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Weight loss, please read

ELOO profile image
31 Replies

Well hello I'm new here like I think alot of people are I have tried everything from keto which if your wanting to do I suggest not as your not actually losing the weight you think you are most of the weight loss you will see is just water weight so yea, anyway I have basically tried everything from diets to going to the gym every day for 2 hours a day and yet nothing works the gym I will continue but as people say it's mostly the diet I have a considerable amount of weight loose to give you an idea around 20KG, if anyone can help please do from how you lost weight yourself and so on. Just to make it aware I will also be restarting intermittent fasting 16:8 so yea anyway any replies will be amazing. Thank You

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ELOO profile image
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31 Replies
TheAwfulToad profile image

If you really want to lose that fat and stay slim forever, I'd suggest doing low-carb again. But you do need to stick with it. It's not a "diet". It's a lifestyle. Diets are a complete waste of time and effort, because you inevitably put back the weight that you've lost when you stop the diet.

Intermittent Fasting does work, but it works a lot better if you minimize carbs and put some fat back into your meals. That is, you'll feel less hungry during the not-eating hours.

The weight loss from LCHF is not "water weight". If that were true you'd waste away and die, and they'd bury you looking like a coconut husk. I don't know why LCHF brings out such vitriol from the dieticans. I suspect the fact that it works a lot better than "eat less and exercise more" just drives them crazy.

ELOO profile image
ELOO in reply to TheAwfulToad

Ok thanks for the help but low car diets such as the keto well no carb is pure water weight it's not fat you loose I did this and I lost 5kg in two weeks and my body fat percentage was still the same. So do you think continuing with IF and Exercise by eating two meals a day will help me loose weight? In a way I know the awnser I just dont want to be biased so if you suggest something else instead of that please let me know. Thanks

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to ELOO

I lost over 45kg by following a low carb way of eating, with IF 16:8 and regular exercise. I continue to do the same, 4 years later.

You have to get beyond the idea of a fixed term diet and look on this as a change of lifestyles.

ELOO profile image
ELOO in reply to moreless

So do you suggest I should go back to keto?

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to ELOO

I would suggest you go keto for a couple of weeks, to get you fat adapted, then relax into low carb, IF if you wish and regular exercise.

This will give you all the pointers you need healthunlocked.com/nhsweigh...

TheAwfulToad profile image
TheAwfulToadVisitor in reply to ELOO

What moreless said - you need to get past the idea of "dieting" and "losing weight". The aim here is to get healthy and maintain a healthy weight forever.

So it doesn't matter what happens in the first two weeks. What matters is what happens for the rest of your life. Low-carb lifestyles have an 80%+ success rate long-term.

ELOO profile image
ELOO in reply to TheAwfulToad

Ok il try keto again I just read your post and I think i never went through the weight loss phase, could you guide me as I want to do it right? If you could you dont understand how much you would be helping.

TheAwfulToad profile image
TheAwfulToadVisitor in reply to ELOO

Yes, once you're past the first couple of weeks you do start burning fat ... and it's nearly all fat (little or no muscle loss).

I would recommend looking at the dietdoctor.com site. They have some nice guides as to what to eat and what not to eat:


There's a whole load of recipes and information on there too. It's all free.

I also wrote a bit about starting low-carb the other day:


ELOO profile image
ELOO in reply to TheAwfulToad

Ok as I said I'll give it another try but I think ill need guidance I'll read that doctordiet thing you linked, but I'll probably need help as I think I ate to much meat instead of fat as I dont understand how most of the diet or lifestyle is fat do I eat spoons of oil 😂 thate the only thing I never knew I was doing right the food I think I was eating to much protein thinking it was fat, well I mean I thought of it as the fat not the protein which is the wrong.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to ELOO

I think you should join the LCHF forum too, as there's a lot more info and more people following the same woe (way of eating) healthunlocked.com/lchf-diet

ELOO profile image
ELOO in reply to moreless

Ok thank you I'm just gonna try and get as much possible guidance from people, Toad is helping alot I just want it to be right and not another "DIET".

TheAwfulToad profile image
TheAwfulToadVisitor in reply to ELOO

Try not to overthink it too much. All sorts of things naturally have enough fat in them. Eggs, cheese, cream, meat with the skin/fat left on ... it's all good. Bacon and eggs and mushrooms for breakfast will set you up well for the day. Greek yoghurt is nice if you want some sort of dessert. Just don't buy low-fat crap and you'll probably get adequate fat.

But yes, it does help to add some other oils/fats to begin with. Butter is a good choice, but you can also try olive oil, coconut oil, or lard, depending on what you're cooking. Use vegetables to "carry" the oil. For example, cauliflower cheese (use cheese and cream to make the sauce) is a good substitute for potatoes. Buttered or stir-fried veg are simple to cook. Basically, most of what's on your plate should be veg.

