I am working on my 26th day of no sugary things. A week ago I had an evening of sugar treats. I am nervous because when I went to the Food Bank today and the had candies in a large bowl. of course I digged into the candies. I worked hard in getting off the sugar. I do not want to go backwards. I really could use your help!!
Need a little help : I am working on my... - Weight Loss Support
Need a little help

You can do it, just forget about it and do what you have been doing. You're doing so well so far.
Morning Wadestreet you are doing so well to have come as far as you have
We all have wee blips, I had one last night - I am on low carb and I ate all the chips on my plate last night
But I am back to it today you can do this - sending you loads of love n hugs and support x x
Try and remember Wadestreet how far you've come. You might disagree with me but I remember many months ago when I don't think you'd have been able to look back over 26 days and have had so little sugar.
Well done for posting about digging into the candies. There will always be difficult days where the best we can do is put them behind us and carry on. Maybe try asking yourself how you might be able to deal with that moment if you come across it again. Maybe have a stick of sugarless gum with you to chew on whilst you're near those sweets or avoid that bowl altogether or ....
There have been many times on my journey this year, when I have been scared that I'm failing or going backwards. It tells me that you still care a lot to do well and not to fail. Harness that feeling to do something different next time.
You're still here working with this forum which speaks volumes about your commitment.
Sugar . . . Very addictive 😕
We are all here for you Wadestreet - next time you’re tempted think of us all cheering you on to victory
Just start again now. Draw a line under it but don't feel bad, you're giving up a substance that is meant to be more addictive than cocaine! I'm in week 2 of quitting sugar and will cheer you on.
I am trying to eat less sugar - but only by avoiding things like chocolate. I still have things like malt loaf but within my daily calorie allowance but I found that just one chocolate leads to another......
Draw a line under it and start again .
Can you figure out what the trigger was?
Never give up on yourself 😂
Hi Wadestreet just keep going and enjoy your healthy meals and make healthy snacks, fruit is my favourite.
A nice cup of tea, (no sugar).
I'm going wish you success and happiness for the good results you can achieve.
Kind regards George 56 🙂