Legs burn so bad and cramp and throb both my torn shoulders hurt. I can’t believe I fighting so hard as I was told I will end up in a wheelchair and was before and fought my way back to the walker. I don’t intende to let that happen. My arms hurt my hands go knumb fingers all distorted and spinal pain and I had my Trazadone upped to 200mg before bed to sleep and It hurts to get dressed and do my hair and makeup for my vanity and positivity everyday to fight this. We all just have to get up and try. I’m on another round of 2000mg of Keflex now still have infection and my Docs are doing what they can. There’s no cure and theirs nothing we can do for you and I not give up! God bless you amen 🙏 please pray and stay as positive as you can and always help others.
My body hurts and is slowing down - Neuropathy Support
My body hurts and is slowing down

My heart goes out to you! I write these few lines in pain but soon the Gabapentin will take the edge off. I am currently in the process of laying quite a big area of crazy paving. It hurts to do it and I only manage an hour or so each day. But it is too easy to say I can’t do it. Neuropathy limits me but does not stop me. May the Lord be with you and let him know his presence with you!
Oh thank you Martin own pleasure to meet you and God bless you too and prayers for you I was on gabapentin twice before and it messed up my head and my wife made my mental state is not good and it just affected me wrong. So I’m on Pristiq and baclofen and hormone therapy I’m also on lupin Estradiol and And for paying him on Kadian and state taxes and medical marijuana which still is a battle within my heart because I am a Christian but it is a pain remedy even if it’s a short term it at least for if it’s 20 minutes or 30 minutes. At least in that time frame you’re not in pain. But I’ve used less and less of it as I’ve been using it for so long it just doesn’t have any real real real relief for me. So they’ve they up my trazodone at 200 mg a night so I could sleep because some nights to three hours or not at all till the next night and and so the trazodone increase is helping me sleep but I still wake up in pain if it’s not in my hip pain shoulder pain because I have two torn shoulders or if it’s bone pain or my degenerative disc disease pain when neuropathy which I have all over and then of course I just got recently diagnosed with lymphoedema so on top of all that I have a hernia in my abdomen down the metal that is getting bigger and bigger And basically the Dodgers or tell me there’s nothing they can do for any of my diseases and there’s no cures for any of them so So I will keep on fighting keep on working with the doctors working with a Lymphedema Treatment specialists and a lot of work needs to be done on my feet there is a painful lump on my right foot full of fluid I imagine they’re going to drain that it’s just a little overwhelming but I know I can handle this I just ate I pray every day talk to God anytime take solace in the Lord and I also take solace in my family and my friends and especially on this support group for without any of youSharing and it’s all helping each other by supporting each other and sharing each other’s journeys and just being there for each other to talk as my husband just so heartbroken over the fact that they can’t fix me and he hast to watch me suffer like that and he’s cried. That broke my heart a little to no my husband loves me so much yet he can’t do nothing for me but yet he does he’s there for me he he hugs me he holds me he he chose to do anything he went and got me a heating pad and it’s helping soothing a little so I’ll take that and anything I need to hear he will make sure I have regarding medical And also through the primary care network I will be taken care of with the nurses and continuous physio Therapy and Ongoing ways to deal with With their many illnesses that I have to deal with and I recommend any of you to seek community help from I care network a pain clinic etc. Well I have rattles on long enough so so to all of you God bless you all you’re in my prayers always hugs to you all keep your chin up it’s a A cruel disease but there’s always help out there if we need it. Remember when your fall asked the Lord to lift you up and he shall as he’s done for me so many times before in my darkest times he sure me to the light and I’ve managed to get back up again and and fight every day as life is precious even if we’re suffering our lives are still precious amen. There’s a beautiful song I know a religious song. The song is called rise up it is a beautiful song I listen to it every day and it inspires me So I recommend to all of you please look for this song and listen to it listen to the lyrics and be moved and be touched and feel the Lord with you amen God bless you all
Franklin, I wonder why you beat yourself up about the medical marijuana? God made this plant grow on earth for us to use to help ourselves just like other remedies. I can’t believe He has a law that we shouldn’t use it. That is a man made law to protect people from skunk and other harmful forms. Use the plant God sent you to help with the pain without feeling guilty, just give thanks that He sent it for you. God bless you. Take care and be kind to yourself. Gentle hugs.
Awe Schoeytrav! Yes I never looked at it that way and yes I will quit beating myself up over it when it’s necessary. Ty and god bless you amen 🙏 I hope you’re doing good and hugs 🤗 and prayers
You have been in my thoughts and prayers and also your poor husband. Keep rising up as that is all you can do. The body fails but the spirit lives on and stays strong. Bless you both!
