Hello all! I just thought I'd share with you these nifty apps that I found for CKD and ESRD patients on the appstore (I have an android, but I know there's similar apps for iphone..just type "kidney diet app" or something similar and stuff should come up)! I have two apps: low phosphorus foods and my food coach.
The Low Phosphorus Foods app gives a good list of foods high in potassium and phosphorus (separate and double wammies) It also gives you substitutions and the words to look for in packaging for phosphorus additives! It gives you the separate lists in the tabs for either low, medium or high phophorus, it has a recipes tab and a grocery tab for you to put your list in!
My Food Coach is from the National Kidney Foundation and has an education tab, grocery tab, farmer's market tab to find fresh foods in your area and much more!
I personally love these apps and use them quite regularly when I'm at the store ir even at home. Despite doing this whole diet thing for so long, being on dialysis made me have to think about day-to-day levels so I don't become dehydrated (sodium, despite needing to be limited, is still needed for body function in keeping your blood pressure up..dialysis makes that hard if you don't have enough sodium and water!). These apps are handy in reminding me of what to look for if I need high potassium foods (my potassium is actually too low curtesy of PD) without getting the added phosphorus! It also gives me lunch and dinner ideas so I can just buy the ingredients at the store and the recipe is right there.
Just thought I'd spread these amazing (and free) apps to you guys! I hope you find them as helpful as I do!