I havevLupus, Menieres, Fibro, Sjorgrens
I have been treated for
Bad chest infection concurrent urine infection.
I was treated with antibiotics, dud, short course of Prednisilone. None of which worked.
I was treated by Antibiotics and longer, decreasing course of prednisilone. All clear except off and on irritated symptoms LIKE cystitis and irritation of back passage giving urgency and loose stools.
GP at a loss of why still have lots of mucus on lungs and wheeze. Given inhaler but irritated lungs worse.
In the morning, not having drunk during the night, I am having cystitis symptoms and back passage irritation.
From 8.30 until 10 am drank one litre of water per half hour, believing that my mucus membranes are MEGA dry. By ten feelings calming but did not pass any urine until 11.40 when I passed about tablespoon measure. No symptoms urine pale.
Continued drinking. 2pm passed reasonable amount of pale urine no symptoms. Stopped drinking as much.
4 pm feelings returning, but not fully. Continue one litre half hour.
I am believing I am mega dehydrated. With lots of liquid can cough, wee, a but.
I am posting on here as well as Sjorgrens, Lupus Fibro sites as I guess you guys are the experts in all things kidneys and urine. I am postuping in case alarm bells are ringing with you and you can nail down what this is. Lupus targets kidneys but since diagnosis have not had ANY kidney problems, thankfully.
Over to you guys. If this is all foriegn to you, then I will stick with Sjorgrens involvement.
Thanks for reading.
Stay well