able to explain your present ultra sound results, labs(GFR ) and will do their own kidney labs as best to improve your health.
I would also ask if they can get you to the right people who will help you put together a diet which will best suit your health needs. Also, possibly refer you to someone who can help you with market and cooking; especially during this pandemic.
Be sure that your consultants are willing to communicate openly with your GP as well as yourself.
It will all work out!
Please reach out and let us know what your GP says.
We all care!
Im getting more confused and concerned by the minute. On paper or screen the solutions all seem simple but in the real (or where I am) that is not so. My local hospital is a large one but they don't do kidneys so I've been referred to one that does 80 miles away. I was referred to a consultant and first appointment booked in March but cancelled as was next one due to pandemic. I was given an appointment with a local kidney nurse but there was little she could do as I'd not been diagnosed. I had a phonecall from a nutrionist but same problem. So really im a victim of the pandemic! So im hoping to speak over phone with my g.p. as she is not booking appointments right now and not doing face to face. So all your good advice is impossible to act on bearing mind I also have heart failure 2/3 to cope with.
For now keep your blood pressure under control and eat a healthy diet, the reason for your blood tests is to check your creatinine, gfr, sodium, phosphorus and potassium, keep the electrolytes under control and within range as well as blood pressure, the objective is to keep your gfr stable.

My bp is very low. Around 90/50 sometimes less. My oxygen 93%, h.r. around 50 - 70, sugars 5 - 7, temperature 36.2. I do them most days.