I've been stage 5 for about 6 months now but even though my nephrologist originally said I could get down to a 5 GFR before dialysis and possibly go another year or two, I really don't see that happening. Last check my numbers were GFR 13, BUN 45, Creatinine 4.7. My RBC and Hemoglobin were only slightly (~ 10%) lower than normal... but I AM WIPED OUT. My other symptoms are I fall asleep during the day and today I fell asleep 3 times at work - bad thing is I don't even remember putting my head down or starting to doze off, I just wake up. I see stars occasionally when sitting, standing and when I walk around (blood pressure is OK) Doc thinks it's due to me getting near the end of my kidney's life. Thank goodness I work from home and don't have to commute. All food has a funny taste to it.. drinks all taste the same - blah. I just feel crummy all the time. At least I don't itch like I did during the 1st transplant.. or I don't itch "yet"... I'm grouchy more often than not - I can't stand to be on conference/video calls that drag on and on - I just don't have the patience for people any more who just blah blah blah and ramble on calls about NOTHING - I used to enjoy the small talk because small talk is what us humans do but I'm so hoping and praying I don't lose my cool. I need to buy my wife flowers for putting up with me.. this is NOT me and I want to be myself again so I am actually looking forward to dialysis.
I've been blessed to have this wonderful kidney that my mom gave me nearly 30 years ago when my original kidney failed due to reflux. I'm going next week for a consultation to have a shunt put in. I've also had 3 pulmonary embolisms the past few years so I'm on blood thinners for life - not sure how that's going to play into this I was on PD for 9 months over 30 years ago and I couldn't stand it because of 1) the infections - oh so painful. I'm sure things have changed but 2) EVERY DAY and I don't want to do PD ever day if I'm travelling. I'm probably 1-2 years away from a TRANSPLANT and I must be able to travel and have totally free days. I decided to do at home hemo. I am a little nervous about having to go back on dialysis after being off it for so long but I feel SO SICK that I'm just about willing to try anything to feel better. I am not myself. I miss the old me. Off to Amazon to pick out some flowers.