My whole dilemma is my blood pressure is good. My weight is 154,but I somehow damaged both my kidney’s. Found out in January that I am barely in to stage 3, my main thing is drinking lots of water. I guess I have to learn to love water,and drink a lot everyday. My nephrologist said my right kidney function went up with my number. Is anyone else having to drink so much water?
Kidney damage: My whole dilemma is my blood... - Kidney Disease
Kidney damage

Drinking more water is a step in the right direction. So is switching to a kidney-friendly meal plan, a regular exercise routine that provides you with a healthy lifestyle. Watch your intake of medications for any health issue, keep all your appointments and build a Care Team of doctors and dietitians that will follow your wishes and help you make informed decisions.
I put lemon into my water, it helps me drink it.
Hello Marie4, I shared your dislike of drinking water, but I find that hot water does taste OK for me, it can be either from a kettle or a minute or so in the microwave! There is lots of advice on this site so keep in touch with us all, good luck - Curleytop1.
Hi there,
Do keep an eye on your blood pressure by buying a home monitor and taking it on a regular basis. I always had good blood pressure prior to being diagnosed with high blood pressure. Not only is kidney disease caused by high blood pressure, but it can CAUSE it as well. Cutting back on processed foods and eating out can help as well.
I've always been a huge water drinker to the point that I peed every hour. I was actually told to cut back on the amount of water as I was flushing all the nutrients out of my system. My doctor said if I was peeing every three hours it was a more appropriate amount rather than giving me a specific amount. Just food for thought. In any case, trade out soft drinks which are high in sugar for water instead. Try putting some frozen fruit in your water for added flavor.
Marie4, just wondering if you had been getting dehydrated or having migraines, when you weren't drinking water? The reason I ask is because if I do not drink at least 4 bottles a day...(= to 8 Cups USA) I will wake up with a migraine. I had never thought about the water being connected to the kidneys functioning... but it does make a lot of sense, now that you said that.
I have never been a water lover. But I knew how important water was for the body. Water helps in the blood system,liver, heart etc. The reason it is important for the kidneys is it increases the flow of urine to be more kinder on the cortex. If you don’t have enough fluid going through the break down from bodies “junk” it get stuck in the tiny tubes in your kidney. And being a person who has damaged kidney’s it will make things worse, with out help from fluid.
You need to stop with the ive caused this, it's just bad luck or you may have been born with it like I was. Unless you have abused drugs or know you've caused it or other health complications which kidney disease is secondary disease.
When I was 20 (2000) I was diagnosed and was told to follow a strict kidney diet and to drink 3 to 4 litres a day. Frozen water was what I preferred and I learnt to love it. Flash forward in 2016 taken into hospital with fluid overload and I was restricted to 750mls and that was hard high diuretic and they believed I wouldn', be able to get better without dialysis but still 2years on and no dialysis. You can take control of this but you do need to act now and listen to what they tell you don't think I'll change tomorrow do it today.
Take care