Eventually you'll get sick of eating fat and you'll naturally want to wind it down. Just follow your appetite.

ELOO profile image
ELOO in reply to TheAwfulToad

Ye when I first started keto I had bacon with egg which was cooked with coconut oil. Stupid question I legit just had bread 1 hour ago should I stop the carbs now or does it not matter if I start tomorrow also should stop drinking fizzy drinks this is more obvious to yes just wanna ask. So this is what I'm thinking IF 16:8 12pm-8pm two meals in that eating window which is low carb, well basically no carb. Now do I have to have fats to get into ketosis so can I just not eat carbs and go with the flow of just eating meats with vegetables, or do I need to make sure my meals are rich with fat? I was also thinking of having a snack in the middle such as Greek yogurt what do you think, I'm sorry if I'm taking your time I just want this time to work, i appreciate you helping so much.

TheAwfulToad profile image
TheAwfulToadVisitor in reply to ELOO

Honestly, it sounds like you were doing fine to begin with - you just didn't give it long enough :)

Definitely dump the fizzy drinks even if they're "zero sugar" ones. They're just a waste of money that you could be spending on proper food. You might miss them for a week or two, and after that you'll wonder why you ever bought them at all.

As for when to start ... "now" is a good time for most things!

Eat veg, meat, eggs and dairy, and add whatever fat you're comfortable with. Your meals don't have to be swimming in grease, but if you see an opportunity to add some butter or oil in a way that makes your food taste good, then do it.

Don't worry too much about "getting it wrong" or fret over whether you're "in ketosis". Eat when you're hungry, stop when you're not hungry. If you need a snack (or a meal!), then eat. A big aspect of LCHF is to listen to your appetite.

You may find you can't actually do 16:8 to begin with. Don't force it. Over the next few weeks you'll just naturally find that you're skipping meals, or moving your mealtimes, until you're eating twice a day. It'll happen all by itself.

ELOO profile image
ELOO in reply to TheAwfulToad

Ok thank you like let's say my family have chicken today its necessarily high in fat that's what I'm worrying about I'll stop with the carbs but I'm scared I wont be eating enough fat for keto to work I just know, I think I should stick to IF as I'll eat even when I'm not hungry and it's what I did when I first started so I think I should do two meals a day as I'll eat when I'm not even hungry. What do you think? Also is there something on here where you can talk separately as if you dont mind for the first week or so I can ask if this meal is good or not just so I get with the rhythm, again you don't understand how much I want this to work so yea, again thanks for your help.

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to ELOO

Have a look at the Low Carb forum ELOO healthunlocked.com/lchf-diet there’s an induction you can follow.

Similarly the DietDoctor website

TheAwfulToad profile image
TheAwfulToadVisitor in reply to ELOO

I think you're worrying too much! Fat is very energy-dense, so you don't need to eat masses of it to get adequate energy. You can always eat bits of cheese or Greek yoghurt as a top-up. Or have some coffee with cream in it.

Remember, as soon as your body realises no more carbs are coming in, it'll start burning bodyfat. On a good day, you'll be getting about half your calories from bodyfat, so you only need to consume maybe 1000kCal as fat (100g or so). You'd be surprised how easy that is.

As regards eating patterns, do whatever you feel most comfortable with. If you're eating minimal carbs and adequate fat, you'll be fine. Just make sure you eat enough. It's surprisingly hard to eat too much on low-carb.

Feel free to send me a message if you want. Just click on my username and you'll see a "Message" button.

ELOO profile image
ELOO in reply to TheAwfulToad

Ye I am but I want to get it right and how do I know I'm on a good day that I should only be eating 1000 cal, I messaged you and from now on no more carbs.

Newbeginnings20 profile image
Newbeginnings20 in reply to TheAwfulToad

Hi please may I just ask a question? 😊

Before May when I started to fast with DDD I was doing the Joe wicks recipes. However when I had some bloods taken it showed my total cholesterol was too high. I was advised it was because I was using foods such as coconut oil and butter etc all the time.

It’s such a minefield as to getting it right. I’m not into overthinking it to much as I’m looking at the micros etc

How do you know if you are getting the right equal amounts of protein and fat?

Help lol please x

TheAwfulToad profile image
TheAwfulToadVisitor in reply to Newbeginnings20

Ohhh, cholesterol. What a massive can of worms that is. I was about to do a separate post on it, in response to a conversation with another poster.

The long and the short of it is this:

1) Doctors are now diagnosing as many people as possible with "high cholesterol", because they've received orders from on high to do so. They've done this by reducing the threshold for "high" to coincide with (roughly) the historical human average (about 5mmol/l). Obviously, this means that 50% of the population are now "ill" with a fictional disease, which has no symptoms and no consequences ... and can therefore be medicated. Ka-ching! for the drug companies.

