Just one last thing to prepare before ... - Weight Loss Support

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Just one last thing to prepare before starting C25K...

SVR28 profile image
7 Replies

and that is....me!

I've downloaded the Podcasts, got myself an i-pod sports arm band, new sports bra and dusted off the old trainers now I've just got to prepare myself. Probably the biggest obstacle.

I'm afraid and ashamed to be seen out plodding the streets. Realistically the only time I can walk/jog is after I've fed, washed and put the family to bed.

I was thinking about doing early morning runs so no one would see me but that would mean getting up for before 5am and I know in my heart of hearts I would not do that.

So evenings it is but how to get over the embarrasment of having my neighbours see me. I know I have to get over it and be less self conscious but it is difficult - I am not a small girl.

I've listened to the first part of the first C25k podcast and I have to jog for 60 secs - this probably doesn't sound very long but for me and the state I am currently in this will be like running a marathon.

If I get through this programme and become "a runner" (something I have always wanted to say about myself) I will really have something to be proud of so I need to keep this in mind and use this to motivate myself to get out there and just do it.

Wish me luck and if you see a large, red faced girl, puffing away on a street near you, have only kind thoughts for her, please

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SVR28 profile image
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7 Replies
Rawhide profile image

I'm sending you kind thoughts all the way. All I have to do touch my toes and I go beetroot coloured! Sod everyone though, people are always too engrossed in themselves to even notice you.

suzybenj profile image

Take no notice and get out there - Anyone who showed the vaguest of interest I told them I was following a specific programme. The truth is not many people actually took an interest and those that were just impressed. I was just like you nine weeks ago and I graduated Tues this week - and feel I have traveled mentally ( as well as physically so far. So chin up and be proud that you are out there doing it.

I read somewhere that the biggest obstacle for runners was the first step out of the door.....

Join us on the C25K blog site - there are lots of us there who will give support.xx

Beek profile image

Hi SVR28. Welcome to the C25K blog page! You will find loads of tips, advice, support and encouragement from this wonderful group of people who understand exactly how you feel - because we have all been there on our journey. Don't give a thought to people seeing you. They are in their own world anyway and probably won't even notice you. Just trust Laura as she talks you through each session. It may sound like a marathon to you now but once you get started you'll be surprised how quickly you gain strength and stamina. The best advice I had at the beginning was to start 'slow and steady' early on and you will soon feel positive results. Don't go into it headlong, get tired and put yourself off.

Well done for giving this a go and keep coming back to let us know how you are getting on. I couldn't have done it without this blog page. GOOD LUCK!

Hi SVR28,

Hey it's like those new eating habits, isn't it?

You're full of intrepidation about it all but in a few weeks time, once you've got over your fears of it, you'll be LOVING the running, just as in due course when you lose that weight, you'll be LOVING your new (or regained?) slimmer body.

Good luck with both.

SVR28 profile image

Thanks all for the encouragement. My first run is set for Monday evening of the C25k programe but I'm doing a brisk walk tomorrow morning to find a route I'll be familiar with.

I'll update you all with how I get on! Here goes...

xsallyx profile image

I was talking to a family member about running outside.

She said she use to go to the local park to run, all she saw was people also running or walking there dogs. minding there own business.

Maybe if you have a park near you this could be an idea.

Itsallanadventure profile image

Get out there and do it! People will have no idea whether you have run for 60 secs or 5 miles!

I found that first time getting out tough too, but you can do it!

I have just got back in, it is a great way to start the day!

Thinking of you Mon, tell us how it goes. :)

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