Start of Week 29 … All Change - Weight Loss Support

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Start of Week 29 … All Change

Johnny-One profile image
5 Replies

Reverend Charles Augustus Goodrich (1790 – June 4, 1862) was an American author and Congregational minister, who popularized the motto "a place for everything and everything in its place".  I do not know about being related, but I do love the idea of everything following an order of some fashion; even my socks are kept on a shelf in order of what to wear next.

Occasionally however I am reminded that the universe does not follow my regimented pattern and apparently some of you enjoy the chaos.  Hence when I had to switch to Saturday evening weigh-ins, since I now travel on Sunday evenings to fit in with my new job, my life appeared to come to an end.  Deep breaths and some relaxation exercises and I have managed to put my life back in order.

The down side is you do weigh differently at different points in the week and so I am unhappy that I weighed in heavier this week.  However, since this is now the “new” norm I am going off the “new reality.

What a long ramble to say I have put a couple of pounds on this week and I am unhappy about it.  I do not even think it sounded convincing.

A new week and a new start.  Let’s hope your weeks turn out better than mine did last week.

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Johnny-One profile image
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5 Replies
Diana profile image

Mine was about re visiting calories , I'm such a nibble person, my downfall, 3.5 lbs off, tough for you being away, onwards and off, try to be more careful, harder for you being away from home tho

Fran182716 profile image

Sorry you've put on some weight but your post did make me laugh! Hope you settle into your new routine soon ☀️

muffintop67 profile image

You definitely weigh different at different points in the week and day.  You say you have put on a couple of pounds but how can you tell as you are weighing in at a different time so you don't have a previous weight to compare to.  Glad to hear you have got your life back in order and I am sure the relaxation exercises helped.  Hope you have a good week and the scales show you the numbers you want next week.

kantara71 profile image

You will have to chill out Johnny,

Don't weigh yourself for a month and see how much you have lost then? (only kidding). 

But you should weigh first thing in the morning after the bathroom visit and leave your socks off! 


IndigoBlue61 profile image

I had to make an "adjustment" also when I got new accurate scales 😕 But I knew in reality this is just a number, what counts us what you are eating and how much you're moving 😊 Hope the new job is going well 😊 Good luck! 

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