Daily Diary Sunday 15th October - Weight Loss Support

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Daily Diary Sunday 15th October

43 Replies

Hello Daily Diarists, I hope you're having a great weekend. It's busy here in the diamondblock household. My daughter is celebrating her 10th birthday tomorrow - her birthday is on Monday but we're having a friends and family day on Sunday. I've worked an extra shift, haven't made the birthday cake yet as I forgot to take the butter out of the fridge, had a supermarket delivery, head is spinning!

I found this quote a couple of weeks ago. One of the challenges is learning not to listen to that voice that tells me I'm wrong, or stupid, or unworthy. I'm not those things, and neither are you :-D

I haven't done my planning for tomorrow yet but it will be something like this:

B - eggs, spinach, tomatoes, mushrooms, 300

L - picnic, probably ham rolls, crisps, veggies, apple, 450-500

D - sausage bake (JO recipe), greens, 600

Plus birthday cake, naturally!

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43 Replies
YellowRose55 profile image

Thanks for hosting Sunday's DD Hidden .

Happy birthday to your daughter on Monday. :)

in reply to YellowRose55

Thank you. She is beyond excited!

Villageduckpond profile image

Good evening Hidden , thank you for hosting and many happy returns to your daughter :

My DD for tomorrow will be similar to today as I don't feel inspired (I have a splitting headache but that will pass soon, I hope:-

B - bacon and mushrooms and perhaps one cup of coffee!

L - tuna and green salad, with yoghurt and honey

S - leftovers of the chilli con carne, a green vegetable and perhaps a potato

Snacks - fruit and a few nuts

Plenty of water especially as it is going to be a hot gardening day

Enjoy your Sunday everyone ......

in reply to Villageduckpond

I hope your headache goes away VDP. Enjoy your gardening time x

Ceals profile image
Ceals in reply to Villageduckpond

Poor you sounds like an awful headache.

Take it easy on yourself tomorrow.

Villageduckpond profile image
Villageduckpond in reply to Ceals

Thank you :)

in reply to Villageduckpond

Hope you're headache goes fast.Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

Villageduckpond profile image
Villageduckpond in reply to

Thank you. I hope to :)

DownwardSpiral profile image
DownwardSpiral in reply to Villageduckpond

Hope the fresh air gets rid of your headache Villageduckpond .

Enjoy the garden & have a good day 😊

Villageduckpond profile image
Villageduckpond in reply to DownwardSpiral

Awww ........ thank you. I am feeling much better today :)

You, too, have a good day :)

DownwardSpiral profile image
DownwardSpiral in reply to Villageduckpond

Glad to hear it ☺

pcrw profile image

Have a lovely birthday celebration

kiwikyd-nz profile image

Enjoy your Friend and Family day diamondblock :) I used to love having the kids friends round for birthday sleepovers. Having young people around makes me feel young lol

Plan today for me is

Breakfast - portobello mushrooms with wilted spinach and chickpeas (150)

Lunch - vege frittata (320)

Dinner - stir fry chicken with lime and coconut milk (340)

Total - 810 Cal

If I add an apple (104) and maybe some yoghurt and blueberries for dessert (approx 100) it still leave plenty of room for any other snacks.

Hoping to start on the gardens today. Not much in the way of gardens here so most of it will be cleaning up dead leaves etc and pulling weeds before they start to get too big.

Also have nephews wedding next weekend so going to make his gift (quilted table runner and placemats - second time doing quilting ever), so will make a start on that.

Ceals profile image
Ceals in reply to kiwikyd-nz

Love the sound of your stir fry with the lime.

wakywoo profile image
wakywoo1 stone in reply to kiwikyd-nz

Coconutty stir fry sounds very tasty kiwikyd-nz

Ceals profile image

Hidden you sound so busy, thank you for making time for us. Hope the birthday girl has a good day.

My plans for tomorrow are a bit sketchy.

I have to go to a function in a nearby Cathedral (after I have been to Mass), and it includes breakfast. Will try to avoid it if I can. If I do I will have a mushroom omelette and avocado when I get home.

