I am a diabetic. I have a tight sock syndrome first starting on one foot but now affecting the other. I also have lower spine degeneration causing relentless back pain, sciatica and nerve pain on buttocks. There is a preparation advertised on-line called Neuropathy Support Formula, neuropathytreatmentgroup.com. The reviews are pretty good but I wonder if they can be trusted. Has anybody tried this and got good results?
Anybody has successfully tried B vitami... - Neuropathy Support
Anybody has successfully tried B vitamins and Alpha Lipoic Acid to reduce nerve pain?

I have tried vitamin B complex and although it does not resolve the situation it does reduce the severity of the discomfort
The Neuro Support Formula contains B1 in the form of benfotamine 600mg and B12 methycobalamine 4000mcg, much higher doses than found in regular B Complex. Other B vitamins are B2 8mg and B6 8mg, both in smaller doses. The alpha-lipoic acid 600mg is in the form of R isomer which is biologically active. In addition, there are other herbal components. The formula looks good but I just wish to hear from Canadian users how helpful it is and how satisfied they are to deal with the supplier.
I get a b12 shot once a week , also take gabapentin, gliclazide,oxyneo,perks. I need all these for neuropathy in both feet . Still no repeat . Piease does anyone no of any better pain releaf .
I am taking neuropathy support formula along with the their product for accelerating the results, for about 5 months now but i haven't seen any significant improvement and the vitamins are very hard on my stomach so I can only take one a day. I will keep taking them until they finish and see if there will be any improvement
I got the formula in a few days ago. Have been taking it accordingly, 2 twice daily. I don't expect to see any profound effects any time soon as claimed by some reviews. I wanted to try it because there is currently no officially approved corrective treatment for neuropathy beside using antidepressants and anti-convulsants which cause a lot of undesirable side effects. The ingredients and the amounts in the formula do not seem to pose any harm. If it works, I'll spread the word. On the other hand if it doesn't, I know it could be just another snake oil. I have already spent a lot of money and time on other failed therapies.
May I know what sort of medications you are taking to relieve your symptoms?
I am on Celebrex, Cymbalta, Tylenol Arthrits LA, Tylenol#3, gabapentin, plus topical Pennsaid. I use the lowest dose possible but can barely control my pain. Recently, I use a compound mixture with gabapentin, lidocaine & ketoprofen for skin areas with nerve pain. It helps somewhat but not as much as I originally expected. The idea is to treat those neuropathic areas topically without systemic effects.
I'll be back on the forum to update how I make out with the formula later.
Now you've got me thinking about trying it. It's not that expensive.
I am going to buy some and then take the bottle into my doctor.
She can tell me if it's worth taking them.
I am back to this forum after 10 months absence. About the neuropathic pain formula, it doesn't really help much. In theory many of the ingredients are beneficial for nerve health though. Early this year I was hospitalized for an ER surgery when my left leg couldn't move. Now my leg can but only recovered to 65% of normal function. There are nasty symptoms about six months later when my back pain intensified and neurological symptoms got widespread. First the tight sock syndrome remains. Then there is a tight rubber band like grip starting below the knee and spreading down to the foot, as if I am wearing a tight knee high stocking. Anybody experiencing these symptoms? My side buttocks seem to be on fire now so is the sacral area. I've tried neuropathic compound on Rx containing ketamine, ketoprofen, amitriptyline, gabapentin, etc. It seems to help but I got leery about sensitizing the skin, which may make it worse. Now I've discovered using coconut oil to massage on the affected areas. It helps calm down nerve endings to a degree that provides 75% reduction of neuropathy symptoms. I just started using this so I don't know if it maintains its effectiveness with repeated use.
I tried them some time ago....all they did was deplete my bank account. I was also told by a Neurologist not to take vitamin B6 as it aggrevates nueropathy.
Do you take omeprazole?
Back in 2010 was undergoing chemo and radiation therapy leaving me with sever neuopothy in my feet. I did take alpha lipoic acid along with a B complex. It worked for me. I bought the supplements at our local Walmart and took them in the morning and evening.
Quipa - I am going to try the combination of alpha Lipoic acid, B Complex, and Omega 3. Hoping!!!
Can you tell me, do you take them at the same time? I only ask because I read something somewhere that said to take ALA on an empty stomach.
I take B vitamins containing Benfotiamine and Lipoic Acid separately now. Not sure if they help the pain as I am also taking Gabapentin 1500mg/d and Duloxetine 30mg/d. Furthermore, I have a Butrans 20 patch on 24/7. Leg symptoms are getting worse. Had received an epidural with some results. I wish I could find a specialist to help determine the pathology of my nerve issues.