High creatine levels. Severe anxiety! - Kidney Disease

Kidney Disease

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High creatine levels. Severe anxiety!

b1gb2olo profile image
23 Replies

I’m 27 male with very bad anxiety. I take lexapro 10mg and klonopin as needed.

After I sprained my ankle badly, every time I thought of it I would get nauseated! Than over the next few days start getting a lot of burning in my throat and stomach and it’s been about a month I’ve been having stomach a lot of pain and bloatin issues, I have severe anxiety and constantly google and convinced my self stomach cancer, so I went to the dr who did blood work CBC and bmp. Everything was normal besides my creatine was 1.67 and gfr 55 so now I’m panicked and nervous I have cancer in stomach and kidneys now, CBC was normal and all other bmp was normal bun was 19 still in normal range. I went back today a week later for a redo of bmp to check kidneys again.

Should I be concerned? Can I’d be I didn’t drink a lot of water that day and the day before. I’m in a constant panic about my health and can’t stop researching.

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b1gb2olo profile image
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23 Replies
Bassetmommer profile image
BassetmommerNKF Ambassador

HI b1, I am sorry you suffer from anxiety. Your kidney level is a bit low for your age, but it might be just this one lab. I would recommend you have another one done in 3 months and see if there is a change. Also review your labs from previous draws to see what your kidney function is. GFR will fluctuate.

When you sprained your ankle, did you take a lot of pain medication such as ibuprofen? I ask because it can cause the stomach issues you mention along with lowering of your kidney function. If you are still taking pain medication, you should ask your doctor and yourself if it is necessary and if not stop it. Also, talk to your doctor about the drugs you are on to see what if any impact they may have on you in renal function. I am not saying they are causing anything, but it is always good to check your medications for what they do to you. You can Goggle the information also.

The mind is a powerful thing, and just worrying about something can be very bad for the physical self. You're not helping yourself here with this big time worry.


b1gb2olo profile image
b1gb2olo in reply to Bassetmommer

I also ate a lot of chicken about an hour before

b1gb2olo profile image

I did take some ibuprofen and Tylenol when I got hurt but haven’t taken anything since the first week after stomach issues.

I got a test done this morning I’m praying it is lower. I had a metabolic test done in 2017 and 2016 and 2013 creatine was always around 1.0.

Could just not being hydrated have affected this last time?

treesarecoo profile image
treesarecoo in reply to b1gb2olo

Hi there, I suffer from extreme health anxiety too and think I am dying probably every day. I don't know if you know this, but every single drug or medicine you take has to be detoxified by the liver and kidneys. So the anti-anxiety drugs you take on a regular basis could certainly be the cause of a high creatinine reading in a lab. My anxiety is so awful I would probably get relief from it if I took anti-anxiety medication, but I refuse to because I know it would damage my kidneys (I have CKD). Is there some way you could get psychological therapy instead of taking drugs? I'm not telling you what to do, but I just wanted to let you know that long-term use of ANY drug can cause kidney issues.

KidneyCoach profile image
KidneyCoachNKF Ambassador in reply to treesarecoo

Some drugs are metabolized by kidneys, some are not. Not every drug causes kidney issues. Many drugs are metabolized through the liver ONLY. If possible avoid NSAIDS as they can cause kidney issues. Some meds are filtered through kidneys but don't cause harm. Use discretion yes but don't over stress about things out of your control. Blessings

b1gb2olo profile image
b1gb2olo in reply to KidneyCoach

My biggest fear is I went to the dr with stomach issues for the past month and I convinced my self it’s stomach cancer so now with the kidney high in creatine I’m convinced it’s spreading already throughout my body!

He won’t do a scan of the stomach because he says it’s so rare at my age and in general

KidneyCoach profile image
KidneyCoachNKF Ambassador in reply to b1gb2olo

Worrying about this can't change it. Take a deep breath be thankful and live a joyful life. Blessings

b1gb2olo profile image
b1gb2olo in reply to KidneyCoach

Trying so hard

HisLittleOne profile image
HisLittleOne in reply to KidneyCoach

AMEN! Good advice!