Dinner will be crispy chicken, cauliflower, spring cabbage and Savoy cabbage with butter on the veggies. Followed by strawbs, raspberries and blackberries with double cream. 881 cals

Can’t give a total or macros because of not being in contro of the breakfast.

rutheliza profile image
rutheliza in reply to Ceals

hi ceals, I love your berries and cream puddings. I should pinch that idea, we usually have berries in the fridge as my husband loves them

DownwardSpiral profile image
DownwardSpiral in reply to Ceals

Have a good day ☺ Ceals

Minniewinny profile image
Minniewinny5 stoneMaintainer in reply to Ceals

Lovely food 😋

Good evening Diamondblock thank you for hosting today. Happy birthday to your daughter.

Breakfast is scrambled eggs on wholemeal toast. Coffee. 300 calories.

Lunch pork chop, carrots, swede sweet potato mash gray. 500 calories

Dinner lentil and carrot soup. 200calories 1000 cal plenty for a few snacks during the day. cheese and crackers. some fruit also skimmed milk in my coffee.

I hope to have a walk by the river before lunch.

I do hope everyone has a good Sunday and a good week .

rutheliza profile image
rutheliza in reply to

hi Caroline, your soup sounds nice. Hope you have a good Sunday

in reply to rutheliza

thank you you also have a good day.

DownwardSpiral profile image
DownwardSpiral in reply to

Soup sounds yummy😋! Have a lovely Sunday Hidden

rutheliza profile image

hi diamondblock, have a lovely day tomorrow and hope your daughter enjoys her birthday. I've slipped off plan today, weekends can be a bit tricky as the family chip in with what they want to eat and my plans get changed. Instead of the planned sausage meat pie we ended up with roast pork dinner for tea. I did skip the roast potatoes and Yorkshire pudding. I also did a park run which made me so tired I ate more snacks than I had planned. Tomorrow I'll be having

B- porridge, fruit, seeds, half grapefruit 400

L- the homemade pie that was meant for today, runner beans 400

D- poached egg and salad with rocket, blue cheese, avocado 400 (not sure if that will taste any good, would normally have it on toast, but just making it up based on what's in the fridge)

snacks - small piece millionaires shortbread which I made to take for friends 300

tea and coffee 150

target of 1700, so that should be okay.

wakywoo profile image
wakywoo1 stone in reply to rutheliza

Well done for the park run rutheliza !

rutheliza profile image
rutheliza in reply to wakywoo


wakywoo profile image
wakywoo1 stone

Thanks for hosting Hidden . Happy birthday to your daughter. Have a great day!

I am back from a lovely week in Italy. I tried to eat more fish than pasta and did find gelato that was apparently sugar and milk free - I am not sure how they do it, but it didn't taste sugar free!

Before I went away I decided to take drastic measures. I have read a lot about the blood sugar 8 week diet. A recent health check identified that I am at moderate risk of developing diabetes. I want to do what I can to prevent it. It is 800 calories for 8weeks, cutting out bread, pasta, rice, potatoes and sugar to remove fat from the liver and hopefully lose abdominal fat. This is something I would never have advocated previously, but it is short term and I know others on here have been successful with it. I will see how far I get. I have set myself a target of 10% of body weight in 8 weeks - approx 17lbs.

B - benecol yoghurt drink - 59

L - 2 large eggs scrambled, 1/2 small avocado and 25gms feta 346

D - chicken wing and 100 gms roast chicken, spring greens, roasted BN squash 311

S - almond milk latte, 6 almonds, black coffee, lots of water with fresh lime, fruit tea. Multivitamin tablet - 66

Total - 782 - leaves me enough for a cup of tea with skimmed milk if needed.

Ex - 10,000 steps

Tip - you can think about things and ponder and debate your next steps or you can just jump in and do it.

Happy Sunday everyone.

Minniewinny profile image
Minniewinny5 stoneMaintainer in reply to wakywoo

I like your menu.. thinking of changing mine to copy some of yours.. Enjoy 😋

ArctoLindy profile image

Good morning Hidden and everyone!

I'm off to a craft event this morning and meeting up with my sister there. Planning my menu for today is difficult as my sister has suggested we have lunch out and I don't know where we're going!

Breakfast - sugar-free muesli and milk

Lunch - ???

Dinner - depending on lunch and time when I get home, I'm thinking either soup or an omelette with salad.

Snacks - fruit and maybe a yogurt.

