i was told i have stage 3 the doc did not say if it was 3a or 3b also cold this be form my time in the navy ? as my a1c is 5.2 and blood prasere is 130/76 . i had never damage in the navy i very saread i going for scan and more blood work to day 10/14/19
questtion on what to do and what ... - Kidney Disease
questtion on what to do and what type i am

The link below will answer some questions for you regarding the various stages of CKD.
As to how the CKD developed it will need to be looked at by a nephrologist. If you don't have one ask for a referral to one. The two major causes of CKD are Diabetes and High Blood Pressure. The A1c you listed is a very good number. That doesn't mean you didn't have issues with Diabetes and developed CKD before you were able to get your blood sugar under control. That is my situation. I've had T2D for almost 20 years and when I was told I had CKD about 28 months ago the nephrologist determined it to be from diabetes. I do have it under control and I'm doing everything I can to slow the progression of CKD.
To help you on this journey, use that same link I sent you for the stages to sign up for a free, 90-minute Kidney Smart class held in your area. You'll be given a wealth of information about CKD with lots of resources to aid in your slowing the disease.
You mentioned one specific blood pressure reading but didn't say if you are being treated for HBP. If you are taking medications for that and diabetes I'd also suggest you use the drugs.com site to check on those that may affect your CKD.
Register for a free account at Drugs.com and you'll be able to list all of your meds and find out if any are likely to cause issues with your CKD. You can also sign up for information on new medications coming on the market and while this shouldn't be taken as gospel, you can develop questions about their viability to ask your physicians about. You'll also be able to receive alerts about and issues that come up regarding medications and any health issues they pose.
The best thing you can do right now is to become proactive. Learn all you can about CKD and the underlying health issues and use that knowledge to help you live a healthier lifestyle. You might also ask the nephrologist for a referral to see a Renal Dietitian. The RD will help you develop a kidney-friendly meal plan designed for you based on your lab values that will be a big part of slowing down the progression. Ask your doctors about help in designing an exercise regimen that will keep you healthy and active. Stay hydrated with water and be sure to stay current on all vaccines.
Hello thomas, and welcome.
Read what Mr. Kidney said, he gives sage advice.
I am still in the process of being diagnosed, and it takes time, to find out exactly where you are.
I do know that GFR levels fluctuate, and they look at your levels over a few months to decide what stage you are.
Deep breaths, read, learn, and be your own best advocate.
Good luck and keep us posted.

Welcome thomasmb,
Your feelings of dismay and confusion are very normal. This is all a process which takes time to sort out. Putting together a good medical team who works and communicates with both you and each other is imperative.
The wonderful advice generated by both Mr._Kidney and Marbea will help guide you in a positive direction. They are both incredibly knowledgeable and have insight to share.
Read their thoughts and please don't hesitate to reach out at any time. This is a journey . Someone will always reach back.
What is your GFR and urine pH? Are you Autosomal Dominant or Diabetic? What type of nerve damage? Get a printout of your blood work and hold onto it to use for future reference.
Do you have either type I or type II diabetes? If not, are they planning to check your A1C? That’s a more accurate read of your glucose levels over close yo a three month time period.