HisLittleOne profile image
HisLittleOne in reply to KidneyCoach

Praying and reading Scripture is the ONLY way I can be relieved of anxiety (diagnosed with general anxiety disorder and OCD) No medication helps me, i.e. antidepressants, anti-anxiety, etc) only the LORD and His Word brings peace of mind...but I must continue to do that as I would take medication several times a day. Jesus is PEACE! ❤️😖

treesarecoo profile image
treesarecoo in reply to KidneyCoach


Metabolites of Klonopin are excreted by the kidneys. Caution should be exercised in the administration of the drug to patients with impaired renal function.

Lexapro should be used with caution in patients with severe renal impairment.

I don't know if this person has kidney disease, but with warnings like these, I would personally stay away from these drugs because I have CKD. Maybe certain drugs are OK for those with kidney issues, but the two that this person is on (in my opinion) don't seem to be safe for the kidneys. I am not giving medical advice, but I wouldn't risk damaging my kidneys.

b1gb2olo profile image
b1gb2olo in reply to treesarecoo

Wish I could get off of lexapro I can’t function my anxiety is so severe

b1gb2olo profile image
b1gb2olo in reply to b1gb2olo

I take klonopin as needed more recently but usually once a week at .25 half of what is prescribed.

Been on a ssri for 8years lexapro 3

treesarecoo profile image
treesarecoo in reply to b1gb2olo

I understand how difficult it is. I have suffered from severe anxiety my whole life. Could you maybe see a therapist and try cognitive therapy or something more natural? Like I said, it's HARD, but the problem is that the body becomes acclimated to the dosage of a medication like lexapro, and you end up having to take more and more over time to just get the minimum effects. The more you take, the more potential damage it does to the body.

KidneyCoach profile image
KidneyCoachNKF Ambassador in reply to treesarecoo

Good for you for being proactive. What stage is your ckd

treesarecoo profile image
treesarecoo in reply to KidneyCoach

I am very thankful to only be in stage 1. I eat extremely healthy and take pristine care of my body in hopes of staying in stage 1 and not progressing. I take no drugs at all and would only take one if I was literally dying. I am a nutritionist, so I am fully aware of how diet affects the kidneys. Unfortunately, I have severe OCD (major hypochondriac). However, that is how I am able to eat so healthy because I am obsessive about it. You couldn't pay me to eat a doughnut (lol).

renegade70 profile image
renegade70 in reply to treesarecoo

i am a 66 year old male who has suffered with severe anxiety and insomnia long before i was diagnosed with ckd stage 3. my md has kept me on lorazapam , celexa and ambien. personally i would not be able to function normally w/ out these meds. in addition i am on 3 hbp meds which have kept things under control. my last labs were taken 1 week ago, creatinine 1.4 , gfr 54 , potassium 3.3 , bp 120 / 70. my nephrologist says i have remained stable. i am basically happy but always on the edge. i watch my diet but i would not say that i do not go overboard. my nephrologist opinion is that i will not reach esrd. but who really knows.

b1gb2olo profile image
b1gb2olo in reply to renegade70

That is awesome I’m glad to hear. Hope it continues to stay stable. All my blood work came back lower my creatine is back down to 1.03.

I also had to go to the ER because of my stomach pains and the creatine there was still 1

HA_Q8 profile image
HA_Q8 in reply to b1gb2olo

How long did it take to get back to normal range?

b1gb2olo profile image
b1gb2olo in reply to HA_Q8

Went back got bloodwork six or seven days later

HA_Q8 profile image
HA_Q8 in reply to b1gb2olo

my creatinine still elevated one and half month, do you go to the test while you are fasting?

b1gb2olo profile image
b1gb2olo in reply to HA_Q8

When I went back in like seven days I was fasted. But I also went to the emergency room for something separate a day before that and I was not fasteD both were around 1

Tempest1 profile image

Hi, I noticed your post about your anxiety issues. I'm the same . I live in UK and I take pregablin for anxiety known as Lyrica in USA. It can help with anxiety is you Google it. It's the best I have had. Takes that nervous, mind racing thought feeling away. I'm was reluctant to take antidepressant so doctor suggested this at 75mg dose. It worked within a couple of day's . Might be a option for you as alternative to what you take. Thanks. Anne

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