Hi! Male, 65, vegetarian 29yrs, 266 lbs and almost 100 lbs overweight. I eat all organically grown foods and drink only spring water. I commute by bike, and I also exercise by bike 1hr each day and at times 1 1/2 hrs a day. I'm just (at this point haven't told my GP I'm doing so... but only because I feel "borderline" yet) trying to hold taking Lisinopril 10mg a day so far. My Albumin Urine was 42.75 a month ago yet I was 64 hrs into a 72 hr fast -- "fasting"... a new thing I'm trying that's okay by my doctor, or he said, "You can do what you want.". Also at same lab my glucose was 94 and normal GFR at 78. I was also exercising while on my 3 day fast which I read in a medical journal that exercising can raise albumin "exercise induced proteinuria". My doctor said he would put the order in for a second lab but noted only to please me as it seemed he hadn't heard of that.
Sure enough, my next lab two days ago, almost a month later and not while fasting was 21.08, which is far better, but my GP made no comment and said it was high and that I still must start the Lisinopril. My bp in clinic has been great, around 120/80 many times, however I told my GP that at home, sometimes in the morning upon waking, about 4 times in 3 months, it's been at about 151/94. I'm still so far quietly holding the Lisinopril to honor my GP's (he's an internist) expertise and pride, yet I'm really trying to hang on with this and not have to take more pills if I can. Both my parents and two sisters all had or have high bp and take a med for it, yet all but one were sedentary (one sister goes on brisk walks) and not doing cardio exercise, a real workout like I do.
I also read that doctors will average the Urine Albumin lab over 3 months, then prescribe, but not with my doctor. 17 is the high end of normal Urine Albumin on their chart. I know I shouldn't have any protein leakage from my kidneys, but I cardio workout, except not now with below zero temps. In 2004 I was diagnosed "pre-diabetic" yet over the years my glucose max has been only a few times at 115 and once at 120. Once it's plus 25 degrees I'll resume my workouts. I don't own a car and also commuting by bike and using combined bike rack on city bus on extra long trips. I actually lost 21lbs averaging in past year and now keeping for several months at 15 pounds or more off. Last time after my fast I was even 29lbs less than I was a year ago when I was 287 - after the fast I was 257, yet now a month later and with below zero weather etc. at 266, so 21lbs less. Does anyone there know if Urine Albumin 21.08 is really bad, or any of the above conditions, thus I'm not in the category of trying 3 labs over 3 months? Also, should I even count the lab I had while fasting? Thanks for any input!
Hi Again!
Just joined this site. Please bear with me as often I forget things, like right now. I forgot to say I was also eating Atkins bars and other bars that have protein in them and wonder if that effected my Urine Albumin readings as with second lab I quit any protein bars. Also if tired while exercising on a long bike ride I'd take either an Atkins bar and/or a whole grain bar that had protein in it and sugar, and even sometimes a small piece of candy if I was feeling shaky and weak. Would that effect my first lab at 42.75 Urine Albumin too? Is it bad to eat maybe a low protein sweet bar and/or small piece of candy if I feel shaky and weak while on a long bike ride? It has helped me before. Also CT of my heart showed all arteries clear, and coratid ultrasound was all clear. A recent abdominal ultrasound showed kidneys and all are good... well except I was diagnosed with "NAFLD" a fatty liver disease, in 2002 and fat in my liver showed up. I am a vegetarian. Thanks!