Why can't I buy canesten for thrush? ... - NHS England: A Ca...

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Why can't I buy canesten for thrush? Surely denying this medicine to over 60s is ageist!

greengran profile image
39 Replies

I used to just buy it. now it takes days just to get a GP appointment, wastes a lot of time and administration. no wonder the nhs is running out of money etc. for the patient its unnecessary.

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greengran profile image
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39 Replies

As far as I understand it can still be bought over the counter. You may need to speak to the pharmacist.

Di7Hop profile image
Di7Hop in reply to

Not if you are over 60.

legs5 profile image
legs5 in reply toDi7Hop

the pharmacy won't sell it to you but you can buy it off the shelf in all supermarkets.

in reply tolegs5

Oh no you can't...

lidoplace profile image
lidoplace in reply to

Yes you can - I bought mine in Sainsbury's and went through self checkout, Thrush caused by antibiotics so this is the only method to get relief along with probiotics to replace good bacteria. Certainly not going to waste my and doctors time

MaxGaz profile image
MaxGaz in reply toDi7Hop

I have bought it from Amazon regardless of age.

ChristeO profile image
ChristeO in reply toDi7Hop

Hi, like U am a woman closer to 70 than 60, but today I asked in the chemist for Canesten, after my Dr refused me.

Can any DR out there explain to the women our age what reason they have to refuse treatment, as this is what you're doing when you refuse medicine, on age grounds?.

Or is this some form of Euthanasia being brought in by the back door.

katieoxo60 profile image

Agreed my daughter uses it and it can still be bought over the counter, even places like Wilkinsons sell it. So I would try again if I were you greengran , good luck.

Di7Hop profile image
Di7Hop in reply tokatieoxo60

Not if you are over 60

allanah profile image

I have similar problems as when they know you are methotrexate or biologics they say you have to see a gp!!! It's frustrating so I just phone messages doctor who just leaves a prescription as he agrees it's a waste of appointments. But other things he wants to see me in case I develop a bad infection I can't fight off due to the RA drugs ! Another little struggle in an RA day xx

skybluepink profile image
skybluepink in reply toallanah

Meto?...If you have regular infection formerly treated in hospitals when Cut back under Thatcher they refuse smears & referrals over certain age even antibiotics when specialists directed

In my case they refused to transfer hospital apps when moved [ 3 x uts] for disability [ spina bifida] that say of no consequence yet found in research re: neurogenic bladder one ureter too many .Can't catheteriseI have had comments 3 yrs ago [ 3 practices] that don;t have to bother with me as middle aged & costing too much taking up too much time as doesn't cause a problem .Eh they can't examine me with a history of cancer & hormonal imbalances & heart & stroke problems including multi infant dementia.Wheninexperienced p/t time Dr eventually checked a treatment he dressed as if going into a nuclear reactor??!!In my book on Top doctors all the best deal with men if on remits & your utis are effecting your trigger points what then ?You are maligned & libelled who know shouldn't be in Tier 1 of system yet allow it to happen by giving public funds to LAs discriminating their social services .I can prove this .

Surely this behaviour is not legal & against Equalities Act?

RCherry profile image


unfortunately it's not licensed for sale to anyone over the age of 60. All medicines behind the counter have a license and cannot be sold for other uses. Some have age limits on them such as children's chesty cough medicine because of the active ingredient. I believe the reason it cannot be supplied to someone over the age of 60 is because it is less likely you will suffer from thrush and there may be another reason as to why you are suffering with the symptoms. Massive pain for all involved.

skybluepink profile image
skybluepink in reply toRCherry

Your arrogance & inability to think is unbelievable my father and his were pharmacists & they would rock in their grave at the licenses, policies & procedures causing the immunity by delay & attitudes like your .Don't you realise the power of antibiotics & used correctly there would be no amputations , sepsis & people dying before there time .Or do you follow the biased news of right wing press.

Maggie24Bev31 profile image

I went to the Chemist today to buy Canastan and because I was over 60yrs old I was told I had to see my doctor as I am also type 2 Diabetic I know its thrush due to white down below.Could not get an appointment.Now I will have to suffer.

hugosmum profile image
hugosmum in reply toMaggie24Bev31

i am also over 60, a diabetic on diabetic meds that actually cause thrush (as well as diabetes also being a cause of it). the nurse practitioner/diabetic lead nurse warned me when she prescribed the tablets that it was more likely to cause thrush. i had had to come off Metformin because it worsened my IBS.im now being prescribed clotrimazole and hydrocortisone 1% in seperate tubes and i am supposed to mix the two together before smearing on. a very hit and miss idea. maybe i would be better to get my daughter to buy it for me. cos this is not working well and i get so sore.

skybluepink profile image
skybluepink in reply toMaggie24Bev31

The GPs are also directed not to examine you knowing your history & weaknesses .Where are the ethical ones? They certainly didn't go to Medical School carefully selected by character .Now it University call centres ??!!

