My mother-in-law has stage 4/5 kidney disease, but she also has Crohn’s disease and Raynaud’s disease. I was doing some research on Humira and Crohns....when I came across this site. Her GFR varies between 16-19, and her potassium is very low if we give her meds to up potassium it aggravates her Crohn’s causing her to be in the bathroom all the time. She’s recently lost 8 pounds and now weighs 101. Her appetite is quite decreased except for junk food and her blood sugar is starting to rise she has been showing signs of parathyroid issues. Just looking for the best way to help her with her Crohn’s without affecting her kidney disease.
CKD and Crohns with Humira: My mother-in-law... - Kidney Disease
CKD and Crohns with Humira
This really needs to be something that you seek a dietican for. There are so many variables and both CKD and chrons are complicated. I would suggest you try to get her off the junk food which is terrible for both conditions.
This is an exceptionally difficult situation for both of you. Your mother-in-law apparently is a study in autoimmune disorders which can be very complex. I recommend, as did Bassetmommer, that this would be a great time to visit a "registered" dietitian. These professionals will draw and analyze blood and then create an individualized path forward as they are highly specialized in various medical issues. Medicare and other insurances will pay for visits to a "registered" dietitician. A nephrologist may refer you to a "renal dietitian", and they can be helpful too although we have found that our particular referral exclusively focused on the kidney disease and little else. Thank you for caring about your mother-in-law. May we all be so kind and loving.
I have the same issue. Crohn's and CKD 3. My gfr varies a lot. Up,and down.