Hi everybody I haven’t been on here for a while. I’ve been pretty sick and can barely walk my kidney is so bad my lymphedema is so bad the doctors told me that they’re doing everything they can to save my life and I’m doing everything I can to work with them on that and I also am doing stuff that I enjoy. I haven’t left the house in a while just other than the doctors when I got more pain my energy levels went right down and it’s been hard to get them back up and been sleeping a lot, using a heating pad constantly too soothe my kidney. My RN nurse from Homecare is helping me they’re going to help with the compression wraps for my legs as they are purple my ankles are swollen and Painful as my lymphedema is really bad. I recently about a month ago went out to a comedy show with my husband and his folks and had a great time laugh so hard after such good medicine so I’m still trying to follow by that rule I watch a lot of comedy listen to music I do exercise if it’s not on the boat on the bike it’s in the chair cause I do chair exercise every day pain or not and I am really dehydrated drink and gallons and gallons of water and staying positive praying to God every day And enjoying every moment of precious time with my family my loved ones and talking to friends and just try to keep my head above water and stay afloat just like all of us on here. I Send much love prayers and hugs your way. My thoughts are with all of you in my prayers as well and remember we must all stay positive and enjoy life as tomorrow is never promised.
Docs are trying to save my life - Neuropathy Support
Docs are trying to save my life

You and your husband stay in my prayers . Your amazingly positive outlook is inspirational!
Ty Mottsie you’re in my prayers too and I on a new pain med that gives me some relief but I’m on maximum dose and my kidney is relentless and my husband wants me too go to a hospital but all they’ll do is give me a pain medicine shot and send me home being told there’s nothing they can do! So why sit at hospital for 8 hrs in a waiting room as they make you sit as all these people come in with stuff they’re doctors clinic can fix and cause there’s nothing they can do for me I’m left sitting waiting in pain and who can go through that when they need help? I see both my pain doc and my G. P. Right away and we see what the recent analysis turned up? Well I Hope you’re doing well and hugs 🤗 and prayers to you. God bless you amen 🙏
OMGoodness franklin
You poor thing. I’m sooo sorry about all of your suffering sweetie
I just prayed for you again dear.
Please keep us updated on your situation dear.
I wish I had that healing wand 🥢 so I could cure you ...all of us!!’
Continue to hang on sweetie. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
Bunches of hugs 🤗 love ♥️ kisses 😘 and prayers 🙏 sent your way.
Love you sweetie EvaJo.
Awe ty honeybug! You truly are a blessing and I pray for all of you to not suffer! We all have hard journeys and I am fighting as life is so precious and loved ones friends like you dear 🤗🤗🤗🤗☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️😘😘😘🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏I will keep you posted dear. I use heating pad constantly on my kidney and I keep asking the lord for strength and to pick us up every time we fall down god bless you dear take care.
Thank you sweetie and the same to you too dear. 🥰🙏🙏🤗♥️🙏
Bless you abundantly dear friend franklin.
Ty honeybug and may the lord bless you always with love life and positivity and hugs 🤗 and support and abundance and allow you to enjoy 😊 your precious life and be blessed to always be loved my dear friend and blessing amen 🙏I was crying last night wishing I never got so sick and I have my Lymphedema treatments starting this week and I am scared and hope-full! God bless you amen 🙏
Hi my dear franklin
I’m in the USA 🇺🇸 in Michigan. I thank you sooo much for the lovely blessings and I send the same back to you too sweetie.
I am so sorry that you got sooo sick and for all that you’re suffering with.
I watch a program that shows lymphedema treatments. One lady suffered with it only in one leg. It was tripled in size to her normal leg. The treatment involved special massages and elastic bandage wrappings around the lymphedema leg. This was done for several weeks because of the enormous size of her leg. When the treatments were finished the leg returned to normal size. It was amazing.
I just prayed for you sweetie for comfort not to be afraid for success in all of your treatments and healing and restoration.
While I am afraid yet will I trust Him.
I am here for you franklin. I’m your friend sweetie. You aren’t alone.
You take care my dear friend.
Love you sweetie.
EvaJo 😊🤝🙏🌿🌸🦋🤗♥️🥰😇
Ty granny b your so sweet and caring and yes too bad none of us have a magical wand. We have to keep fighting and stay positive and hugs 🤗 and prayers and positivity my dear