In our day Doctors came from a Family of Drs & ethics was inbuilt.The Specialists were in charge & way GPs behave now would not have been acceptable .

They too have fallen foul of the Contract & Remit .I thought there was an Nhs constitution ? If calls centres administer with no discretion it is human rights abuse & this is how Primary & Secondary Care is organised without anyone accountable only the Insurance Companies.We are too much of a risk so ignore.This is human rights abuse .

Di7Hop profile image

I tried yesterday - I am just over 60 and got the same answer. However, next available appointment with GP is 29 July so what can I do now.

skybluepink profile image

According to a former GP most middle aged women have this bug that does not need treating, when had proved mine could cause excrutiating painful and spasicity spasms in the spine showing a sepsis high count .

I have the graph and evidence that continuous utis from a child had scarred kidneys and caused IBS? .Yet local Urologist last year discharged back to this GP. When top Harley St specialists had recommended be referred to them on NHS This was refused This was ignored So had to pay for MRI which had not been done privately as A& Es told not to test.

My Urologist in London was a Prof they did not transfer appt 3 yrs ago when moving & had to changed GPs 5/6x as a result as London GPhad moved at same time phoning Specialist before she went re disability relating to this Is this why in my book on top Doctors there are no Specialists dealing with urology and related problems.

Surely NHS structure needs to be more holistic with OBJECTIVE research from day one.

Or does it only deal with married women ?

didgeridoo profile image

If you can't get canestan for whatever reason you might like to try the remedy we had in the 1970's and before when canestan wasn't so readily available. Buy a big pot of natural yoghurt (not flavoured) and apply it to the affected area and just inside your vagina. It provides instant relief of the symptoms and combats the infection naturally because it contains bugs that 'out compete' the bugs causing the infection. The pH (relative acidity/alkalinity) of the yoghurt also provides an environment that discourages multiplication of the bug that causes thrush. N.B. Just eating the yoghurt does not have the same effect!

EXCHOC profile image

I had this experience yesterday - used to suffer thrush when younger. Just suffering from particularly nasty spate and felt really old yesterday when local pharmacy said they are not licensed to sell to over 60s! Apparently it is less likely to be thrush. However, I have Type 2 diabetes my sugars have been high and that can cause thrush!

Crystal_1 profile image

I had this problem today as well, I found the situation so embarrassing . just finished a course of antibiotics and like many times before after a course I always have the problem. Are they telling us that at this age we can't develop thrush? I went to another chemist and bought it without any problem and I'm also wondering why there is no information on the box regarding this .

in reply toCrystal_1

I had the same problem...antibiotic then thrush...had it before so I knew it was that...won't sell it to me at Asda pharmacy.

Tay3 profile image

I am 66 and have had constant UTis, thrush, and Lichen Sclerosis. I now buy thrush treatment on line including Fluconazole . It is impossible to get a Doctors appointment for 3 weeks, and I can't get a prescription without being seen.

The Yoghurt treatment as mentioned never did work for me. Fluconazole was a godsend.

I do this at my own risk.

in reply toTay3

Where do you buy it online? I tried and it asked for dare if birth...said I could not

gittaspa profile image
gittaspa in reply to

Try GROUPON,look up Google,hope it helps.🤗

skybluepink profile image
skybluepink in reply toTay3

I thought a discharge could be a sign of Cancer .How do they know it is not a predisposition ? Is this another Metoo situation again NB Constitution of CCGs & Dept of Health , I expect will be mostly men with biased economic interests ? There is no Provision for primary lipo -lymphoedema that could be a sympton of lymph cancer / My history & genetics need looking at to examine the risk? Do they or law care ?

I was denied Canesten in Boots last week for the first time at the age of 68 because I was stupid enough not to know about the apparent over 60 rule, and found the pharmacy assistant very patronising as though I was not in charge of my own brain at such an advanced age. She offered to sell me vagisil as she clearly understood that even if I had been willing to waste mine and my surgery's time, it would take weeks to get an appointment with a GP. I declined saying that I needed a cure NOW, not a commercially produced panacea. Then I said I'd go elsewhere and lie about my age which really seemed to displease her as I think she felt thwarted. I really feel it's inappropriate for a pharmacy assistant to be recommending random products to use on my genital organs having just refused me a product that gives a known cure!

