Hey, so I've finally plucked up the courage to post.
I've recently had blood tests for kidney issues along with my full blood tests which I have yearly. Not sure what exactly they're called but my notes for the repeats in a few weeks say UEG, Electrolytes Creatinine and eGFR. Basically the doc has said that my kidneys are working a little hard, potentially due to the ibuprofen I've been taking.
You'll need a bit of history: I've been diagnosed with endometriosis which mine has cyclical symptoms so around my period (tmi for some of you) I get a lot of symptoms which usually I can manage by being at home off sick using heat patches, comfortable position, etc. However work has recently called me up on my levels of sick despite the existing condition therefore I need to manage my symptoms better, to be in work, have less sick days. This means I need to take ibuprofen pre loading the few days before and during my period. It's the only "light painkiller" over the counter that hits the pain that I'm okay-ish with taking.
What I'm wondering is my repeat bloods for this will be during the week of my period and I will have been taking ibuprofen during that time so I'm guessing the kidney results will still show the same thing? Can this "working harder" be reversed? And should I talk to work about my blood results? Or would talking to my doctors about my work issue and requiring to be in that means I need to take ibuprofen to see if they can put anything in writing?
Ideally I'd like to manage my endometriosis pain without ibuprofen but if I need to be in work that's not going to happen. Annoyingly it's preloading and taking it for a total of 6 days a month so I can be in for the one day I'm in pain.
Any advice or direction to go in would be good xx