My creatinine level is 4 and high uric acid and urea is been found in blood test, i dont have any symptoms, my urine is too foamy and albumin (protein) in my urine test is 4+
Phosphate, sodium, calcium, potassium and sugar levels are normal
No itching no swelling, not feeling to work, and not being able to sleep before 3am
Ultrasound result says kidney size are normal and borderline is mildly abnormal
Im 33 years old and a careless high blood pressure patient since 6 years, never took hypertension tablet until i found my kidneys are not working properly..
Now I'm maintaining my bp, taking phosphate binders, sodium bicarbonate and urine is still foamy..
My quastion is, what i should do? Should i keep taking medications? Im not overweight and im losing my weight further for not eating things i like, im not happily following diet, and my quastion is why i need to stop consuming phosphate and potassium foods if my levels of phosphate and potassium are normal, anyone can tell me should i eat potassium if my potassium levels are ok? Or I still need to stop, cause im not eating a lot of things because of that and this is making me weak, any suggestions?