I know that sometimes things go wrong when a patient goes to hospital but we only hear about the negative aspects never when things have gone really well. There are some bad doctors and nurses but there are a lot more good and dedicated ones.
NHS and bad press: I know that... - NHS England: A Ca...
NHS England: A Call to Action
NHS and bad press

Absolutely! I wouldn't be here if the surgeons and oncologists, and especially the nurses, at my local hospital, hadn't been there with their experience and skills, 11 years ago .....
I now volunteer sometimes in the women's Gynae support group. The nurses and auxiliaries give up a Saturday morning each month and run a great informal service, so supportive, so helpful!
Thanks for the reply. I am a nurse and I think most of us try and do a good job. It probably is the most envied organisation in the world. Even America which is supposed to be the most advanced country in the world is still very backward regarding health care for the majority
I think the problem stems from the media wanting to get more attention, and unfortunately bad news sells. As a pharmacist it really annoys me when the profession gets undue bad attention from the mainstream media. Granted, certain professionals may be unfit to practice but the vast majority of healthcare professionals work tirelessly, and often without thanks, for the benefit of patients.
I would really like to see the media becoming more balanced in its reporting of certain "bad issues" and shed some light on the fantastic care that takes place within the NHS. The Royal Colleges are doing a great job in defending the professions but I wonder if there is a way for them to have a more noticeable, and widespread, presence in such articles?
As a retired teacher, I know that bad news sells more copy than successes. Whenever I have a chance, as a voluntary regional co-ordinator of Ovacome, when doing presentations and interviews with any press body, I raise awareness of symptoms of OC but also pay tribute the the great work by medical teams, in my experience.
When I was teaching, it used to be said that the answer to Q - 'What do you think of the state of education in UK today?' Would elicit a very negative answer, whereas the answer to 'What do you think of your child's teachers?' usually got a positive one. I suspect it's similar with the NHS, unfortunately, people believe any bad story!
I agree only the bad ones get any press coverage. The Gp I had in the late 70's early 80's, was exceptional and really went the extra mile by coming to A&E and swearing when he discovered I had gone through to be seen! All in the name of trying for a baby! I had problems getting pregnant and then problems staying pregnant. I always say if it was not for him I would not have my daughter today. She is now 33. Needless to say I did not try another attempt after her birth, both my husband and I did not think it would be fair to her with all that I had to go through to achieve her.
Hi georje. What we need is more stories like yours. It is nice that someone appreciates the work we are doing.
You say bad doctors and nurses you don't say anything about the majority of bad TRUSTs are creating this situation.
Hi etinkwah I agree the trusts need sorting out, and the majority of doctors and nurses are brilliant. We seem to be top heavy with admin staff and one trust near me had 30 modern matrons. Thanks for replying
I have seen more 'bad patients' than staff. Also the 'bad visitors' that cause so many problems for staff and patients alike - now the press rarely mention that.
Hi ironingqueen20 I agree sometimes we get so much verbal abuse from relatives it's unbelievable