I've found out that to these hospitals, I'm not a human being. I'm a piggy bank. They will keep stringing me along with promises and lies just to keep getting money out of me. Then, when my function drops so low that I can't survive, they'll hook me to a machine to keep me going just a little longer so they can get every last dime out of me.
Not a person: I've found out that to these... - Kidney Disease
Not a person
I'm sorry you're having to deal with them but remember, it is still your health and life. May I assume they are the only hospital is the area you live? While the hospitals are important perhaps you have a doctor or can find a doctor who will fight for what's right for you. I'd keep looking. Back in June I found a new PCP and last month I terminated my visits with a nephrologist and found another one. If I don't like it or feel they have my best interests at heart I'll find another to take their place. I've traveled up to 2 hours from home in the past and I'm willing to do it again if it means staying healthy. Don't give up.
I dont think i'd travel that far but if a doc won't talk to me and is a know-it-all who keeps it all to themselves why see them !
There really are docs out there who care and will help us. We "just" have to find them.
It's also actually to their benefit to keep us alive so they continue to have patients !