My medical record says I have stage 4 kidney disease however my doctor says I do not have to be on any special diet. Is this right.? Why would she say that?
need advice: My medical record says I have... - Kidney Disease
need advice

Maybe she owns interest in a dialysis clinic. The sooner you get to stage 5, the sooner you go on dialysis. Follow the money.

Sadly I suspect you are right. I also think that many doctors just can't be bothered spending time with patients where they think dialysis is inevitable even if starting dialysis can be delayed. In UK I saw my nephrologist for ten minutes once every 4 months. They were absolutely useless.
If your doctor was my doctor she would be my ex-doctor.
Before you do anything else, contact the medical records office for your doctor and obtain hard copies of all of your previous lab reports.
While this is happening find yourself a nephrologist. Also, begin looking for a new physician to replace the one who told you not to do anything about a diet.
Having CKD will require you to make lifestyle changes. Foremost will be a kidney-friendly meal plan that will help you slow the progression of CKD. With your lab results in hand ask your nephrologist to provide you with a referral to a Renal Dietitian. Together you and the RD will develop a meal plan to fit your specific needs and wants.
The two leading causes of CKD are diabetes and high blood pressure. Your nephrologist will, after diagnostic testing, be able to tell you the cause of your CKD. Another important step will be to get other health issues you have under as much control as possible.
To learn all you can about CKD you can go to and view their learning modules for CKD. You can also log onto and sign up for a virtual Kidney Smart class. Lots of resources will be made available to you and being proactive is the best way to stay on top of your healthcare needs.
Best of luck.

Diet most definitely will help start researching urself online or go do a free dialysis class Davita offers. Learn all u can learn. My husbands gfr was 33 now it’s 63 by diet and exercise in about a year.
I do believe a lot of nephrologist are useless it’s not them, so they could care less they just look at the $$$$
Currently, the Kidney Smart class offered by DaVita can be done from the comfort of your home. You can sign up for one on the home page.
Olivia007, that's great news about your husband's GFR. I was diagnosed at 32 and reached a high, one time, of 65. My average over the last three years has been 51, which is how to look at your GFR.
With the Executive Order signed last year by this administration, one of the mandates is for doctors to inform their patients at the earlier stages when they determine they have CKD. It's imperative that if you find out that your doctor failed to inform you, find another one who puts your health as a priority.
Again, I've posted this in other posts, but I posted a link to a website that can help folks find an RD if they have trouble finding one to help with the specifics of a meal plan for them. It's and when the home page comes up click on the FIND AN EXPERT button on the upper right of that page.

Thank u
Your doctor is 100% WRONG. I am a very vocal advocate - I'd report the doctor, this is not proving you treatment or fulfilling the doctors oath. You need a new doctor and MORE IMPORTANTLY a renal dietitian.
James @ Dadvice TV
Totally agree 👍
Had same problem had nephrologist tell me damage is done nothing else can be done - I had to request for a dietician and finally switched to new nephrologist who was a partner of first one who immediately took me off of meds that could cause further damage ref to dietician and said on 1st vss was his goal to keep me from reaching stage 5/ dialysis MUST be your own advocate‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
I have stage 4and eliminated red meat and dairy
My cretine went from 3.6 to 2..9
Your doctor sounds about as useful as my one was. I was diagnosed with stage 4 kidney disease. He told me to go home and eat normally and come back and see him in 4 months. Diet is one of the most important factors in prolonging your remaining kidney function. I believe that many doctors simply cannot be bothered to spend the time going through a patients blood results in order to determine the optimum diet for their condition and extend the time before dialysis is needed. There are renal dieticians who can do this for you and at stage 4 I would have expected you to be seeing one.
The only thing I will add is that nutrition is not a requirement for becoming a physician. It is required for those in dentistry. Go figure. So, a dietitian is someone you must consult, though you can use online sources for what to eat and what to avoid.
Thank you so much for all of your comments and help. I will certainly take your advice and continue trying to improve my health.
This is/was a big question for me as well. Stage 4 and no renal dietician. Love all this information. I will be making some changes in care. I'd love to see my numbers turn for the better for once!