Hi, I have recently changed from pregabalin to gabapentin, am on 600 mg gabapentin 3 times a day, but I am really struggling to control the pain, spasms in foot, its horrible, can't describe it, like a burning, spasms, like somebody is squeezing my foot hard, really uncomfortable, I am assuming this is a form of nerve pain, could also be something to do with the tendons where I had my toes removed. I am not allowed to take codeine, just oramorph and paracetamol, obviously the gabapentin is not working yet, have been on it for a month. I don't know how to control this pain. Somebody suggested a tems machine, not sure what else I can do, it is keeping me awake and its hard to focus.
foot and leg pain getting too much - Neuropathy Support
foot and leg pain getting too much

hi there,I think any pain when it’s chronic gets you down.
I’ve been on Pregablin now for a good 8 yrs,I don’t feel it worked at all for me,but you just keep thinking maybe once it gets into my system I’ll be fine. But no never done anything for me now I’m hooked and I’ve got to try and get off it,which is not easy. So when it comes to pain relief,be very careful if it’s doing nothing for you,you don’t get addicted to it. Apart from that,if I could help my own pain ,I would help you. But good luck to you.
Hi, I was on pregabalin for about a year, not a huge dose but needed to get off it, the weight gain was too much, 3 stone in a year is too much to deal with. I am on gabapentin, its stopping the nerve pain but not the spasms, I think something else is going on they have not found yet, it has been there for several years, getting worse. If you want to come off pregabalin, just do it slowly, I got off it in about 5 weeks but only because I wanted to get on to another drug. I wish you good luck too. It isn't easy, none of it is but it can be done.
I didn’t find Gabapentin or pregabalin did anything for me. I am now on Fluoxetine and Duloxetine and found them much more effective. When cramps were really bad at night I took Quinine which was helpful. I also take co-codamol 500/30. I researched before I see my GP and take a few ideas to surgery with me, as there is little in advice to GPS. I see some have had good results from Sildenfal (Viagra) but my GP says it not licensed for PN so can’t prescribe it. You maybe able to get it on private prescription.
I am on epilepsy meds, lamotrigin so my Gp has to be careful what she gives me, the gabapentin and pregabalin help but don't stop the spasms, I have had duloxatine but it makes me very depressed, low, I have enough problems, don't want to feel suiiidal too. Codeine does help but can't have it with gabapentin but co-coldamol should be ok. I need to speak to my gp about it. I still wonder if the spasms are to do with my cerebral palsy, who knows?
Hi all,
I just found this group a few minutes ago.
I was diagnosed with PN 13 years ago at 57, but only diagnosed with diabetes 4 years ago. My PCP said PN is elusive, can be caused by 100 different things, and symptom management was the best he could offer.
So I don’t know if the fact my PN preceded diabetes by 9 years is important or not. Meantime, here’s what I do. My current PCP has me on DULOXETINE 60 mg and PREGBALIN 150 mg x 2 times a day, and the neurologist I saw a year ago put me on ALPHA LIPOIC ACID 300 mg.
The PN was fierce for several months early in the past year, but is currently the mildest it has been in several years. What a blessing.
I hope this is helpful to others.
Have you tried Amitriptyline or similar? Also magnesium oil/spray can be helpful for cramping, doesn't work for everyone but think it's always worth a try. I use it ( a lot ) everywhere, really good for feet & legs, RLS, cramps etc ...