2) Across a fairly wide range, total cholesterol does not correlate with any known hazard. It is not a predictor for anything. The best information we have to date is that older people with very low cholesterol are at risk for a wide range of diseases, including cancer. This is especially true for women. So if you're female and over 50, the last thing you want is low cholesterol.

3) If you are losing weight rapidly, your total cholesterol will go up somewhat. This will level off after a while: if you go back to your doctor this time next year, you'll more than likely find that your cholesterol numbers make him very happy indeed (especially your HDL:TG ratio, which has a small, if clinically meaningless, correlation with heart disease).

You might reasonably say: so why are doctors still measuring cholesterol? Good question. I have no idea. You might want to ask him/her. He may even give you an honest answer, although he will probably close the door and whisper.

As for Joe Wicks - I won't tell you not to do it if you're happy with it, but LCHF is so simple that there's really no need to pay for a course. Put some veg on your plate. Add some meat/eggs/dairy in whatever form you like. Make sure there are some fats in there, in whatever proportion you find tasty. Eat until you're full; if you're still hungry, eat more. Job done. That'll be $90 please ;)

Newbeginnings20 profile image
Newbeginnings20 in reply to TheAwfulToad

Yes you are probably right 😉

They were not interested as advised no further action however I was like this is high?! Used to be 4.1 now is 6. Something ha

So at that point I stopped joe wicks and started to fast. Initially lost weight but then slowed right down to the scales not moving at all and no inch loss. Then OMAD then hair loss ahhhhh

in reply to Newbeginnings20

Hi, I have a question too, what is DDD? When I Googled it I got Domain Driven Design and all sorts of software stuff!

Regarding cholesterol I had a test last Feb which was 6.2 and HDL 1.9. So long as HDL is high it doesn't really seem to matter too much. GP was very relaxed about it and said we didn't need to do anything about it. I had also lost about a stone in just over two months at that point which I gather from Toad may also raise it. I think coconut and palm oils are not so good as can increase cholesterol.

Newbeginnings20 profile image
Newbeginnings20 in reply to

Hey Anna69

Sorry it’s Delay Don’t Deny. That’s awesome weight loss - did you have any side effects loosing it so quickly? Yes you are right re coconut oil but you see it’s all such a headache as you have the Healthy Joe wicks advising to use it! So I just get confused 🤷‍♀️

in reply to Newbeginnings20

I just had keto headache for about a week or so. I didn't know about it at first, but reading round it I found out. I adjusted food a bit and it went away and I continued to lose my weight. Have plateaued, so going keto from tomorrow to kick start again.

I have never heard of Healthy Joe Wicks. I automatically steer clear of any of these things that you have to pay lots for. Info is freely available if you look carefully for it. Healthy for his bank balance!

Re coconut oil, it has a lot of saturated fat in it. Use the nutrition content guide in the food labels to guide you, but don't buy anything labelled "low fat", = processed!

Newbeginnings20 profile image
Newbeginnings20 in reply to

Hi Anna69

Oh good luck on your journey 😊

Joe wicks is the Body Coach - you don’t pay for him - he has books out and you can do his hit sessions for free through you tube.

Are you in England? X

in reply to Newbeginnings20


Newbeginnings20 profile image
Newbeginnings20 in reply to

Oh ok 😊

IndigoBlue61 profile image

Hello and welcome to the Weight Loss Forum ELOO 😊

If you haven’t already then please read the Pinned Posts here healthunlocked.com/nhsweigh...

This is a very busy forum with lots going on, and nothing beats joining in, reading posts and replying to others. Our group Weigh-in and the Daily Diary are probably the best places to start.

Best Wishes in your weight loss journey

Indigo 😊

TheTabbyCat profile image

Hi ELOO, welcome to this amazing forum. I'm still new here,I suggest you spend some time clicking about to find your way round. It's easier if you have a lap-top as there are several threads.

Have a good read of the newbie pack and follow every thread.

I strongly suggest you read and contribute to the Daily Diary and participate in a weekly weigh in.

You will find there's loads of tips about better eating, from other members. Sharing your daily menu not only helps you, it can help other members too.

Good luck I hope to "see " you around. xx

Lytham profile image
Lytham3 stone

Happy New Year ! I think when you start any weight loss regime initially you just lose water, this might be of interest to you? :-) x


S11m profile image

Hi, ELOO , welcome.

If you "slim smart" weight loss is not so hard! It is not all about motivation and masochism.

I am glad you are re-starting Intermittent Fasting 16:8 - I hope you will join us on the "Fasting and Furious" forum?

Some of us here find that what works is a combination of The Low Carbohydrate, High-Fat (LCHF) diet (see the forum here on Health Unlocked) and Not Snacking All Day AKA Intermittent Fasting (IF). See:


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