Five year weight loss journey.... but ... - Weight Loss Support

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Five year weight loss journey.... but so worth it!

Pineapple27 profile image
40 Replies

My weight loss journey began on February 24th 2012 - the year I was going to be 50...... I weighed 14 stone and was a size 24. I am only 4ft 9".....

This was the first time I'd tried to lose weight by counting calories and monitoring what I eat - seems simple really, count the calories going in! Most food is extremely well labelled these days, and I use an online database to work out how many calories my food contains.

Many, many failed attempts at losing weight from the age of 9 years (Weight Watchers, Slimming World). Always been overweight. I have a physical disability that considerably restricts my mobility (I use a wheelchair outside of the house), and my already limited mobility was further limited following a leg injury I sustained in an RTA in 2002 - when I ended up having an ankle fusion and my already reduced mobility was further reduced....

Really felt the additional weight I was carrying about in my lower back, knees and damaged ankle. I really wanted to do something about it before it got to the point where another stone had crept on!

During my journey I thought of the additional weight I was carrying around in terms of newborn babies! I was over 5 stone overweight, and therefore if an average newborn weighs 7lb, I was carrying around 10 newborn babies - without a break!!!! Phew! No wonder getting around was hard work!

I have a very supportive husband who's keen to see me fitter and in considerably less pain.... He doesn't need to lose weight, but he enjoys food and cooking, eats what I do and we both eat healthily and have made changes to our lifestyle (eating out less, avoiding too many indulgent "treats").

I got to my goal weight (9st 7lbs) in September 2014. I am now a size 16 and have bounced around between 9st 3lbs and 11 stone.

Maintaining is a challenge! I have been up a couple of stone and then back down - I know I'm going to have to be very careful not to regain the weight I have lost and undo my hard work. I don't want to be 14 stone again. My pain has reduced and I feel more confident and happier. I have more energy. I can move about easier.

I have used 5:2 fasting regularly, and more recently Michael Mosley's 8 week Blood Sugar Diet - which I think really suits me. It involves cutting out wheat products (bread, pasta, cereal, oats), rice, anything with sugar added and ensuring that you eat lots of "healthy" non-saturated fats - full milk yogurt, nuts, small amounts of cheese, oily fish, avocado, etc. Basically a Mediterranean diet. You eat a maximum of 800 calories a day, but because you are eating the healthy fats, you feel fuller for longer. I have found it really quite easy as unlike 5:2, you can eat every day and it's easy to eat out and avoid the "forbidden" foods!

Oh, and I have a blog, that I don't post to regularly enough to. It's about my weight loss journey, exercise and also I share my recipes as I love to cook!

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Pineapple27 profile image
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40 Replies

Well done pineapple27 that's a fantastic loss and you look great :)

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024

You look fabulous - well done (and LOL at the cheeky name of your blog)!

EllaMidlands profile image

You look great. An inspiration!

slimpickings profile image
slimpickings2 stone

Your weight loss is amazing and it has taken years off you. Thank you for sharing the link to your blog. Xx

PippiRuns profile image
PippiRuns2kgRestart Nov 2023

Well done Pineapple. Amazing result. It must be extra difficult to maintain if you are not able to exercise as much. I maintain by eating exactly what I want but running the excess calories off🙂

I remember you from wlr. Glad to see you've kept the weight off!

Pineapple27 profile image
Pineapple27 in reply to

Still on WLR! Still need to make use of all the tools, particularly the food logging and the ability to create recipes.

in reply to Pineapple27

I now use my fitness pal!

Great post. You've done brilliantly and congratulations 🎉👏

Thanks for the blog link, I will definitely be trying out some recipes - they look delicious 😋

JiminyCricket profile image

Well done! You look fantastic. And well done for keeping it off, truly that's the hard bit.

Grannynise profile image

Oh you look great! And 10 years younger.

paulapips64 profile image

Wow what an achievement well done on your weight loss you look amazing xx

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone

A journey well trodden, Pineapple, well done you :)

Your blog is fantastic and it's going to take me a while to read it all, but I'm really excited to try some of your recipes, thanks for sharing :)

Ruby8 profile image

Brilliant weight loss! You seem very well organised. Took a look at your blog, copied and pasted the mediterranean veg and quinoa bake to my recipe looks yum!


MoppySmith profile image

Hi me again I thought you looked a lovely person in your head and shoulders picture so now I have read this I know you are a lovely person I am a physiotherapist by the way I need to lose ten stone but am 5-6 in so if you can do it I am hoping I can I will read your blog later must get on and make evening meal My husband is like a stick even I don't know what he weighs . He is embarrassed how thin he is and would never take his trousers off in public . Like you I enjoy cooking . I will be 69 this year You are amazing I am so grateful we met

Pineapple27 profile image
Pineapple27 in reply to MoppySmith

Awww, I am pleased you found my story helpful. I go to a Physiotherapy Centre regularly for massage, manipulation, acupuncture and I also have recently started one-to-one Pilates exercises for an hour every other week. That all really helps me with my pain - I am thankful that I don't need to take anything stronger than Paracetamol - and even then, only occasionally.

I actually turned my love of cooking around and made it a tool to help me lose weight. I love nothing more than to try different recipes that I find online. I post meal ideas on the "Healthy Eating" thread regularly. Just about to post one now (venison).

I don't up-date my blog regularly enough! I should! But losing weight and my daily exercise takes priority at the moment - the blog up-dates can wait!

