Hi I really need suggestions what to do or mind work. When I go shopping I really truly think when I buy sugary treats. I am going to have it for a dessert at meal time or night time snack. Monday I bought granola for topping of my cereal 25 grams of sugar for 1/3 cup. I did ok until today and ate the bag. And I bought no sugar added candies a medium to a large bag and ate that today as well. I cannot seem to get it through my head not to buy treats of all kind. I honestly think I can hold back every time. Sugary addiction is hard to break it's is in all kinds of food. and no sugar added is just as bad. I can use your help guys to break this addiction and move on finally. Thanks.
How to say 'NO": Hi I really need... - Weight Loss Support
How to say 'NO"

I can’t really help as I’ve never been a sugar addict, but I can imagine that it’s hard.
All I can say is that I don’t buy ANYTHING that could make me forget my diet. My son eats no sugar muesli, I buy no biscuits or sugary things, no drinks. I have porridge in the morning and I top it with banana and cinnamon-that’s sweet enough for me. And you get used to it! The same as cutting down on salt! I barely use salt now!
Try and find healthy options. When I NEED a snack, i always have a cup of tea (it kills my hunger) and/or have an apple or a carrot. I always go shopping on a full stomach, and IF I buy a treat for son and hubby-I buy just enough for them, so never any leftovers. Hubby is wanting to lose weight and son is 3-doesn’t need the sugar (I’ve kept him on a no sugar diet since weaning)
I can’t help much more, sorry.
Since maintaining I have found it difficult and it appears to be because of sugar. In the last few weeks I've mostly eliminated it and with that the cravings that it was inducing. I was naively unaware of just how crave inducing it is (for me at least).
I've removed honey from my morning porridge and I'm moving away from having sugary desserts in the evening. Additionally, I'm having more cream (not a lot) which seems to help sate my appetite.
I'm not sure how you can stop yourself buying the wrong snacks but maybe if you pre-write your shopping list (including the good snacks that Gobbolino has mentioned) and stick to that list only.

I would say try not to go shopping when your hungry, i find I make all the wrong choices. Yes stick to a shopping list. I think it takes time to break a habit. Here to a healthier day.
sugar is my downfall. I really love it. Trouble is I can't just have one sweet or biscuit. Eating one seems to give your mind permission to go on a binge. I do an internet food shop once a week, so I rarely go into a shop. Shopping online you have more time to think things through before buying so you're less likely to make an impulse buy.

Shopping list meal planning but it's hard I'm ok if I don't buy it but getting out the supermarket door without some tempting goodies is hard when part of my brain is saying it'll be fine you can have just one a day but the rest is saying yippee chocolate binge ahead! Cold turkey is my plan for next few weeks fruit for sweet hit instead. Good luck

Hi I don't have problems with sugary treats its savoury such as crisps and Bombay mix. I do include them occasionally as part of my allowance and it usually works- but I have then gone a bit mad with crisps for a few days afterwards- last week is a case in point- I had 5 packets of crisps/savoury snack in 3 days! I agree with Honey10 don't shop when you are hungry, I avoid the crisps aisle unless I need something from it as part of my planned meals for a week. I don't buy multi-packs since once opened then that's its I can quite cheerfully finish the crisps in one sitting! Obviously if biscuits are an issue that is more of a challenge since they are in large packs, so the only in 200-400g packs, but one way round this is having biscuits if you have coffee in a café/restaurant since they are only in packs of 2 so self limiting. Some people can cope with having the occasional treat without going mad with them and some go cold turkey and remove them entirely from their diet.
Good luck in whatever you decide to do
I have always had a problem with sugar/carb cravings; not so bad now I am past the menopause, so do feel that sometimes it is hormone related. Each month would see me having a chocolate binge with the resulting breakout of spots! Crazy and difficult to over-ride I know. Have a look and see if you think your binges are occur on a monthly basis?
You will have to experiment to see if going completely cold turkey works for you, or whether you can have a supply of "alternative" snacks to reach for at moments of weakness. Chocolate covered rice cakes, a packet of chewy dried fruit, the occasional mixed nuts and seeds - high calorie but better for you than other more processed treats.
Better still, find an all absorbing hobby to take your mind off food as a source of pleasure. I only overeat when I am at home alone all day with no distractions....I start cooking; and then am tempted to eat what I have cooked! I am getting better at portion control, but still eating too much as my weight is sticking again. It's a life-long battle I know!
Like rutheliza I do much of my shopping online, it's so much easier to avoid temptation. I went through my cupboards when I started losing weight and donated everything I wasn't going to eat anymore to the local food bank. I don't have anything in that's unhealthy. I also signed up for a weekly organic veg box delivery.
I try to avoid the aisles with chocolate and sweets in. Crisps no longer a problem as I stopped eating them a few years ago when my daughter showed me what it looks like if you put a packet in a bowl and pour hot water on them and see all the gubbins which is what it must look like inside us and I'm not bothered by them anymore, even if other daughter is home and wants some I find myself skimming the shelves for what she wants and walking on. I went to buy some chocolate last week for my brother who has severe learning disabilities and i picked up a selection of things I know he likes and thought would I like something? Imagined what they would taste like and thought no actually I don't want them they are empty calories not fuel for my body and walked away!! So maybe I have broken that habit at last and I never thought I would. Just have to nail the biscuits firmly on the head in the same way can't believe how many calories they are each!! I'm down to about 4 r tea a week so getting there slowly.
I am exactly the same! What I try to do is go shopping after lunch/dinner, so your'e not hungry. Also dipping apple into peanut butter is very nice! Another one if your'e craving something sweet are those mini milk ice creams - only 30 calories!