How can we Save Our NHS ?: We are... - NHS England: A Ca...

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How can we Save Our NHS ?

Bright2018 profile image
8 Replies

We are consultants working to improve NHS services by promoting road safety and educating people about how Our NHS was compromised by deadly roads after we joined the EU. The Labour BRexit! for British Rail can Save Our NHS so please comment and tell us exactly what you think (especially if you disagree) we want to hear all voices and everyone is welcome to have your say!

We need YOUR OPINION as to how we can truly Save Our NHS !

These days Our NHS faces challenges of Privatisation and a massive increase in Traumatic Brain Injuries caused by road incidents. The United Nations Decade of Action from 2011 to 2020 was proposed by Russian President Medvedev in order to STOP RISK of millions of children being killed on the roads. Learn more here:

Our NHS was born 70 years ago in 1948 after we defeated Nazi Germany in 1945.

The BMW engine powered dive bombers and Junckers as well as Messerschmidts and V2s had been successfully shot down. The IG Farben group of German Chemical weapons factories that made Zyklon B gas to murder over six million Jewish, Disabled, Gypsy and RMT UNION types of human beings had been stopped.

German was NOT declared an official language at the United Nations which was founded in 1945 and is STILL NOT an official language because Germany is, after all, actively trying to promote deadly cars and stop Great Britain from restricting deadly car imports after The Brexit. We love The German People and welcome German Doctors and Nurses to work in Our NHS but we cannot support the Angela Merkel, Emmanuel Macron and Theresa May regime of Vicious Volkswagens, BMW Bribery, Citroen corruption, Deadly Daimlers, Aggressive Audis and Porsche 9-11 Types of ISIS terrorists in Toyotas murdering people in Syria using German chemical weapons today.

Clearly the German people are suffering (double the number of people are killed on German roads compared to UK roads every year) so we need to work together with our German sisters and brothers in order to STOP RISK on our roads.

Simply enabling local UK Police to properly prosecute deadly drivers and reclaim NHS costs from motor insurance companies can Save Our NHS and will also STOP RISK of further road incidents.

As a road crime survivor living with TBI it is my purpose in life to ensure that my children will be safe on their bicycles. The STOP RISK campaign therefore promotes cycling, bus services, Great British Railways and a culture of Road Safety.

Join us in Geneva on deployment as we work together to implement Road Safety across Europe and STOP RISK of deadly road incidents. Brexit will enable us to STOP RISK of deadly cars entering the UK and prioritise public transport. The German regime will collapse. Russia will need to trade with us and Germany will become democratic.

Most importantly our proposals will help Save Our NHS and implement a similar system in The Philippines where most of our highly skilled teachers, nurses and doctors will come from immediately after The Brexit (absolute Brexit).

The RMT UNION supports as Trade Unionists oppose EU privatisation. All NHS workers will benefit from the absolute Brexit and most of all the people of Europe will be liberated from the EU regime as it is replaced with Democracy and Freedom. All war will end as we remember 1918 in 2018 together with The Royal British Legion.

GOD SAVE THE QUEEN and God bless the Great British Philippine islands !

Maraming Salamat Po !

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Bright2018 profile image
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8 Replies
paxo05 profile image

I have to agree that the NHS needs saving. It is the envy of the world yet could soon only exist in history books.

As for the influx of deadly Daimlers being the culprit of the amount of injuries on our roads I have to disagree.

They are only machines that rely on people to control them. It is the people that are " in charge" of these machines that need educating on their use and misuse.

It was a Peugeot car that ran headlong into me. Does that mean it was a french plot against me ????? No it means the driver totally ignored me hoping I would get out of the way.

Ironically the bicycle I was ridIng was a modified race Peugeot. ...mmm maybe there was a plot.

Yes I NHS needs support so do our traffic situation. Surely this can be achieved by education and not pointing fingers at other countries.

These are our problems and deflecting the problems onto others takes the focus onto the real causes.

Then again any debate is better than no debate. If one thing bi survivors can do whilst raising awareness of our hidden disability is to also raise awareness of the good treatment by the NHS and also the cause of our bi especially if via a rta.

Hopefully no matter what your opinions maybe people will discuss the problems and hopefully try and help address them.


Bright2018 profile image
Bright2018 in reply to paxo05

Thank you very much for your reply, yes I do agree we need to fix our own problems in the UK and not point fingers at others. The reason I say "ban the BMW, Arrest the Audi, Vanish the Volkswagen, Corner the Citroen, Punish the Peugeot" etc. etc. is because Our NHS was created in 1948 before these deadly cars infested our streets. I would also like to include "Roll over the Rolls Royce" but that might seem unpatriotic... We are confronting corporate greed that is destroying our NHS and the motor car industry needs to pay up.

Cars are responsible for over 1,250,000 deaths on the roads of Our World every year and mostly the victims are children in developing countries. We in the UK need to take the lead in stopping risk on the roads, to Save The Children in real life, today.

The urgent need to stop tragic traffic incidents is a global problem but Brexit can help, the silver lining is we get to control our borders and impose 50% tariffs on imported cars. Motoring must reflect the true cost to society. My injuries to my head have cost this country over six million pounds so far in lost tax revenue and NHS bills. I am not a freeloader so I want to pay six million pounds to Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs, at least that is what I feel I owe Our Kingdom.

