Posts - Pregnancy and Parenting Support | HealthUnlocked

Pregnancy and Parenting Support

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All posts for April 2022

8 weeks pregnant possible miscarriage?

TW pic however 8 weeks pregnant started bleeding a little bit hcg levels went up...
Talvarez1993 profile image

14 weeks 5 days pains

Hi, I’m 14 weeks and 5 days pregnant and the past few days I’ve been getting sha...

Baby position

Helo all dears Quite worried about baby position.. On left and right side of na...
Momtob profile image
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Swimming after immunisations for small baby

My son was born around 5lb and is wearing tiny baby clothes. After his immunisat...

Is this implantation bleeding? [GRAPHIC]

I got my period 2 times in 1 months. I have no late periods.
Euphoriasq profile image

Is this implantation bleeding or my period?

I started my period 2 days before i was expecting it. I usually don’t get my per...
Euphoriasq profile image

First holiday with a baby

Baby is probably stretching it as my son will be almost 2 when we go on our firs...
Solly-44 profile image

Implantation Bleeding?

The most likely time of conception was one week ago today. Yesterday I began ble...
mf17 profile image

Positive or not?

I was wondering if anyone one else can see the faint line
Gehring555 profile image

Implantation bleeding timing???

Is it possible for implantation bleeding to start the exact same day you were su...
SBORB profile image

Period or implantation bleeding

Sorry about the picture 🤢 but is this implantation bleeding or a regular period...
SBORB profile image


Hey, First time mum to be, can someone please tell me what size nappies I'm sup...
Cookies7 profile image


Im 8 weeks pregnant and I’m worried I’m taking too many medications and my baby’...

I am not sure am i pregnant

I did test 2 days before periods. I am not sure am i pregnant? I have already ...
Rosemughal profile image

Csection or normal vaginal birth? 38 weeks pregnant

Hi, Today i went for 38 week scan. Baby's weight is 3601grams or 3.6kg. From 28 ...
Hiramunir78 profile image

Feeling low - baby not settling

Hi my lovelies, I think I’m just looking for some reassurance really. My gorgeou...
Millbanks profile image

Implantation bleeding?

My periods usually start around the 23-28 . My recent period started on the 1st ...

Hayfever and Pregnancy

My Partner and Myself are trying for a baby and each year I suffer really badly ...

What do you think?

Hi all, we went for our 20 week scan and baby was super shy and had their legs c...


Hi I’m currently 15 weeks pregnant through IVF. Due to the nature of conception ...
Babytwinkle profile image

Private pediatricians London - colic, reflux, intolerance, wind or wonder week madness?!?

Hi all, I'm incredibly frustrated and disappointed with the NHS. I've been trave...
Bella_Bee profile image

Is it a positive?

I don’t know if I am looking too hard or do anyone else see a line, me and my hu...

Covid vaccine

Has anyone who has had the covid vaccine, get like a trapped nerve feeling in th...
Annh17 profile image

Trying to conceive

So we have been trying for about 7 months now and no luck yet, I know these thin...
Annh17 profile image

2 faint lines with clear blue, 3 days late, started light spotting 3rd day….am I pregnant?

Hi - so my husband and I are trying to get pregnant; I took 2 clear blue tests, ...
Rach304 profile image

10 month old still not sleeping at nights

can anyone help or have any tips on how to get my 10month old to sleep at nights...
Walker1992 profile image

19 month old suffering with bowels

Morning everyone. Reaching out to see if anyone has been thru what my daughter ...
AGKG profile image

Speech delay with my daughter who is 3 in June.

Hi everyone. I feel so worried and scared that my daughter Francesca isn’t talki...
Jess1981 profile image

Pelvic Girdle Pain or SPD HELP

Pelvic Girdle Pain or SPD. Please help!! Has anyone had this and been able to fu...
Hidden profile image


Hi! I’m 6 weeks + 1 day pregnant and for the last couple of weeks been suffering...

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