Awe ty martino that was very inspiring and beautiful. I am very fortunate to be alive and life is a gift 💝 I was told I had Lupus this past Friday and a painful cyst on heel of right foot that I can barely step on and I start a new pain med today and I prayed to god that it works good. Very strong pain drug with anti-inflammatory drug which will also help with the Lupus, Lymphedema, Neuropathy and to have some quality of life back just to be in less pain would be a miracle. I am being sent for a Cystoscopy with maybe another biopsy.Doctor called me 2 days ago and they putting me in leg compression cuffs that covers the legs and the leg compression specialist who did the leg compression testing that told me I was in bad shape and got my pressure levels taken and they take levels and blow up these leg cuffs like blood pressure cuffs but only these cover my legs and Docs say I have to wear them as it will help me. I must say that even though I have so many things wrong with me and I’ve been lucky enough to beat cancer in 2000 and then my benign pituitary tumor was size of walnut, also beat a tumor that had been connected to my one ovary and it grew to 20cm ( size of a watermelon) and I had to walk around looking like I was pregnant as tumor was so big. but with grace and power of the lord I made it through so much just like all of you and we’re all still here because of God and the continued support from this group from Doctors from family and friends. Please always remember that life is so beautiful and precious it’s meant to be lived. Do things that’ll make you happy 😃 feel better and will give you that fresh outlook on life. We must stay positive cause all of us are precious and no negativity is allowed as it can be our downfall in our journeys! I mean don’t get me wrong! I cried so hard on Friday after leaving My G. P. Yes I felt better and collected my thoughts and said to myself I’m ok I can handle this, like we have a choice as we have no cures, but at least I got the closure and that is now I know everything I have wrong with me so I research healthy tips, diet, exercise, positivity, and much love ❤️ and support. My heart 💜 and hugs 🤗 and prayers go out to all of you and I appreciate all of you and your sharing and your inspiration and support! Hope you have a wonderful day it’s 17 today yes beautiful gorgeous weather this week so must try to get fresh air. Make a list of all stuff you want to try new that you never did before and now you can just do what makes you happy 😃 and rejuvenates your mind heart ❤️ body and soul! LIVE LIFE TODAY FOR TOMORROW IS NEVER GUARANTEED! God bless you amen 🙏
Big hugs. I have stopped all the medication for neuropathy in my feet as the side effects were making me have severe anxiety. I cannot cope with the side effects of amitriptyline and the neuropathy. It has been nearly two weeks since I stopped (after cutting down first) but I am going through withdrawals but hopefully they should not last too long. This is a horrible disease xxxx
Yeah big hugs to you too sorry you’re going through with drawl and prayers and hugs to you. Yes this disease is cruel and when you’re on different meds the side effects can be so bad that makes you so sick and affects our bodies in such a way. My heart goes out to you and everybody out there. Yes I have a horrible time getting dressed I am I’m doing exercises to help with circulation of my legs and fighting pain still all day all night and waiting for For more treatment as they said they’d have to do a lot of work on me for my lymphoedema lake compression cuffs or whatever they call them. I hope and pray for everyone every every day hoping that we all get some peace and remember to enjoy life and nature music friendships family moments and positivity and perseverance. It is important to keep this attitude and try to do any little steps you can to fight this cruel disease I am having some sort of flair up for I don’t know why but it just seems my body slowing rate down and I’m fighting it but I feel that yeah sometimes I break down and I just ball and then I get back up again with the Lord strength and the strength of my love for life my lust for life my husband and my two beautiful daughters.
Oh thank you Martin own pleasure to meet you and God bless you too and prayers for you I was on gabapentin twice before and it messed up my head and my wife made my mental state is not good and it just affected me wrong. So I’m on Pristiq and baclofen and hormone therapy I’m also on lupin Estradiol and And for paying him on Kadian and state taxes and medical marijuana which still is a battle within my heart because I am a Christian but it is a pain remedy even if it’s a short term it at least for if it’s 20 minutes or 30 minutes. At least in that time frame you’re not in pain. But I’ve used less and less of it as I’ve been using it for so long it just doesn’t have any real real real relief for me. So they’ve they up my trazodone at 200 mg a night so I could sleep because some nights to three hours or not at all till the next night and and so the trazodone increase is helping me sleep but I still wake up in pain if it’s not in my hip pain shoulder pain because I have two torn shoulders or if it’s bone pain or my degenerative disc disease pain when neuropathy which I have all over and then of course I just got recently diagnosed with lymphoedema so on top of all that I have a hernia in my abdomen down the metal that is getting bigger and bigger And basically the Dodgers or tell me there’s nothing they can do for any of my diseases and there’s no cures for any of them so So I will keep on fighting keep on working with the doctors working with a Lymphedema Treatment specialists and a lot of work needs to be done on my feet there is a painful lump on my right foot full of fluid I imagine they’re going to drain that it’s just a little overwhelming but I know I can handle this I just ate I pray every day talk to God anytime take solace in the Lord and I also take solace in my family and my friends and especially on this support group for without any of youSharing and it’s all helping each other by supporting each other and sharing each other’s journeys and just being there for each other to talk as my husband just so heartbroken over the fact that they can’t fix me and he hast to watch me suffer like that and he’s cried. That broke my heart a little to no my husband loves me so much yet he can’t do nothing for me but yet he does he’s there for me he he hugs me he holds me he he chose to do anything he went and got me a heating pad and it’s helping soothing a little so I’ll take that and anything I need to hear he will make sure I have regarding medical And also through the primary care network I will be taken care of with the nurses and continuous physio Therapy and Ongoing ways to deal with With their many illnesses that I have to deal with and I recommend any of you to seek community help from I care network a pain clinic etc. Well I have rattles on long enough so so to all of you God bless you all you’re in my prayers always hugs to you all keep your chin up it’s a A cruel disease but there’s always help out there if we need it. Remember when your fall asked the Lord to lift you up and he shall as he’s done for me so many times before in my darkest times he sure me to the light and I’ve managed to get back up again and and fight every day as life is precious even if we’re suffering our lives are still precious amen. There’s a beautiful song I know a religious song. The song is called rise up it is a beautiful song I listen to it every day and it inspires me So I recommend to all of you please look for this song and listen to it listen to the lyrics and be moved and be touched and feel the Lord with you amen God bless you all