Is there a service that could help me get to hospital as i need an operation & will not be able to drive . I live 35 miles from the hospital at Exeter?
Getting to Hospital?: Is there a... - NHS England: A Ca...
NHS England: A Call to Action
Getting to Hospital?

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Have you contacted the hospital to see if they have hospital transport that can collect and deliver you home? Or are there any local charities that provide this sort of help, may be worth visiting your local library, community centre, Gp surgery to see if they have anything placed on their notice boards, regarding transport, another is your local council may have some contacts.
Have you spoken to the hospital? My brother-in-law has help with travel costs when he visits hospital for check-ups as he doesn't drive and there is no direct public transport. Have a word.
If you haven't managed to find out anything do contact the hospital social work or welfare department as they can advise, probably the transport section at the hospital also can.
The ambulance service have a Patient Transport Service which takes people to hospital. To qualify your need must be that physically you are unable get to hospital any other way due to disability or injury or you have a need medically to be monitored during the journey or that it is dangerous for you to use public transport.
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