At stage 3b gfr 38, are the flu, pnemonia, and hepatitis vaccinations recommended and or safe?
Vaccinations at stage 3b or 4 ckd? - Kidney Disease
Vaccinations at stage 3b or 4 ckd?

I definitely had flu and pneumonia vaccines while in Stage III with GFR of 35. My PCP also advised me to get a shingles vaccine when I was in Stage IV.
I agree with Jayhawker. Both my nephrologist and PCP advised me to get and stay current on all shots.
Stayed current with all shots and even with travel to work received shots for Hepatitis and Yellowfever before my transplant when I was hovering between Stage 3B and 4.

As other's have said, especially with CKD, you do want to have your vaccines up to date.

In fact, you have to have these vaccinations before you can have a transplant. At first, after a transplant, because of your meds you are immunosuppressed and get sick easier than before. That is why these are so important to be healthy. The only vaccinations that I cannot have post transplant and would not recommend is the SHINGLES vaccine. I was told because it is a live virus. The annual flu shot is a must