Save our NHS and keep it free for all - NHS England: A Ca...

NHS England: A Call to Action

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Save our NHS and keep it free for all

maryM1 profile image
6 Replies

Increase Personal Tax by a small amount BUT make sure the tax raised is RING FENCED to be used ONLY for NHS and Healthcare purposes.

We obviously have a crisis in the NHS and things are getting worse and at breaking point. We have to get the Government to increase NHS expenditure. I believe that many people would be prepared to pay a small increase in their income tax if they know it has been ring fenced ONLY for use only by NHS and for Healthcare."

I have started a petition. If I can get 100,000 people to sign it, the issue will be debated in Parliament. I am hoping that you might be prepared to sign it and would be able to forward it and/or let other people know about my petition who my also be prepared to sign it.

The petition website is as follows:


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maryM1 profile image
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6 Replies
ScraptheNHS profile image

It's not free and it's not worth saving. Cost me my health, job and pension. 2 and a half years, mostly waiting time, to fix a slipped disc. STILL waiting. Useless.

Cann profile image

The NHS in my view spends far too much on invasive treatment and drugs that have not been proven to work other than by the companies promoting the drugs and their own questionable research and if they do work there are often side-effects that can be quite horrendous from my experience. GP's have told me to check the ingredients in all the drugs that they have prescribed because they don't know what is in them and they know my body is so sensitive. Hence, I have been able to take no drugs since 2001.

I was treated at Bristol Homeopathic NHS hospital from when I was dying at 5 stone 10lbs to last year (I am now 8 stone) by conventionally and homeopathically trained doctors - now that was truly health treatment, but guess what - it was forced to close down and my treatment which managed my auto-immune problems ended. It was so much cheaper than drug treatment, so why has homeopathy in the NHS been cut? I think we all know the answer to that. I will only sign a petition if I know how the money is going to be spent.

One other interesting piece of information - when fighting to try to keep my homeopathic treatment, the CCG grouped my treatment along with boob enlargements and tattoo removal - shows how much they knew about homeopathy and how it works!

WheezyAnne profile image

I think charging people for missed appointments would be a good idea, unless they have a valid reason, but then you get into the discussion about what is a valid reason? Also the admin involved will cost, so possibly not worth it, I don't know.

Although I agree with you in principle, I dont think an across the board tax rise is a good idea as many people are struggling to pay lifes basics. My feeling is that they need to train more people in the UK, and put a clause in their University Loan that it needs to be repaid before they can leave and work abroad, or there training is free, as long as they give the NHS so many years service.

I understand that we are training people up, then they are going abroad to work. I don't know if this is true.

The NHS is wasting too much money having to rely on Agency Staff. Privatisation in the NHS does not work, our local hospital was a prime example Hinchingbrooke.

The other side of the coin is education to tell the public where to go out of hours for advice, and, in my opinion, scrap 111. In my opinion they are responsible for a lot of the increase to A and E. Bring back the triage nurses working with emergency GPs.

I think I have put my points the wrong way around. Hope it makes sense.

skybluepink profile image
skybluepink in reply to WheezyAnne

How do you know it is their fault ? What about those with memory or mental problems ? It could be the admin deliberate mistake as have noticed this a few times as if you change an appt not allowed to cancel ??!!! . Since then also noticed that they, all too quickly, blame the patients then make sure the patients are then blocked by Registrars recording what you tell them with some false information which GPs refuse to change directing them to use choose and book inappropriately .It is not quite so simple ?!By the way letters then sent to a GP you have never met or even there so do not have responsibility as no longer take the hippocratic oath .I wonder why?You are then told and blamed from going from pillar to post having your valuable time and resources wasted unfairly when given to believe you are going to be assisted .

auntym profile image

I have signed the petition.

maryM1 profile image

Thanks auntym

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