Hi I have had a bad summer .. sick with another ailment and I have inflamation in my upper legs.. I was at the ER last night because I could not sit down.. the thing is I am not supposed to take any anti.inflamatories.. they gave me pain patches to use and a mild pain pill.. prescriptions for both .. I was told to call my nephrologist and see if they would allow me to take an anti inflamatory for a period of time.. well they gave me 5-7 days only .. anyone run into this .. headaches and such I can use only tylenol
CKD from stage 2 mild to stage 3 gfr 42 - Kidney Disease
CKD from stage 2 mild to stage 3 gfr 42
Hi, I know it is terrible when you feel you need certain meds. and cannot have them. I am a former athlete and two knee replacements later thought I could not live without the anti-inflammatories. I also have PKD and as I write this my gfr is 9%, ESRD. I know it is not easy but listen and try to deal with the pain in other ways, meditation, physical therapy, whatever you must do, I did not listen for a very long time, big mistake, but I cannot change that now, just tell you that Your Kidney Functions are so very important, don't take them for granted. This is probably not what you want to hear but the truth. I now use Tylenol only when absolutely needed, and it works for me which I never thought would be the case. I have to many physical ailments to even begin to mention at this point beside my kidney disease and I am only 58. I hope you will heed the warnings and take care of yourself !!
Topical applications can also be helpful. I use Penetrex on my knees and legs and get relief so that I am able to sleep. Topicals do not get into the bloodstream.