Having recently becoming a grandfather to four beautiful healthy babies, and looking at best practices for maintaining their health, I looked into the vaccine schedule for newborns. I was shocked at what I discovered.
One of the vaccines recommended for babies, to be given at 2, 4, and 6 months of age is a product named Bexero. It is a vaccine to protect against Meningococcal group B bacteria.
I downloaded and read the product information leaflet dated July 2017 (along with others for all the recommended vaccines) provided by the NHS, to see if there was any safety concerns regarding using this vaccine on a newborn. To be doubly sure I also downloaded the product package insert (dated May 2018 so supersedes the NHS leaflet) direct from the manufacturer (GlaxoSmithKline).
What I discovered when I compared the two documents shocked me to the core.....
The first line of the NHS PIL (product information leaflet) states: "This medicine is subject to additional monitoring". I thought this strange because surely if a vaccine is to be given to a newborn it would already have been subjected to rigorous safety testing to ensure its suitability. So I then looked at the manufacturers vaccine insert (VI).
I discovered that this product has never been tested for safety on anyone younger than ten years old! In fact the manufacturers VI states "BEXSERO is approved for use in individuals 10 through 25 years of age". IT IS NOT APPROVED BY THE MANUFACTURER FOR USE IN ANYONE YOUNGER THAN TEN YEARS OLD!
So I did some more digging and discovered that there has only been one study carried out on children under ten by the European Medical Agency (EMA), and all it studied was the vaccines ability to produce antibodies in those children. (See here) drugs.com/uk/bexsero.html. The snippet taken from the NHS choices website in the attached photo is a total lie. The vaccine has NEVER BEEN TESTED FOR SAFETY IN CHILDREN UNDER TEN.
I then scrolled further down the NHS PIL and found the following: " Bexsero can be given at the same time as any of the following vaccine components: diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough (pertussis), Haemophilus influenzae type b, polio, hepatitis B, pneumococcus, measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox, and meningococcus C."
Yet in the manufacturers VI it states: "Sufficient data are not available to establish the safety and immunogenicity of concomitant administration of BEXSERO with recommended adolescent vaccines."
So it has NOT been tested for safety when administered with other vaccines, yet it is routinely given to 2, 4, and 6 month old babies at the same time as 8 other vaccines!
Further down the PIL I found a long list of possible side effects affecting more than 1 in 10 recipients: (More than 1 in 10 could mean 9 in ten!)
Fever (≥38ºC) - loss of appetite - tenderness or discomfort at the injection site (including severe injection site tenderness resulting in crying when injected limb is moved) - painful joints - skin rash - sleepiness - feeling irritable - unusual crying - vomiting - diarrhoea - headache.
Also listed were the following side effects that have been reported during marketed use:
Severe swelling of the lips, mouth, throat - difficulty breathing with wheezing or coughing - loss of consciousness and very low blood pressure - Collapse (sudden onset of muscle floppiness), less responsive than usual or lack of awareness, - paleness or bluish skin discoloration in young children - Feeling faint or fainting.
Some of the above are concerning but maybe not considered serious, so again I checked the VI to check the incidence of serious adverse events. I discovered:
"(2.1%) participants reported serious adverse events at any time during the study".
That's 1 in every fifty participants experiencing a SERIOUS adverse reaction to the vaccine in clinical trials. And remember these trials were on 10 to 25 year olds, not 2 month old babies, so how will a newborn react..... Once again the information given on the NHS choices website regarding safety is a lie because CLINICAL STUDIES HAVE SHOWN THAT 1 IN EVERY 50 HAS SUFFERED A SERIOUS ADVERSE REACTION.
This vaccine is to provide protection against a disease that only affected 0.0006% of UK inhabitants in 2017, so where is the logic in giving an untested vaccine to babies for a disease that is so rare that 99.9994% of the total population will never be affected by it? (Statistics here) assets.publishing.service.g...
Then in suddenly dawned on me the true meaning of the opening statement of the PIL: "This medicine is subject to additional monitoring". Our babies are being used as unwitting guinea pigs and test subjects to monitor the safety of this vaccine in children under ten years old. Clinical safety trials have never been conducted by anyone else on subjects under ten!
This to me is an abomination. Our precious babies should not be unwitting test subjects, and their health and well-being compromised, purely for the financial benefit of medical professionals and the pharmaceutical industry.
I would be interested in others thoughts.
The documents referred to if you wish to compare them yourself can be found here:
Product Information Leaflet (PIL). medicines.org.uk/emc/files/...
Manufacturers Vaccine Insert (VI). gsksource.com/pharma/conten...