The NHS saved my life and thankfully after 35 years of campaigning from 1983 to 2018 we have now made the road safer outside the Croyde Bay Holiday NALGO camp. The National Association of Local Government Officials is now called UNITE the Union so I am asking them to help me promote Road Safety in all our cities, villages and towns as well as on the roads in-between. Trade Unions have a vital role to play ensuring we get a People's Brexit that will STOP RISK on the roads and not the Hostile Environment of Theresa May.

Prioritising Our NHS at The Brexit doesn't mean charging pregnant foreigners for delivering babies, it means charging deadly foreign and UK vehicle manufacturers for the damage their cars cause. It also means arresting deadly drivers and forcing their insurance companies to foot the NHS bills and benefit bills of road incident victims.

We must shift the Brexit debate away from attacking people and on to stopping risk on the roads. In this way we can topple the Theresa May regime and achieve a Labour government that will Save Our NHS as Labour built Our NHS in 1948 after all...

Thank you again, very much for your input which is much appreciated, CHEERS !

paxo05 profile image
paxo05 in reply to Bright2018

The problem is not the cars...Where ever they are from .....It's the drivers.

It's like in the US and guns. They fight for their right to bear arms. To a point I agree in that it is not the gun that kills but the person holding it. I feel they miss the point on tighter gun control but this is diverting from my point.

You can restrict car imports which may drive the prices up. People will hang onto their current cars longer. But will still drive and cause accidents.

Better education and enforcement of highway laws may have a bigger impact. Maybe higher fines instead of bans along with driver education may help.

On the other side making it law for cyclists to wear helmets would be a good thing. The UK fell short of voting for this recently and not follow Irelands lead in this law. Their excuse that it wasn't enforceable is a cop out.

Yes this would not stop the accidents but mat stop the fatalities.


Bright2018 profile image
Bright2018 in reply to paxo05

Sadly the government of the day refuses to make our roads safe, this places an undue burden on our NHS but maybe it is true they actually want to privatise it so we cannot expect any real improvements in road safety or the NHS for the time being.

jointpain profile image

What drugs are you on? The UK has some of the safest roads in the world.

I am a Remainer.

Bright2018 profile image
Bright2018 in reply to jointpain

I would love to remain if the EU would make road safety a serious priority, sadly this is not the case. Our roads may be the safest in Europe but they are still very dangerous as I found out to my cost as I am now living with a brain injury from a road incident.

johnsmith profile image

Big long a little difficult to follow what you are trying to get at.

I am all for privatisation of parts of the NHS. I have met too many dishonest consultants. I have met dishonest NHS researchers.

Lets start with a blatant lie on an NHS leaflet. It says antibiotics cannot cure toothache. There are many situations where antibiotics does cure toothache. You can get a small food particle trapped in the gum. A big problem for those with receding gums. The food particle allows a bacterial film to develop and provide infection into the gums. The inflammation produces pressure on the nerve root of a tooth. You get massive toothache as a result. The antibiotics help clear the infection. Methods to help clear out food debis removes bacteria food sources.

Another blatant lie. Obesity causes cancer. I have seen the NHS leaflets.

An NHS consultant a Mr **** a long time ago in a court of law under oath said losing an hours sleep had no effect on one. This runs counter to many people's experience.

There is the myth of evidence based medicine where the consultants and GPS does not bother to find out where on the population curve of treatment responses a patient lies - with much harm to the patient.

I broke my wrist a number of years ago. The consultants room where the plaster was taken did not have patient facilities to clean skin which had been under plaster for two weeks.

"Rigor Mortis" by Richard Harris lists and examines a lot of fraudulent research.

I am friends with an old lady who has had Bell's Palsy. The consultant who treated her insisted that she had the disease because she was worrying about something.

The list of dishonest sayings and actions by NHS consultants is endless.

When the consultants start to clean up their act then there will be fewer patients who have to be treated because of the treatment they received by the consultants and GPs.

Wow. It seems that the NHS is an emotional issue for people. Our health is essential to the quality of our lives. Of course it's easy to pick faults with the NHS. It's easy to pick faults with anything.

It's not so easy to suggest an alternative.

It's not so easy to discuss it either without getting political.

OK so if there are problems with the NHS, should we privatise it? Do you want something like the USA where millions of people have no medical insurance and thousands die as a consequence where most bankruptcies stem from medical debt?

What makes you think the care you"ll get will be any better?

According to the World Health Organisation the NHS is one of the best in the world.

If it's broken - fix it, don't throw it away.

I also don't think it can be fixed by banning imported cars, though it might be a good idea for other reasons.

The NHS was founded, (happy 70th birthday), on a socialist ideology and the moral principle of the greatest good for the greatest number of people.

The problem is like British roads, the more and the bigger roads there are, the more cars there are, (and incidentally more accidents). The more health care there is, the more people expect of it. In a country where the NHS is funded by the government the amount that they spend on it is going to be limited. If you spend on one thing, you can spend so much on another. I suppose you could save money by stopping road repairs and road building and raising taxes on imported cars. (Bad roads might mean more accidents). Or you could raise taxes generally. That might mean the population is healthier, but more of us would be starving because we can't afford food.

No, the key word is "expectation". We have come to expect too much of the NHS.

It would help if there wasn't too much demand on it because people won't take responsibility for managing their own health wherever possible.

That does NOT mean closing emergency departments it means people learning something as simple as cleaning a cut and putting a plaster on, instead of expecting the NHS to do it. It might mean educating kids in road safety.

It might mean that people need to show more interest in OUR NHS in a constructive way rather than just complaining about it's shortfalls or not even thinking about it until you're ill or older.

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