I went to my local independent chemist and would have lied, but lo there was no such guardian of the gate here and the product was freely available on the shelves and I bought mine with no comment passed on either side.

So be aware and prepare to lie! Give a younger age if asked or swear the product is for your daughter.

This is clearly impossible for pharmacies to police and it is age discriminatory for no stated good reason. I only hope that whoever has imposed this nonsensical restriction on older women is the victim of their own ruling at some point in future!

skybluepink profile image
skybluepink in reply to

It will soon be robots doing it .If you try & raise issue with their Pharmacies & Supermarkets franchising out , yes their Customer Services they are directed to have brain fog & cut you off from their deliveries .And I am on the case there are many single solo & Vulnerable who are not so this attitude could be fatal .I except CAB don't care either as too bothered about towing the line like the Specialists reducing the number of bed blockers ?

Then if you need an antibiotic immedialy & have deliveries you could be waiting weeks especially at holiday times .It doesn't matter to NHS they just whip out our wombs when we become useless in their eyes developing Dementia & urosepsis .

boudicca54 profile image

try online chemists, I have bought it from them and the soap etc from ebay. is cheaper than prescriptions and quicker. I am 62 and have had no problems buying it.

skybluepink profile image

Isn't a discharge one of signs of cancer ? NB I thought the system was supposed to be catching cancer early? When there are directives not to Test in primary care & a&esso you can be targetted urgently how is this going to happen when they have age restricted policies & procedures Surely this means the NHS admin system is not fit for purpose using admin to use Choose & Book to balance the books ignoring our family histories for urgency .Time rested GPs who need to address symptoms & research is out of order & unsafe .Are we guinea pigs Watchful Waiting - delay then use our records when we die before we should.If the Hippocratic oath was still taken would this state of affairs be still happening ?

KandyKist77 profile image

Ha Ha, I went into Boots today to to buy Boots Anti fungal cream, when I got home I found it was “thrush cream”. Now I haven’t got thrush but being a bit overweight I suffer with soreness in the folds of my skin (fungal) so I read the leaflet & was amazed that it cannot be sold to people over 60. I AM 81

This has made my day, I must still look like a 59 year old. Lol lol

skybluepink profile image
skybluepink in reply toKandyKist77

Clotromizadole from GP masks the symptons of early cellulitus well.That is if you can bear the aggravation of appt .access .They are now instructed in my latest Surgery to ask the problem then give you to Dr not investigating referring or accountable ??!!Lovely !

IsabelWe profile image

Im 15 and had the same problem. I went to boots and the women asked how old I was, being the first time I ever bought an over the counter medicine I told her I was 15 stupidly. She told me she couldn't sell because I wasn't the right age. I left the shop and went next doors to superdrug. Got asked the same thing so I told them I was 16 and the women asked for proof of ID I told her I didn't think I needed it and she spoke to the manager of the pharmacy and they let me buy it. If needed, just lie as much as you can to get it.

Tarny64 profile image

I have just finished antibiotics & now have thrush. Was refused treatment at the chemist,as I'm over 60! Bloody ridiculous! 😡

Canarykeeper profile image
Canarykeeper in reply toTarny64

I am 71 and not been able to buy a canestan pessary from the chemist but I have just ordered one off ebay! Cheaper and postage free!

MaxGaz profile image
MaxGaz in reply toCanarykeeper

No you can't, go to Amazon, I did.

MaxGaz profile image

Canesten can be bought from Amazon, regardless of age, I have just purchased this there because unable to buy from local chemist! If over 60, which is nonsense.

MaxGaz profile image

I had the same problem, so went to Amazon and bought it there!

Pharmacystaff profile image

Unfortunatly working in pharmacy we get this all the time, no one in any shop not just in a pharmacy's. We are not allowed to sell anyone over 60 or under 16 any canestan products, as it is not licensed for those age groups when you are over 60 you can get something called Atrophic vaginitis which mimics thrush it happens to postmenopausal women who's lack of oestrogen reduces vaginal resistance to infection and injury, which can produce similar burning and itching symptoms to thrush, but thrush is uncommon in postmenstrual women. Therefore we can not sell it because it could not be thrush at all. You can't sell alcohol to anyone under the age of 18 as it is not licensed(But eveyone seams to accept that law)At the end of the day don't take it out on the staff we are just following the rules just like everyone else. And yes I know it is impossible to get face to face appointments with you gp on the spot but there are different ways to go about it you can Wright a letter to your gp you can ask for the doctor to give you a call ask the receptionist they are likely to give you a call back the same day and there is even online doctors. So you can't say it's impossible to a prescription because it's not. We are incredibly lucky to have the NHS it is filled with some pretty amazing people that take care of our family and friends.

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