MoppySmith profile image
MoppySmith in reply to Pineapple27

Hi remember me Just to say somehow I put on three pounds this week No walking cos of the weather and maybe too much starch or sweet fruits Hoping for better weather this week but I am very busy so don't know how I will fit it in .i do a lot of cooking for other people two lunch clubs , children's club, mums who have just had babies etc I am seeing nurse on Tuesday for general health check My appt for MRI scan has come and follow up at hospital 19th 20th feb Hope you are doing well too .

Pineapple27 profile image
Pineapple27 in reply to MoppySmith

Oh dear! Thankfully my exercise doesn't depend on the weather, as I do it inside in the warm! In the garage "gym" when the weather gets less damp and a bit warmer, and then I also start lots of gardening chores too, which is great as I don't really see it as "exercise" but know I burn calories!

I don't think fruit can do that much damage (unless you are really eating lots and lots!) but I know that my portion sizes had to reduce significantly for me to lose weight. Even now, I weigh out quantities for the more calorific things (cheese, oils, butter, cream, etc). You don't need a lot of these to enjoy them!

Roast gammon with leeks in a creamy white sauce, mashed swede and carrots and brussel sprouts for dinner here....

I am really working hard for a loss this week, as I want to get into the "9 stone somethings". Weigh in for me this week was 10st 0.2lbs!

MoppySmith profile image
MoppySmith in reply to Pineapple27

Thanks for writing I don't eat any cheese cream oils butter because of my gall bladder infection . I need to eat smaller portions then and see what happens . I eat different meal to my husband most of the time . I do eat yogurt and watch the labels carefully Glad to know you are doing so well

Pineapple27 profile image
Pineapple27 in reply to MoppySmith

Oh yes, no fats? I'd forgotten, sorry! Luckily my hubbie eats what I eat - but he had roast potatoes and parsnips with his. Have you tried using a smaller plate? Even a tea plate? And eat really slowly.... like make an effort to chew every mouthful twenty times (amazing how much longer it takes!) I also start every meal with a glass of water, as that helps to make me feel fuller for longer. It's also really important to eat "mindfully" (don't sit in front of the TV and eat).

I found this website: you are quite restricted on what you can eat, and I have to admit that the recommended foods don't get me too excited... You have my sympathy!

MoppySmith profile image
MoppySmith in reply to Pineapple27

Thanks I am going to do the water thing I have read that on the newbies site . I am sorry to say we do eat on our laps watching TV that's my husbands doing He has a kit Kat for his breakfast then goes to his allotment or out If I have meals on my own cos he is out I don't have TV on I have just had dinner fish sea bass green beans broad beans tomato followed by apricots and plain yogurt I don't eat red meat or cured meats

George56 profile image

What a star you are. I am hoping to do the same. I had my first walk today around our local health centre. Kind regards George.

Ceals profile image

Had not seen this previously Pineapple27 as you posted it before I joined. I have to say you look fabulous in your "after" photograph. Your determination, and support of others, is a credit to you.

I really enjoyed reading your post.



Pineapple27 profile image
Pineapple27 in reply to Ceals

Awww, thanks so much for your very complimentary posts! I think I want to encourage and support others, as I know how much my health and mobility have been positively impacted on because of the weight I've lost.

Ceals profile image
Ceals in reply to Pineapple27

You certainly do motivate and encourage others, thank you.

Elke516 profile image

Congrats Pineapple, you look fantastic, what an great achievement and personal development for you. Very inspiring and motivating. Thank you for sharing X

Minniewinny profile image
Minniewinny5 stoneMaintainer

Lovely transformation x

Downandout123 profile image

5 years!! Oh my!! But it definitely paid off! You look wonderful and are so pretty!! 😊

Pineapple27 profile image
Pineapple27 in reply to Downandout123

That's very kind of you!

Downandout123 profile image
Downandout123 in reply to Pineapple27


Kathy12 profile image

You really are an inspiration. I don't have the difficulties you have although I have limited mobility. Thanks so much for sending me these links. Beginning to think I can do it if I can be patient as its going to take me a couple of years at least. You are amazing.

Missionhealth profile image

Very well done Pineapple, puts me to shame 😊

Rosebud2 profile image

Wow! That’s so inspirational xx

Cragfergus profile image

Thank you so much

Memacm profile image

Hello Pineapple27, I just wanted to say what an achievement. You look amazing. I've had a look at the link you posted to your blog. I think I've just found my new cookery book! I'm on a calorie controlled diet, and I am so incredibly grateful for all the work you have gone to in creating those mouthwatering recipes and breaking them down nutritionally. It is very generous of you. Unfortunately, I've just been looking through them, and I'm starving now! I am sure I am going to dream of duck in plum sauce, and chicken, mushroom and leek pie. Yum!

Mrsflows profile image

Wow you look amazing, what a difference you must be so proud of yourself xx

Fresh2708 profile image

You must feel amazing losing all that weight. What an achievement.

focused1 profile image

The photos say it all . The determination and that's what we all need to do . I thought I must almost see this as a new job . Learn. Make a few mistakes and keep adding/tweaking . Can see through your recipes and posts you weren't making excuses . You look fabulous. Can't believe your age either . I just looked at those black trousers!

Yogaart profile image

I'm so inspired by your journey. Thank you for the common sense advice on your blog and the great recipes.

Pineapple27 profile image
Pineapple27 in reply to Yogaart

A pleasure Yogaart - glad you've found them useful and supportive.

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