Went out for lunch yesterday with some friends to a farm shop with a cafe. I've been there before but the menu has changed and it was difficult to find something that fitted my eating plan. In the end I chose a fish pie with salad. Only trouble was it tasted like there was a lot of butter in the mashed potato topping and possibly in the sauce too. Having eaten low fat and low sugar foods for the past few months, I felt quite sick for the rest of yesterday. Hopefully it won't have done too much damage but I'm going to be a lot more careful in future!

wakywoo profile image
wakywoo1 stone in reply to ArctoLindy

Hi ArctoLindy one meal is unlikely to do any harm. Fish Pie is very tasty and all you can do is choose the best option you can at the time. I hope you enjoyed your time with your friends.

ArctoLindy profile image
ArctoLindy in reply to wakywoo

I did thank you 😊

Minniewinny profile image
Minniewinny5 stoneMaintainer in reply to ArctoLindy

I hope the menu today gives things your looking for and you feel better after yesterday's lunch.

Enjoy family time.. precious moments.

DownwardSpiral profile image

Good Morning diamondblock

& Happy birthday celebrations to your daughter!

I have a busy day today, lots to do, not much time to do it and haven't really planned my meals as such! However I will try to stick to a plan of sorts!

B; Tea with skimmed milk. Wholemeal toast with peanut butter and raspberries. 137cals

L; Poached Egg, cooked Cherry toms and Spinach on a Garlic & Coriander Naan 208 cals

D; 883 cals left.....Most likely chicken for Dinner as that's already cooked but if I have time I'd like to mame a chilli as really fancy since someone posted it up yesterday on their DD! There will be some cals left to play with throughout the day.

See...this is why the DD is good for me as I didn't have a plan until I started typing! 😁

Have a great Sunday all! ☺

Minniewinny profile image
Minniewinny5 stoneMaintainer in reply to DownwardSpiral

I love the sounds of your menu.. I could eat all things listed.. Enjoy it all, DD dies help us be aware of our choices..

Have a great day ahead.

DownwardSpiral profile image
DownwardSpiral in reply to Minniewinny

Thank you. You too Minniewinny

Minniewinny profile image
Minniewinny5 stoneMaintainer

Good morning Hidden Thank you for hosting, have a lovely family day.

My menu is looking like this...

Protein shake (using them up - and not buying any more!! As now milk free)

Pastrami sandwich with dairy free coconut spread on wholemeal bread

Minced beef, potatoes and baked beans

Aiming for 1350, but haven't added them up yet!

Have a great day and enjoy encouraging each other on here and face to face with all in your life.

Cheering us all on to reach our goals 🎉🎉🎉

Sailsalot profile image

You have a busy day lined up Hidden , enjoy the celebrations with the birthday girl, thanks for hosting.

We are going on the boat today, so hoping hurricane Ophelia doesn't arrive early, we won't be too far from home though.

B: Porridge made with hot water, a few frozen raspberries, blob of Greek yoghurt , 2tsp seeds 280 cals

L: Main meal of beef/veg/bean curry cooked onboard in a big saucepan, will have with cauliflower.500 approx

D: Ham, avocado, egg salad. 400 approx

Leaves some extra for milk, maybe a baked apple tonight with yoghurt and nuts 200.

Enjoy Sunday everyone.

Minniewinny profile image
Minniewinny5 stoneMaintainer in reply to Sailsalot

Hope you enjoyed your boat day and lovely menu

Marion_63 profile image

Hi diamondblock thank you for todays diary. Happy birthday for your daughters birthday, hope she has a great day. I have had a great week this week. 2lb lost and fat measurement down another one. My plan for meals today are:

B Porridge with blueberrys and a large cuppa. 244 calories

L 2 x Sausages. mash, carrots, broccoli and onion gravy. 686 calories

D Trio olive bread with ham and cream cheese, followed by jelly and raspberrys. 405 calories

Leaving plenty for snacks and drinks today.

Have a great day.x

Minniewinny profile image
Minniewinny5 stoneMaintainer in reply to Marion_63

Great planning Marion_63 it all sounds delicious 😋

happyhealthyjane profile image

total 1545 kcal today, that's quite a bit over my 1330 kcal daily allowance; but adding on 30 minutes walk today, I've done ok. will have soup for lunch tomorrow:)

Minniewinny profile image
Minniewinny5 stoneMaintainer in reply to happyhealthyjane

Well done happyhealthyjane a good correction...

Minniewinny profile image
Minniewinny5 stoneMaintainer

Thank you for hosting Hidden and all who joined in the daily diary today.. More great idea's to consider.

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